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Posts posted by Gerus

  1. Welcome!  It's traditional (looks disapprovingly upward) to ask some random questions to get to know you better.


    Why did you choose a monk?  What drew you to the class?

    What's the worst advice you've ever received before playing an MMO?

    Lalafel, are the better roasted or stewed?

    Should Pluto be reinstated as a planet, or is he better off as a dog?


    1. I think what originally drew me was the positional requirements. I think positionals are the one of the more mechanically unique things in FFXIV, and monk is very different from any class I've played before. Also who doesn't like punching monsters in the face?

    2. I think it would have to be when I first started playing EVE. There was a guy sitting outside one of the starting stations challenging all the new kids to duels. Someone in the one of the NPC starter corps insisted that the duels end at 1HP. Turns out they don't, and needless to say my snazzy new venture didn't survive.

    3. Roasted, no doubt

    4. No way. Not unless the other dwarf planets get to be planets. No special privileges for Pluto on my watch. I believe in a day where all dwarf planets will have equal representation!


    What is your favorite part of being a monk? why is the loving sound of chakra?

    how many ducks have you fed in your life?

    besides MMOs and school what do you enjoy doing in your free time?


    1. Definitely Elixir Field. Hands down the best new spell. Yes?

    2. Only once and never again. It was an emotionally scarring (almost physically) experience.

    3. I've recently been getting into board/tabletop games with a group of my friends its a lot of fun. Other than that I really like indie/folk rock, so concerts are always fun.

    Follow up Pluto Question:

    Should Pluto have the same rights as Goofy?

    Do you believe in the conspiracy that Mickey is keeping a Mute/Deaf friend as a pet?

    Will you join me in my crusade for equal rights for animated disney dogs?

    These are some pretty serious ethical questions. 

    1. I'm not sure we can say they don't already have the same rights. How do we know Pluto isn't choosing to act as a pet for Mickey? Isn't it his right to be a dog?

    2. No, I think bystanders would react more strongly when Mickey takes him out of the house.

    3. No.

  2. Hi All!


    I’m Gerus and I’ve been playing a monk in FFXIV.


    I’ve been playing MMOs since I was little, starting with FFXI. I switched to WoW during vanilla and have played off and on ever since. I raided a bit during vanilla and in WotLK during Ulduar, but the majority of my raid experience has been as a hunter over the last few years in MoP and WoD. I think Zuju and Logic covered all of our recent raid shenanigans in WoW and how we ended up in FFXIV, but I'm looking forward to the smaller raid sizes.


    I’m currently working on getting a PhD in microbial pathogenesis, so I spend a lot of time playing with bacteria and moving liquids around.


    I’m looking forward to getting to know all of you. 

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