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Posts posted by Longtotem

  1. So I figured since I'm bothering Purple Team so much, I'll just bug the rest of the guild instead!

    All jokes aside, I'm applying to the guild as a resto shammy. I know that no spots for healers are open, but I'm willing to just stay as backup until either team might have need of me. I've been kinda working on a Ele set, it's not that great but I can still dps if needed. I've been raiding with Purple Team since last week and I'm having a lot fun. I like the way your guy's raids go and how they are ran, the people and the fun/friendly atmosphere. Not to mention it sounds like both teams get it done, which is always a plus! Even if I am just backup, I think this guild is a good fit. Especially since the guild I'm currently in is kind of falling apart.

    I've been healing since late WOTLK, when I decided to stop playing my hunter and start healing instead. I had never healed before, and I thought it would be fun. I helped my guild at the time kill 10HM LK just 2 weeks after hitting 80. I've loved healing since, and quickly made my shaman my main. I have cleared 5/13 T11(before firelands) and thanks to Purple Team I'm 5/7 current content. If you're wondering about logs, I don't have any from before but you can check Purple's WOL from the last few raid nights if you'd like.

    Here's my armory: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/stormreaver/Longtotem/advanced It's pretty accurate but I change gear/trinkets depending on fights.

    IRL my name is Steve, and I'm 23 years old. I'm currently not going to school, but when I do I'm thinking of doing stuff dealing in computer science. I love playing video games like LoL, most first person shooters, RPGs and other MMO's. I'm also Kantankerous's boyfran.

    Thanks for your time and if you need to contact me, you can get ahold of me in game on Longtotem, or if I don't reply/am not on, please contact "KT" and she will let me know.

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