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Everything posted by zapan

  1. ya example would be i am a <class name> 5 5 5 5 5 so you add your 6 to which you want spread out anyway you want ex 6 6 6 6 7 ex2 11 5 5 5 5 ex3 8 5 8 5 5
  2. its ongame cube he has the dumb squirt gun
  3. you have to pick stats too add 6 to the starting ones!!!
  4. ok so um pick one of the following class's and we go from there beter pick in less then 5 days because thats when we start ! all class's will be able to add 6 to there stats when you pst your class also post the stast you chose(you cannot reduce starting stats!!!) class's listed with startign stast only dont foroget to add your +6 or you loose them ya its dumb down but hey its on forums so ya str=dmg/smashing agi=evades/reflex vit=def/hp int=magicdmg/mp chr=umm ya i dunno but its here for maybe ash ya probly him each level you get 3 stats to spend on anything you want fighter (they smack shit with sticks and can use any item(except wand's) 6 3 5 2 2 rogue( dmg bonus from the rear and double evasion on trap's) (limited on gear) 4 7 2 2 3 mage(kinda more a sorc if you follow dnd)(ya they do a lil meele and alot of blasting very limited on armor no 2h wwps cept staffs) 3 2 3 8 2 cleric(heals meele armor yay!)(int is for heals too) 5 2 4 4 3 bard(they um sing and talk and they umm yay probly for ash too....) 3 3 3 3 6 so um heres the rules. i make them up dont like it to bad!
  5. WARNING SPOILER ALERT i found it the puppet scene there was alot more but this is first one that poped up on youtube!! it kinda gives away a big part of the 5th season but um if you are big fan of buffy you may already know about it so um v eiw at own risk!!! anywy here it is if you feel like watchin it <a class="postlink" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HuiHU7XZgmQ">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HuiHU7XZgmQ</a>
  6. I lost my lucky dollar!!!! But it was a silver dollar .... I think shaft stole it.... Damn ninja's!
  7. wouldetn that eb coverd under wax bic(disposable and or multiblade?)
  8. okok here we go! horns um big on head like a ram or minator for um raming or peircing!! one or the other not both !!! wing's limited flight iof any mega reduced falling and some glideing tail for um grace like movment and um why not grab shit too! claw's like a bear but keep the thumb's so you can kinda hold stuff and have the swipe/slash action! or could be like cat claw's less power but kinda retractable! third eye@@ um ya i dunno maybe place it anywhere on your body you want... shaft oh common who wouldent want a ninja robot to follow them around(shaft's pet also has a exp aura!!!) oh and one day maybbe he can be a real boy! so there you go if any further questions or debates on the desc please post and wait for reply odds are you will not get it
  9. appears to be just the epasode rerun on bigscreen.. anyway after season 6 i think anyway in 7 angel starts to overlap, and once you get to the pupet episode omg you will not stop laughing for a week !!
  10. then it would be in addition to the one's you have!
  11. shouldent say what? mtg or cd key?
  12. muds where! gimmie I still kinda like mtg ... :*( the problem with dnd is that its to hard to find dedicated people! Unabi .if you can find somewere to dl titan quest i will mroe the gladly give you my cd key
  13. oh ya dont bother with titan quest d2 is alot beter even thogh as ashin pointed out graphix's are ick
  14. haha no shit we are playing d2 right now too! working up to panda diablo in hardcore on west
  15. the very first episode of angel is what got me hooked and after watching angel I gave buffy a shot and its not that bad, angel is by far beter
  16. buffy season 8 is out in comic form !!! suposably it is all writtem by joss whedon ! cant find any local source to purchase it thogh If anyone knows a online download or mail order for it please let me know or more perferably a free download ><
  17. but what about you..? why you so fixated on my ass? its not really nice!
  18. powderd meat is the devil ever try a mre? they ar awful! ewwww ham and egg's no god nooooooo
  19. I have been busy to busy and will continue to be busy. I am having more and more free time sooooo!!! who is playing what and who own's what game's!
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