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Posts posted by Pook

  1. With today's "announcement", it almost seems like West Coast servers are the wise choice now. 7pm-3am is a far better schedule for almost everyone than 4pm-12am.

    Even East Coasters need to get home from work, eat dinner, etc.

    This lack of info is infuriating and a terrible way to launch the game.

  2. Fileplanet has very very fast speeds, and doesn't require a paid sub to download the file. It also uses a Download Manager, so disconnects won't give you any troubles.

    You might have to wait like 15 min for the download to start, but is well worth it.

  3. Relent you often have a way of explaining things very concisely. "In the spirit of the game" players is exactly what I expect to find. And I am in fact one myself. :)

    Yep, fairly excited that Lumiel seems to be the choice. With a bit more experience with the lore, I could easily see myself rolling a more "RP-oriented" toon down the road.

    Natsu might want to write up a few rules/guidelines aboot interacting with other guilds though. Not that I think anyone in SoH needs to be told, but no sense antagonizing even the most hardcore of RP'rs by making jokes in general chat etc.

    I play on the largest RP server in WoW, and even the people who don't RP have alliances and friendships with those who do. Makes for a unique experience. Hopefully Lumiel is similar.

  4. The "I shall smite thee!" types are few and far between, and mostly they get treated like harmless idiots.

    I swear to the Lord that this shall be my first chat macro and I will somehow attach it to every attack I have!

    Other than that, I do always get a chuckle out of the disdain RP'rs get from other nerds playing an online roleplaying game. Everyone needs someone to pick on, so we now have "levels" of dorkiness.

    For some of us older folks, our introduction to fantasy and roleplaying was before video games. There are still plenty of otherwise "normal" people who play D&D. It is fine if you don't want to RP, but don't look down on the people who are "doing it right". I actually tend to respect them. Most likely, they are getting more for their money than I am.

  5. I think the question with Zikel is quickly becoming whether it will be too crowded. :x

    Well, with how NCSoft seems to be handling this launch, all these initial servers should "theoretically" be filled up. I have to imagine they are going to have to open up new servers, prolly as early as launch day.

  6. Honestly, after WAR and my terrible server in WoW, I am really looking for a populated server.

    While being highly populated comes with its own problems, at least we know this engine can handle it. Don't want to be stuck in a place where the only action is taking place between 7-10pm every night.

  7. This change pretty much guarantees I will be playing an SM. Was the first class I was interested in, but the pet pathing was pretty awful and the inability to fly made them very frustrating.

    If this goes through, and works as well as it seemed in that video, I will be VERY happy.

  8. I actually am getting a bit worried aboot Asmo. It really does seem like it might be the overwhelming favorite at this point. I know these polls are not scientific, but every one seems pretty clear, and my in-game experiences seem to support it.

    When both races are the "pretty" ones, I tend to think PvP people are going to choose the "evil" folks.

  9. Once again, please keep in mind that no confirmed schedule has been released.

    Ayase is supposedly finishing up the release and it is coming today. He has tweeted and posted over at Aion Source saying this info will be in our hands by tonight at the latest, barring unforseen circumstances.

  10. I am beggining to feel more and more like Ashin with all these polls...

    Anywho, onto the long awaited question. As the title says, choose the race you would prefer to play most.

    (I am listing choices in Alphabetical order)


  11. In my experience RP guilds are better opponents because their motivation for fighting is purely because the story says they should be fighting. As opposed to many players today who will not PvP unless bribed with gear or money or some bar moving up your screen.

    That, and the fact that mostly mature players are drawn to RP servers, are the reasons I like it.

    This and this. I love RP servers because people do things for "fun", not always because they feel the overwhelming desire to min/max. You also tend to see different approaches to PvP and RvR, as RP'rs don't calculate chance of victory before engaging every encounter.

    I enjoy RP in a general sense. In a RvR/PvP game, I enjoy building up a sense of "hatred" for my enemy. Most of this is accomplished through actual conflict, but quests and lore can go a long way to building this up as well.

  12. The fact that they are restricting this to just two characters is fantastic. I have never been a big fan of pre-order bonuses, and the chance to get a name first is usually the most important.

    I have pre-ordered and will be spamming the login screen at 3pm, but am glad that people won't be able to run around and save every cool name on every server. Most of these names will never actually get played.

    Of course people will prolly just do the same thing on actual launch day, but at least the folks who didn't pre-order will have a puncher's chance.

  13. [youtubeHD]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="

    name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
    &" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/youtubeHD]
  14. Pretty deserved imo.

    Was on the fence for quite a while with AION, but 1.5 probably clinched it for me. Fixed a lot of the control and UI issues I had with the game, and gave some hope that NCSoft is committed to giving the west some focus. :p

    Still a bit leery aboot some things, but little doubt that AION will be worth the cost of the box and at least several months worth of play. Hopefully it is the game that tides me over til Star Wars.

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