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Posts posted by imartyr

  1. Hello Toobz abd Lindels, thanks for the welcome. In my opinion the best sci-fi genre game is a tie between Portal 2 and Planetside 2. Not only is the story and lore behind both games compelling and nerd heavy with quantum space travel and futuristic gadgets and weaponry but the gameplay mechanics and emersion both games had was so well detailed I never once questioned the route developers took to progress to the next level. Very fluid emersive gameplay.

  2. Hello South of Heaven! My name is iMartyr and i'm here to introduce myself. Kiffen and Hungsolo have directed me here because I've been on the lookout for a great group of individuals to run with and to be a contributing member of their Wildstar gaming community. My background mostly involves FPS and PVP type games with a strong interest in the Sci Fi genre, i gamed a few months in WoW but mostly to hang out with my friends. It's been a decade of gaming with the group i run with and that includes both Hungsolo and Kiffen. 

    In the game i am a DPS engineer with two gathering skills. I enjoy making money but i'm close to landing a skill in a trade soon. I'm mostly just funding my friends and their projects as well as mine.


    In reality i'm a designer by trade, married, own a house, car, have little debt, and 0 kids. I got all of my major life accomplishments out of the way so that i have time and money for my one true love: gaming.


    My  goals are similar to Hungsolo's and that is to do everything.  Wildstar has been an incredible and unique addition to my gaming portfolio and at the very top of my list of goals is to design Warplots. I enjoy level design as well as design in general and the housing system, a long with most customize able options that are available in wildstar, blow me and my time away every single day i log on. I hope that i one day i can contribute my love of design, detail, and work to this community


    Thank you for your time,




    P.S. find my plot and check it out!

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