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Flavien BM/SV Hunter


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I hope you dont mind if i use a previous application template.

1. List your character name, class, relevant talent specs and armory link. If you have any competitively geared alts, do the same for them.

http://us.battle.net... ... ien/simple

2. Give us some basic biographical information. What is your current age and gender? What real-life

commitments (work, school) do you have? Give us an idea of your everyday schedule outside of WoW (list specific hours).

I am an 19 year old male, I'm currently working and 8 to 6 job and going to school part time. My weekends are typically free.

3. Please list SoH's current raid schedule and describe any conflicts you may have with it. Also tell us how much time, outside of this schedule, you generally spend on WoW.

Tues, Wed, Thurs 9-12 EST, I have no conflicts with this raiding schedule I'm always off work in time and I make an effort to always show up early to raid. I generally spend anywhere between 20-30 hours a week in game.

4. List your full raiding history in chronological order. Be specific on which classes, guilds, servers, and dungeons you were involved in. Be sure to inform us on any extra responsibilities you might have had (officer, raid/class leader etc). Which one of these guilds was your favorite and why?

I started playing about midway through vanilla but didn't get much endgame action till TBC so ill start there.

I Cleared Karazhan with a very minor raiding guild but that got boring very soon, I wanted to see more content so I left and teamed up with Lost Soldiers and managed to clear SSC, TK, MT Hyjal and up to Council in BT. We never really attempted much SWP, gm was really dead set on trying to down illidan before nerf patch or xpac.

I stayed with Lost Soldiers through the dead period and continued to raid with them when WoTLK hit. We cleared 25m Naxx, Ulduar with a few hardmodes (I was also part of our one light 10m team). We continued to progress through to ToGC downed Hardmodes up to Twin Valks(again part of the weekly 10m Tribute to Insanity run). ICC hits and raiders get burnt out so the guild quit raiding. I leave Lost Soldiers for Champions of Light and down LK 25m and proceed to do 11/12HM 10m.

I stayed with CoL into the beginning of cata but the guild fell apart so I joined a guild named War Ensemble and we managed to clear TotFW, BWD, BoT all with a few heroics. We proceeded into FL and cleared it up, and eventually got down 3/7H before the huge nerf after that we would go 6/7H weekly.

Prior to DS coming out War Ensemble practically disbands so I was without a guild for a long time, for the life of me I cant remember who I downed Madness with, but after a while I teamed up with xoxo and started going on vexx's 5% 25m Pugs we were doing 4/8 hms. After a while people stopped showing up so he went to 10m and I got cut, a few weeks later the members of my now current guild Insidious Intentions transferred over and were looking for a dps to pug heroic madness so we downed it and they liked me and that's where I am now, doing 10m 8/8H weekly with them.

Insidious Intentions broke up early in mop so a few of us left to raid with Adoration, I've been with Adoration since. The progression was alright 4/16HM and the environment was very friendly and laid back so It was nice ,but recently we haven't been able to find a solid 9th and 10th spot and pugs were a huge let down so the guild decided to transfer to a more populated server. I didn't join them.

The Squirrel Mafia was my last guild and they are awesome, I was benched because having 3 hunters was a bit much but i was something i completely understood so no harsh feelings. We were progressing on H Horridon when last i raided so I am currently 2/13H experienced at the moment.

Lost Soldiers was my favorite guild of all because they were so much like a family to me but they were also extremely serious about raiding.

5. What is your current / most recent guild and what are your reasons for leaving?

TSM, Was asked to bow out.

7. Hardware. List your CPU and GPU (how to). How much FPS do you generally get in a raiding environment? Off the top of your head, can you think of the most taxing encounter on your computer and how much FPS do you get there?

Intel® Core™2 Quad CPU Q8200@ 2.33GHz, 8.00 GB of RAM, 64-bit OS. I generally run around 45-50 fps in DS, Ultra and i only drop down to about 30 fps, the frame rate issue i used to have is solved and will not be a problem ever again.

8. Describe for us how stable your internet connection is + how much latency do you typically raid with; Have you done the registry update to reduce your latency?

42ms(world) 42ms(home) my latency typically stays the same I cant remember the last time I had a connection issue other than storms.

Yes i have.

9. Include a link to a screenshot of your UI (Imgur is good and easy). Additionally, list ALL your movement keys and ALL your chosen binds to your class abilities. Applications without this answered in full will not be looked at.


Before I list anything I want to mention that I'm using the Razer Imba and http://www.logitech....en-us/gaming/mi ... board-g510 So I'm able to bind quite easily.

1. Cobra Shot

2. Explosive Shot

3. Arcane Shot

4. Black Arrow

5. Serpent Sting

6. Kill Shot

7. Murder of Crows

8. Multi-Shot

9. Dire Beast

All of the above are bound to my G7-G15 keys to the side for easy access

Caps Lock. Hawk to Fox switching Macro

Mouse Button 4. Disengage

Mouse Button 5. Deterrence

Naga= Num Pad

1. Cooldown's Macro

2. Hunter's Mark


I'm a Mouse turner

Q. Strafe Left

W. Foward

E. Strafe Right

A. Rotate Right

D. Rotate Left

G4. Strafe Left

G5. Foward

G6. Strafe Right

10. What would you expect out of a good raider? List anything you can think of and then tell us what you did in your previous raiding experiences to fit those expectations.

There are many things that sum up a good raider but quality a raider can have is punctuality, learning how to be early when you are told to be on time, it shows an eagerness to learn. I always tried my best to show up early so that i could get my binds,addons, raid mats, and strats ready to go so that as soon as i got invite i would be ready to focus and get started. Compliance is also a good quality to have, being willing to respec, reforge, step out or change your professions to maximize your raiding potential will help any person become a great team player. Lastly but not least important is being knowledgeable, keeping yourself informed on boss fights and strats, knowing whats best for your class and knowing what your class can do to best benefit your raid.

11. Criticism. Thoughts on taking it or giving it?

Criticism is what turns good raiders into great raiders, being able to listen to corrections and adapt on the fly is a quality that raid leaders love. I am open to all criticism and will so my best to make the adjustment and understand why it needed to be made. On the other hand I only give out criticism if I know for a fact it will benefit someone and help them improve what they are doing.

12. Include a link(s) to a recent and relevant raiding parse.

http://www.worldoflo... ... 90&e=14022

13. Any final comments?

I hope I've made my intentions and aspirations clear and I wish you and your raiders good luck in MoP

14. We are interested in your app, how do we best contact you?

Ingame, My battletag is Eli#1986 and my battle net email is Edragonslayer@comcast.net

Oh and just like furcadia I know striudr

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Hi Flavien,

This is a recent post from Ashin that I am going to copy/paste here since you can't see this part of the forums yet. Looking at your hunter pets you have some names that we don't really approve of. Do you have issues with these ground rules?

I hope to see those names changed soon.

Five Dirty Words

On the wild frontier called internet, it is common for people to say something offensive but subsequently declare that it is "okay" because they "don't mean it like that." I've always believed that if you don't mean something, you shouldn't say it. Likewise, when you say something, mean it.

Some of these are so broadly used that you may have stopped thinking about them. So, I want to alert you of my expectations regarding language use.

1. Faggot (or variations).

2. Nigger (or variations).

I don't care what you think you "mean" when you use these words. They have no place here. If someone is being an asshole, just call them that. If someone is your friend, just call them that. Say what you mean and drop the ugly context of these words. I chose the n-word because it is the one most commonly covered by the "don't mean it like that" blanket. But, to be clear, I tolerate no racial slurs.

3. Rape (or variations).

Gamers love to rape things. It seems like every time they win, they rape. But this word has a specific meaning and it, too, is ugly. Casual use of this word is not female-friendly nor is it socially comfortable to me.

4. Retarded (or variations).

I used to say this all the time until I had a roommate that worked with the mentally handicapped. It's the same as fag really - you're denigrating a group of people because you couldn't come up with a better vocabulary word. Our language has thousands of more interesting or creative ways for you to describe how you feel; pick one.

5. "That's gay."

There are definitely times in life when we encounter things that are exceedingly gay, and they should be identified as such. For example, I think that pink elephant on the Delirium bottle is pretty gay. So are the two main characters in Supernatural. But when you think something is stupid, please say that it's stupid, not that it's gay. The gays have already been told that their immortal souls are burning in hell; they don't need to be blamed for bad game design on top of this.

We also have a code of conduct here http://www.sohguild....ode-of-conduct/.

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Hi Flavien,

This is a recent post from Ashin that I am going to copy/paste here since you can't see this part of the forums yet. Looking at your hunter pets you have some names that we don't really approve of. Do you have issues with these ground rules?

I hope to see those names changed soon.

We also have a code of conduct here http://www.sohguild....ode-of-conduct/.

I have no issue with these rules at all.

And if there's any consolation I happen to be an african american myself and those words don't offend me so yeah.

Personally i think racism is over used and the fact that it still gets under peoples skin confuses me but i have no reason not to comply.

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Ooh Midri you can be just like Sigourney Weaver driving her loader thing at the end of Aliens! Maybe Friday we're going to work on your delivery of her key line during that scene.

Flavien, those rules are not based on your skin color. We have a wide variety of people here, and everyone has a different threshold for being offended or annoyed. Those rules are based on my threshold. I am an old man and am easily annoyed. For example, having a hunter whose pets are all named as variations of "nigger" would annoy me. And since this is my guild and it requires a lot of my time, I feel okay asking people not to annoy me.

Your thoughts?

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