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Posts posted by GrayVon

  1. Hey Ash .. First thanks for the Access fix .. and you should check with GoDaddy.Com (Shameless Plug) .. I use them for name management and it lets me do the site forwarding links at will .. Not sure but I can check, that if you apply with them they can wrest control of your domain name away from the other company ... course then you could either have them host your site or choose a host site of your own choosing.

  2. Well you mention 8 sec and 11 sec pulls.. are you talking about coffee or espresso here? By the way, very few people could tell the difference between those two pulls; both are way too short. =)

    Argh .. You too Ash?

    why? what does a longer pull do other then make it stronger? and does the pull time depened on the bean used?

    Explain you Opinons, so that I might learn ...

  3. Couldn't find a Coffee Thread so I figured I'd start one, so sebby would have a place to Shine unlike any other ... :)

    Also, I was chatting with a girl the other day, a self-proclaimed coffee snob, and she was mentioning a coffee she got from Italy that was the best she ever had. I was looking to maybe impress her with my connections and unfounded knowledge, but thought better of it and instead just nodded politly and let her Rave on.

    The though in my mind now is that it would be neat to get a hold of some really good coffee and present it to her, just to show I was listening, but no clue as to what to get or where to get it. I mean, I'm happy with starbucks, I wouldn't at this time be able to tell the difference between a 8 sec pull or a 11 sec pull, or could I tell if the bean was over roasted or too moist ...

    You can see now why I come to the Seb, DoO's personal Coffee Conisiour!

  4. Monitor seems like a spy-ish word, and no, there is no reason other then maybe getting a feel of whats going on in there with out being in there. could help on deciding to play or not.

    I can understand you wanting to keep access to the boards a limited thing with a pvp type game, but the EQ2 forms are also closed off to me.

    Why would you want to restrict access to a defender anywhoo?

  5. CrevinSpelling > Spellchecker

    Woot ... ?

    Hmmm seems I'm in the boat with Crev ... I can only see the Public boards. How can I troll and post random thoughts if you restrict my Access (see I can spell)?

  6. Sigh .. the public boards are lacking enough content for a serious Fourm Troll such as myself!, I need more access for some serious trolling fun!

    Although the thread about the new banner takes some twist and turns and really never mentions how bad it is to download with a 56K modem (people still use thouse?) I must agree the Moth conection is tenious at best.

    The name of the guild/clan to one un-indocturened implies a not so perfect but still very nice place to be (once ya get past the WB conection).

    more ramblings tomorrow ....

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