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Posts posted by Raer

  1. Greetings Gredge!

    Quite the thorough app, but not much of an introduction about yourself. What would you say your best quality is, in game, outside of a raiding environment?

    Also, to comment on your recent lag issues:

    Are you using wireless?

    Are there other people on your connection using things such as Youtube, Netflix or other streaming content?

    What region are you playing from? eg. East coast, west coast, Brazil..etc

    Arthas and Baelgun servers are located in Chicago and Frostwolf is located in LA while Area-52 is located in NY. Sometimes people have issues with their providers and specific locations so that might be why you have issues.

    Look forward to hearing back from you!

  2. Hi Cass welcome to the forums!

    I had planned to ask about some Ret type things but something else just jumped out at me. On the armory you're wearing 2 pieces of Raid Finder Tier, but your helm is Ret and your shoulders are Prot. I'm curious why'd you'd forego the Prot 2p and I think it's just a mishap but some clarification would be nice (:

  3. Raer I will send a btag invite - let's connect over the weekend. :)

    Sounds good (:

    Can I mew in your general direction without being judged? And Ohyeahhai.

    You can mew anytime, also hi!

    Would you say you are typically optimistic or pessimistic?

    I like to think of myself as a pessimistic optimist. I find the good in bad situations while finding the bad in good situations.

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