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Posts posted by Bobhall1

  1. If i passed everything then sign me up! Now if i could i like to join after the holidays officaly. i got some traveling an ill b with family so i wont be completely active to around mid january. but like i say i want to join lol.

    soryy about posting late. been busy.

  2. I drink bud when i get that cheapo feeling. plus i dont want to share my heiniken or my micholeb with others. But i am a Fan of a good bottle of "Jack Daniels", though i dont drink it with coke. i go the bad route and drink it straight. cant resist it really. i do bricardi and coke mmmm so good. But i commited a crime resently and drank bricardi out of a Jack Daniels shot glass  :( so sad so sad. over all i drink about anything not picky there.


    Sorry Inedit, its hard to think random. dont worry u will c it happen. An hey HEY! there b nothing wrong with space fetishes. i just dont have one. besides EVE. XBOX! is wat i play when i dont play this. PC wise hmmm i resently got into Planetary Annihilation (space game), i love sins of a solar empire (space game), Dawn of War and Dawn of War 2 (some what space game). seeing a pattern here. and many others that arent space related. Eldar Scrolls Online baby.


    Ship types? Well just resently got me a interceptor a Crow. i can fly all T1 frigates of Gallente and Caldari. plus the destroyers T1 for both and cruisers and battlecruisers and battleships. but the BB's i havent settle in them yet. i built a Raven which is collecting dust with out proper weapons. 

    As for what i fly constantly, Caracal, Corax (baby drake), Kestrel, Condor, Drake; now i used to fly gallente and i still have my old ships but i dont really use them. i like watching my pretty firefly's zoom across space. also im mining to build a Ferox to use in the next few days since i have some stuff for it to use. last things i fly is T1 transports and i use a procurer for mining.


    I combine combat, mining, and industry to help each other. Combat for money to buy and extra minerals, mining for the basics, and industry for ammo, ships and maybe parts for combat. thats how i mostly play.


    Who plays paintball? or airsoft?

  3. mmmm, where do i start. I love to drink Bud light (piss water) when i lay back but if i have whiskey that is my alt.

    I have worked on mining alot in EVE, mostly high-sec but i have gone into low-sec a few, those were fun.

    I mostly do security missions but want to get into incursions, havent done one but have seen vid's, and

    i also do industry love mining crap load of minerals that i use to build a ship.

    As for wormholes, i have been in like three, not much experience, with some corps members. nothing happened. but my very first trip into one by my self saw me almost get killed by a NPC group lol.

    Ties? nvr really was picky about ties which ever goes well with my shirt. 


    As for when i can head out to u guys probably after the holidays. still need some more skills to run and some extra spending money plus im working on building a Ferox or Naga which ever i think of next.


    Asking me to think of something random like, Cheesecake!, is kinda hard sometimes. Random is Random when u think random at random times. its better with some rum not apples.

    Speaking of TBette's drinking problem (along with his "tie" fetish, cough cough) who has a favorite drink? NO MIKE'S HARD LEMONADE! that isnt aloud ppl. 

  4. Hello guys how r u doing? This is Bobhall1 and im looking to join u guys in null and learn the ropes on how to survive in PVP. i started playing about a year ago so i have some experience in Eve but i want to tackle null sec next. ive been in 3 corps they were all good but there was little to no leadership invovled so they didnt last very long. i have been in wardecs in highsec and i have a good idea that thoughs in low and null sec can b worse but i survived all the wardecs my corps were in with only one ship lost.


    Player wise im a chill guy that likes to lay back and drink a few and talk about random things. I am a team player that likes when ppl communicate and listen when its needed in certain situations. I am a bias person sometimes and i like to listen to everyones ideas and concernes to help build a better team.


    Other then that dont know wat else to put in this intro so ask away.

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