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Everything posted by Devilspawn

  1. If i has 2 1gb sticks of one name brand, can I get 2 1gb sticks of another name brand and have it work?
  2. Devilspawn

    Hey all

    Life stories are good!11! Glad to have you here, look up any SoH members in game and see if we can get you invited to a group and such....you know get that warm and fuzzy feeling and all the hopla. BTW stay away from Skaka and Natsu...they bite!
  3. Devilspawn


    All of your waters 100+, watering cans, soils, two fingers, a toe....and a lien on your second born child!!!!!!
  4. what application? I just got ashin killed so many times in so many games that he felt honor bound to let me in. Here is to killing him (and everyone else) many millions of times in the future also
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