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Posts posted by Kadeim

  1. Do you own a pony? If so how does it make you feel when you ride it?

    You inherit one ton of marshmallow fluff. If you could do anything with it, what would you do?

    You can only hear one song for the rest of your life: Banana phoneThe Song That Doesnt End, or The Banana Splits Theme?

    Where would you go in a time machine?

    Would you rather fight one horse sized duck, or 20 duck sized horses?

    Who could punch harder: Superman or The Flash? Additionally, which would win in a fight?

    What would your DJ name be?

  2. Hello everyone!


    I'm Chris - Kad'eim Sideria in ffxiv. Upon returning to final fantasy, I discovered my free company was dead. Typically i'm the only one online, and on occasion my good friend Brobo Cop is as well. None the less, it's pretty dull. The free company used to be so robust and full of life! Now it's a husk of its former self. With only the sad sad shout chat to entertain me, i decided it was time to move on. 


    Boom Stick is a really good friend of mine, and suggested i join South of Heaven as a social for the time being. We've been gaming together since A Realm Reborn came out, and raided together when titan hard was actually hard. Once i get my item level a bit higher on my ninja or warrior i'll likely apply for a raid spot if room is available. 


    More about me: I'm a computer science major (HAH! NEEERD!) at the university of arkansas. Most of the time i find myself playing WoW, FFXIV, or misc games when i'm not bashing my head against the wall in class. I also like long walks on the beach and touching butts of all shapes and sizes. If i'm not stabbing things on my catgirl, i'm likely kick-punching things on my monk, Boxybrown, in wow.

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