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Posts posted by Lantheru

  1. Hi Jackal =)- Vax got really drunk playing beer pong once and ended up in drag due to a lost bet or dare. I will look for the pictures and post them promptly. 


    Hello Ashin!- I love starches, but rice was my first and will forever be my great love. I call myself an amateur leather worker because I have sunk more money into learning the skills for the hobby than I have saved myself in the long run. I don't sell anything, so unless I start really making some nice things someday to justify all of the expenses it will forever remain a skill that I tried and never really got good at. I picked it up way back when for costuming purposes (Geeky costuming purposes) and I've always wanted to develop the skill. It's kind of like how I wanted to learn how to play the piano and didn't get very far.

  2. Hi Lindels!- I've been working with leather on and off for a few years. It's hard to say what got me going in the first place, but I think it was when I saw a really neat bag at a renaissance faire and wanted to reproduce it. I eventually found out that the tools required for the hobby are really expensive and it wasn't nearly as easy as I'd hoped it to be. I've been doing simple belts, harnesses and holsters lately since I've had a good bit of spare cash to invest in the tools. I'm a long way from anything really intricate, but you have to start somewhere. Tandy leather factory has a few stores out in California that I visit for tools. Usually the steps involve choosing the right thickness of leather to work with and the proper rivets or snaps to match that thickness. You cut out whatever design or pattern you need (a mistake can be very costly), dye it, then punch holes where you want to join different pieces. My best work has been a belt with a shoulder strap that I made for a costume. Relatively simple, but it came out exactly how I wanted it to. There's something uniquely rewarding about making something like that for yourself. I've been watching videos on how to tool leather, but being about to pull off some of the complicated artwork some people do might be beyond my ability. I am better at designing for function instead of aesthetic. Hope that answers your question. Let me know if you have any more.


    Hi Etol!- The last book I read was the 6th or 7th book in the Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan. That was over half a decade ago. I don't read nearly enough to be considered anything but an uncultured simpleton. I'm also terrible with names and couldn't name a 90s alt rock/grunge band but I do know that I like most kinds of music and would happily listen to something someone else likes and tell them if I agree in the likely event that I do.


    I do not cook my steak. I coat it in oil, armor it in salt and pepper, and leave it on the counter to contemplate its grim fate. When it is ready, I throw it onto a pan heated by the fires of perdition itself. It only takes a few minutes for the screaming to turn to a low whine. It receives a short respite before being consumed. =D



    Thanks Vanity. I'll give it a read and do the thing. I'm excited to meet you as well!

  3. Hey all!


    I'm Lantheru. Vaxattack has successfully convinced me to start up on wildstar and encouraged me to post an introduction here. I started MMOing back in EQ1(as a ranger) where I sunk ridiculous hours into the grindfest. I did some raiding, but stopped when whatever expansion after PoP came out. Pretty much all of my friends had stopped playing at that point and I was the last man standing. I continued online gaming with WoW. I went on raiding hiatus after my prime as a shaman in Black Temple, but continued to support my guild despite a busy college schedule. Once I had more free time my guild wasn't doing much raiding, so I dumped all of my time into PvP and achievements! I played battlegrounds, brawler's guild, and arena to death. I realized my gamer hunger was sated around when I beat brawler's guild and I eventually went to focus on work and adult things. That was about a year ago. I recently moved to SF east bay and now that I have work that offers extremely flexible hours I've found myself in a position to really sink my teeth into a game. I'm currently trying out a spell slinger, so we'll see where that goes.


    My non-MMO interests include a vast array of other kinds of gaming. I play console everything-except-sports games, a bit of RTS, and I'll usually try almost anything. I have DMed and played in several successful and long-lasting tabletop RPGs.  I like listening to and performing choral and small vocal ensemble music. Some friends and I occasionally sing together. I'm an an amateur leatherworker. I eat rice with almost everything. I enjoy camping and hiking with friends.


    Anyway, that's all I can think to put down about myself. Feel free to ask questions and such and hopefully I'll get to meet all of you!



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