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Posts posted by Bennersftw

  1. Beautiful! Logging on now. Beautiful, I am accepting the request, reading and signing all of the good reads above and setting up Mumble!  :) 

    I will be away most of tomorrow as I'm taking my girlfriend to her exam but will pop on at some point tomorrow! 


    Thank you again for the opportunity! I am excited to finally find a group of players who enjoy a great online experience!

  2. Good day,


    So a little bit about me. I enjoy long walks on the beach with fantastical battles erupting beside me in the Sand Dunes of Death! Or rather, I enjoy writing. Writing is one of my favorite past times along with digital art. I am currently studying Behavioural Science to work with individuals whom suffer from disabilities. I hail from around Toronto Ontario. You are all more then welcome to call me whatever you'd like. Friends call me Benners but if you don't want to be a friend then Ben will be suitable... jerk..  :angel:


    MMO's I have played are.. World of Warcraft for 6 years, obviously. Guildwars 2, and Final Fantasy 14. I've played more but those 3 are the main 3 I enjoyed the most. Final Fantasy 14 being the most recent, though I un-subbed that game for EVE, my new found love  :wub: . Favorite NON-MMO game? Wow, that is such a tough question. I mean, throughout the years of growing up? I know I could pick childhood games but, I really got to hand it to Mass Effect 2. My god did that game just suck me in like a class 6 worm hole. Yeah, it had me at Sheppard.

    Outside of gaming and school and beside my writing and digital art, I love my time in the gym and working at GNC (oddly enough I enjoy my current job). 


    Dililah, I look forward to flying with you and exploring the galaxy  :clap:  <--- whatever that emoji means, that's how I feel. 

    Oh Ashin, loyalty is by far a rare trait found in people. You can assure I'll be by your side and everyone who represents South of Heaven when needed. Hoorah.


    Reading and Youtube videos are all I have been doing before bed and during my homework. Studying for exams has taken a slight shift in priority as EVE has been introduced into my life. I have tons of pages open that I am working reading through. I'm drawing my info from eve-wiki, wiki eveonline, wiki eveuniversity. Youtube channels I've been watching would be, Scott Manley's complete beginners guide, Andrew The Red1's market and industry tutorials, and watched Operation Dx1's EVE story (for pleasure).
    Though I agree with Chibi, if any of you have particular sources or suggestions for educating us on EVE, we're totally open for any and all advice! I'm brand new to the game with zero knowledge so I'm working into the wee hours of the night to educate myself on the game and tackling the in-game career missions. 


    Chibi and I are currently relaxing from our last exam and are discussing the exciting adventures to be lived with all of you! So thank you for all of your comments and I appreciate the opportunity to allow you all to get to know a little bit about me. 

    Lastly, the learning curve of EVE is definitely welcomed! It's about time I found a game that doesn't spoon feed your a story or game play. A much more rewarding experience emerges from a game that allows you the free will to figure it all out on your own. 

  3. Good day everyone,


    I was referred to you guys by my RL friend, Chibikuma. I just started EVE and would love to be apart of your Corp! I unfortunately don't bring any experience to the game, but have played many MMO's and games throughout my life. I have been watching tons of videos and reading forms on EVE to get the idea of it. My name on EVE is Bruce Wayhn. I have Mumble and can get any other program that may be required.


    I look forward to meeting you all and being apart of the wonderful stories that you and your fellow capsuleers have embarked on! 



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