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Posts posted by Geonde

  1. Thanks for the welcome, Dero and Darl! I'll be sure to check out the other parts of the forum.

    My parrot is very, very chatty.. Very cheeky too! He has told me to "be quiet" whenever I'm in the middle of a conversation.

    And yes, she is very obnoxious sometimes. :)

  2. It's okay, weird people are the best!

    My first cat is named Ping, he's a behemoth. 18 pounds with little to no body fat. he's also a complete klutz and usually knocks things over just trying to go around the house. He bites you if you don't pet him.

    My other cat's name is Pandora, she's an outside cat. Compared to Ping, she's very small, but a very skilled hunter. She once brought in a crow like a total badass. I wasn't even upset about it, I was impressed! She also drools when she purrs.

  3. Well.. I'm from Canada, and I'm looking to start schooling soon to become a veterinarian technician (kind of like a pharmacist for animals). I would also say that I'm a very kind person, but I'm not a pushover either. I have 4 dogs in my house, but mine is a dashund/pug mix, he's very funny looking and I love him to death. I also have 2 Siamese cats, an African Grey parrot, and a fish tank. I don't really know what else to say about myself, lol.

  4. Hi! I'm Geonde, but my character here is Pringus - an Elemental Shaman. I've been referred by Minimanz, a friend and raid buddy of mine on Alleria/Khadgar Alliance. I raid in Arbelos on my Hunter, which you can see here - http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/khadgar/Xenotheory/advanced

    I'm a 20 year old dude who loves the outdoors, hiking, skiing, but I love video games just much. WoW, DotA2, TF2, and Hearthstone are some of my favourites. I'm pretty competitive, but I know where to draw the line between fun and insanity. I like to good around (I'm kind of a dork), but I have limited patience for people who waste other's time. Even then, I'm usually the one to bring some lightheartedness during tense moments while progressing.

    I am not completely positive if I will ever be raid ready on this character, but I'm sure I'd change my mind once I'm exposed to your guild environment. :)

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