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Posts posted by Golkosh

  1. It was my pleasure it was a lot of fun and got me back into that whole i want to do prog content again, and i would but it says i cant change my forum name lol,

    and hopefully you heard good things i think i did alright lol

  2. Hey so i end up doing a raid with Blàckfeather, and got a boss down so im not able to go on sunday, but i will next week

    though you can ask black how it went, i think i did pretty good for my first time in the fight but yeah,

    my name has been changed to Golkosh, though you probably knew that thanks


    "by my axe"

  3. yeah i had the axe drop the first time i was in there i was so pumped... i was like yes im the only dps 1h and then o wait the ilvl350 tank takes it, who the entire time im pulling aggrro

    i was like hmm got to love life lol, but im going to do it till i get them

  4. Hey yall was wondering how my app was looking to yall, im willing to do a raid with yall being bwd or bot, to see how i look and how im doing,

    but to yall im am very interested, in joining your guild i need and want a good raiding guild with a little pvp, and yall are a perfect fit

    im willing and wanting if your okay with it going on to vent and talking ect.

    looking forward to hearing back from you

    Fartive (frost Dk ilvl359)

  5. lol well i guess so that might be where i get my rocket boots from it might just be rocket fart :p, btw just a update on my gear im ilvl355 right now and still working on getting more gear

    but i will keep yall updated

  6. Hello before i say anything, im looking to join your guild, please read all info before throwing my app out :),

    will get in vent to talk to yall or will talk in game if you want thanks :)

    Character Name: Fartive

    Race: Goblin

    Class: Death Knight

    Spec: 2h Frost

    Dual Spec: Might go unholy but right now im 2h Frost Pvp build

    Age: 18 almost 19

    Professions: Alch and Herb, with max Arch

    Gear: http://us.battle.net.../fartive/simple

    Enchants: in progress just got this guy up to 85 on June 27th 2011

    Alt: Wàffles (old main, Elem/Restro Shaman) he’s 10/12 plus Halfus on heroic, Barlot (Prot pally, 7/12 normal) Legàcy (fury warrior 10/12)

    Availability: Im a competitive swimmer I will get more into this later, but I swim in the mornings from 6:30am-9am Monday-Friday and Saturday, and Tuesday and Thursday I have another practice at 4-7pm

    Guild History: Have been raiding since Vill. My most recent guilds have been Enervate (ally side) who got 7/13 heroic but the guild broke up I was in there second group , I was in Cleave (ally side) in Wrath, and some other guild. Haven’t had a very good hardmode top of the end raiding guild since BC


    -Pre-BC: cleared all content

    -BC: cleared all but sunwell

    -WotLK: Cleared all content plus some heroics in LK, but stopped playing after killing LK and another on heroic

    -Cata: right now im 10/12 Normal +heroic half, only bosses im missing is nef and al’akir we just never got to them on the second group only raided 2 days a week.

    Why do I want to join: I want a good raiding guild again and get back into progression content, im willing to sit out and I work very hard on making my class the best it can be, I spend time looking up my spec and getting on a test dummy just to get a 1% dps increase, im always on Elitiest jerks, I know most classes inside and out have read about them on elitist jerks, Im very dedicated and looking to also pvp and this seems like the best spot for me

    Some History about me: I’m a competitive swimmer, im going to college on a swimming scholarship to a division 1 School, and if you know anything about swimmers we are hard workers and are dedicated, and look to always improve the little things. Im majoring in Criminal Justice and hoping to do something in either the FBI or go into the police force and go S.W.A.T if I can make it

    Why would you want to recruit me: I dinged level 85 on June 27, 2011, and am not very geared but not looking to get recruited right now if you do wish to have me in your guild at this time I would love to join you, im going to gear myself out as fast as possible, and im a very hard worker and will gear out really fast. I’m a Frost 2h dk and im will do to dps test for yall if you want me to and you can just test me out in heroics if you want or even raids once I get there. Looking forward to getting into your guild

    Thanks Fartive the amazing funny dorky Goblin Death Knight


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