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Everything posted by Stegosaurus

  1. Drpibb is how it will look until the end of days.
  2. Hi there - I was referred to this site from my friend Drpibb. I have not played World of Warcraft since June of 2011 but re-subbed with expectations that things will be better for Mists. Since being extremely tired of playing Shaman since ~2005, I'm re-rolling a new priest main. I have full intentions of healing in end game unless whatever shadow skills I acquire become sexier to the guild. Personal info: I'm 24. I have college degrees and live on the east coast of the States. I work on pretty much my own schedule so when it comes time to raid I will likely be available in the evening whenever you need me. I do try to adhere to a 9ish-5ish work schedule, the only deviation comes in the mornings (sometimes I'll work early 5am - 2pm or something like that). I never work late. WoW info: Here is a link to my old and haggard Elemental Shaman "Lokov": Click here. He's in a tuxedo because it looks good on him but his iLVL before I quit on him was 359 in May / June of 2011. This guy finished his stint with the now-defunct Cue the Credits. Blizzard was set on making Elemental Shamans bad at that time as we'd been in a perpetual nerf of sorts since Wrath. I love him dearly but my frustration with the class led to me taking a break. Raiding experience: I've played WoW since 2005 or so. Raided as a Tauren resto Shaman as early as 2006. Didn't play much in BC and did not raid but came back for Wrath. Played all of Wrath as an Ele Shaman up to Lich King. Quit to finish Masters. Re-subbed for Cata, got Defender of Shattered World title and Volcanic Stone Drake. Quit because of new jobs. New goals: I really want a guild that while totally interested in progression has a great sense of humor. I'll get down to business in game when it's appropriate to do so but I re-subbed hoping I can absolutely have fun while doing it. Pibb said you guys were a lot of fun to talk to, etc. and while I'm leveling to 85 (and eventually 90) I can definitely provide decent conversation. That all being said, my main WoW goal is to level a priest and be a great healer. I'm attentive to a fault so I figure it will be a fun new role for me to try. So if you have any additional questions message me in-game on Stegosaurus or obviously reply in this thread and I'll be happy to answer. Cheers, Stegosaurus (zack)
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