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Posts posted by soupynoodle

  1. Ha, well you've got a good list going there, some of which I listen to also.  Tool would be an interesting show.  I always wanted to see muse, personally.  Weezer was probably the best show I saw though - they got so involved with the audience.  Nothing like the lead singer going 40 rows back in to the crowd to show some love to the poor folks.

  2. Thanks all!  Appreciate it.  =)


    Vanity - The intro guide was great, and easy to follow.  I still have to take care of the mumble bit, but I have it installed so when I am free later I will hop on. 


    Etol - that's like asking me what kind of food I like, almost impossible to answer.... When you eat too much pizza, you get tired of it.  It is the same with music for me.  Lately I have been transitioning from a rap / hip hop phase (TI, Drake, Eminem, etc), and in to a 90's rock phase.  Who knows where I will go once I get tired of that.  What about you?  I would insert some jokes about country music here, but I see that you're from Arkansas so I'll let you reply before I got there.  ;)

  3. Hi there, South of Heaven! I am Soupynoodle, and I am posting here in hopes of joining up with my long time friends, but am also hoping to become part of a larger community.  From my friends, I have heard that this is a group full of good folks to have some fun with.  My friend Kiffen would be the member I know that has been with you the longest, but recently iMartyr and Hungsolo have joined up as well.  We have all been playing games with each other since somewhere around 2004 (Dang, I am getting old).  Specifically, iMartyr and I are high school buddies, and have been playing games together for even longer.  Over the years we have all played several games together.  We've done everything from Planetside (1 and 2), world of warcraft, minecraft, portal (1 and 2), and even the occasional call of duty or battlefield game thrown in to the mix.  We have all recently gotten hooked (addicted is more like it) to Wildstar, we're nearing 50, and we're looking forward to continuing our shenanigans.  


    I am looking to get everything I can out of this game, and seemingly there is an almost unlimited amount of things to do.  Getting anything major accomplished however is typically dependent on being a part of a larger group.  What makes this a great game to me is that the more people you have around and the more involved you get, typically the more fun it becomes.  I hope to be a part of that fun here with you all, be it a group activity, a raid, some PvP, or just someone needing help - there is always fun to be had along the way, regardless of the occasion.  I like it all, and I would love to participate and contribute in that kind of fun with the folks in this community.  


    A little bit about me when I'm not mashing buttons in Wildstar - I have been married for just about 1 year now.  I work 40 hrs a week as an internet marketing analyst, mostly staring a spreadsheet of some sort.  When I am not either working those 40 hours or spending time with my wife, you can find me in wildstar mashing buttons.  I play a lot (more than I probably should), and hopefully soon I can be playing with all of you in that free time.  





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