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Posts posted by Terry

  1. I was 24 games in like 4 loses, was on a role! then hit silver... my god i have not played with people who were so bad since the age of the BR. My dreams shattered i have taken up a strictly nidalee diet. All nidalee, all games. I spear, I am legend :D

  2. I bought anivia cause she had the highest ap scaling from what i read (i didnt know things) and i played her with a trackpad. Im a really good anivia at least now ;D


    Also anivia is one of the only skins i own. (bought a skin too cause had some rp left over)

  3. ur telling me when a person in diamond or whatever the high elo is goes auto lock mid majaeis feeder lux, its different then bronze V where this strat is also used? Iv watched streams, and read peoples stuff from high lvl elo games, it doesnt change

  4. Its ranked duo solo que that really got the t in toxic. Littararly u can go 50 to 5 team wise and still have the chance of getting bitched out. I just mute and report later and that ussualy helps but once 2+ people start raging its probably a loss. Sucks that instead of relying on teamwork u have to que relying on urself to carry a lot of people who are gonna whine and bitch for 40 minutes. (getting high elo in ranked is litterarly u have to carry a lot of poor attitudes and it never gets better... seen videos of high elo players, its like bronze V all over again)

  5. when has her mark of assassin hit mult targets? Did she get a patch? But yeah a connect ability and burst damage really makes the ganker a ganker. I dont play champs without any sort of connect. But ryzes cc snare is quite far range and is long duration. But again i dont like ryze and i ussualy only play champs that can gank and put out very heavy numbers. Fizz the best ganker in game. Can get 5 kills ganking before second blue buff spawns. (i jungle fizz but sometimes top lane both end up the same)

  6. Akali has neither a wave clear or good cc. Ryze on other hand has all 3 things u said, a good cc (snare) and his ult is good for minions clears and jumping full hp before running away. Ryze is a great ganker but he is a bit weak, i dont like him much but im sure its cause i dont play him well. My best time with ryze was when i ganked with him though. Also who even plays ryze, its all about the ad zilean mid.

  7. Karma adc with a good zyra support is instant win, throw a good lux mid in there and u have a death strap of snares and sadness. Lux snare, zyra snare, karma snare, snare snare snare, win any team fight ever.

  8. iv been getting really bad players too, but i carry pretty well, i play mord atm cause with mord i can turn the game if things go bad, a good 6 v 4 during a team fight can make any game a good one, fought a 29 kill darius and it just went bad for him :3. btw when mord takes darius i get to stack hemmorages, its too fun :D

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