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Posts posted by Val

  1. Hey Morkgrim,


    I added your Btag (Mine is Myrenus#1335 BTW).  I read the Code of Conduct but I don't think I have permission to post in those forums, I don't have a reply button there at least.  I will sign once I can though!


    1.  Steak, because the rest are a poor imitation

    2.  Beer, though I do love a good bourbon from time to time.  If I drink its typically Corona or Sam Adams.

    3.  Duskwood because it it would scary and thus...FUN!

  2. Hey Mordigrim!


    That's funny, I'm usually some variation of 'Val' in all games but decided to go with "Rhoko' for my shaman which was my first character in WoW.  Keeping it classic.


    I mostly do trout fishing these days.  I live really close to a tailwater river that's cold enough for them to thrive year round.  Plus the cold water makes it more bearable in the summer time.  Used to do some catfishing but haven't in a long time now.


    1.  If I win the lottery, I'm going on the longest cruise I can find.  When I get back, I'll probably do it again!


    2.  Favorite unhealthy food: Nachos and queso dip.


    3.  Ron Swanson because I too love the outdoors, breakfast food, and a good bourbon.  I'm basically the guy they based the character on.


    4.  Reggae, because Bob Marley...and death before disco.

  3. Hey Folks!  Morkgrim from the Bloodsail Buccanaeers Server Discord sent me this way, so I thought I would introduce myself and see if we may be a good fit for each other.  I read through your guidelines and you seem to be a reasonable enough group of scoundrels, so here is a bit about me! 


    Me in Game: 


    Main: Rhoko - Orc Shaman (resto eventually) 


    Alt (more like 2nd main): Valmordis – Undead Mage (frost forever) 


    Play Times: Occasional day time play depending on my work schedule but mostly EST evenings (5-8 PM) and on/off all day on weekends (no later than 9-10PM).  I plan to be cap myself with 10-15 hrs a wk at most, so I won’t likely be on every day. 


    RP Style: Light, not really looking to get involved in deep stories but will gladly RP random encounters from time to time.  The shaman will simply be an herb/alchemist out in the world trying to make his way.  The Mage will be a mercenary out for profit with little care for anything else. 


    Goals: I’m in no rush to 60 but when I get there I’ll probably try to participate in most end game activities (dungeon sets and BIS gear, BGs, raids, rep grinding, helping lowbies, alts).   

    Raiding: I’m interested but would rather do 1 day a week, maybe 2 if the times work in my favor. 


    Voice Chat:  I’ll use it in groups.  Not shy or anything but my PC is in a central location where I’ll get lots of wife/kid aggro which will force me to be on mute basically all the time.  There is also the issue where I try to spare them from hearing certain mature topics that come up from time to time. 


    Me out of Game: 


    They call me Jason...I’m 38, been married for 15 years and have 2 daughters (13 and 9...but the 9 year old may be part demon).  I work as a business analyst for a large IT consulting firm which allows for some free time during the day when/if I get all of my work done...so that’s cool.   Work starts very early and I need my sleep, so that is why I will almost never be in game past 9pm or so.   


    I don’t consider myself a ‘gamer’ actually, since there are only 2-3 series I’ve ever been interested in playing on a regular basis (WoW, Fallout, Elder Scrolls)...but I do enjoy other RPGs from time to time.  I guess you could say I’m a casual.  My other hobbies include hiking, camping, fishing, and playing guitar. 


    I haven’t really played WoW since BC other than the last month or so while waiting on Classic...so it may take some time for me to get the hang of things again.  The current game is nothing like what I remember (not in a bad way...just different).  I don’t really have any expectations or goals going into the game again, other than looking for a fun way to spend some of my free time.   


    I don't really know anyone here...but if you have questions, ask away! 

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