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Posts posted by Kayvern

  1. I'm happy about it. I always enjoyed playing Karma just because no one played her and everyone talked about how bad she was. I always played her as a carry and usually won just because the other people were like oh its Karma easy kill. The changes make her a little more viable and I still dont see her played a lot. lol win-win.

  2. Sorry Dar wish I had something more interesting like BDSM or anthro (furry) or "golden showers" to make a better pay-off however its just lingrie and tatoos for me (forgot the tatooed part) (that i know of so far) . I would have to agree with Huntyre however that the real pay-off would be Ashins answer. Sorry to disappoint Huntyre!

  3. Hey Alaska, Welcome to the boards btw, but I actually enjoyed the Fourth Kind. Does it have anything to do with you acutally living in Alaska and you know that if you admit you liked the movie a white owl will appear outside your window at night? Oh and how much do you sell your luck for? Have you bought any lottery tickets lately?

  4. Annie ugh....most my games against an Annie....."An ally has been slain" me: Annie must be level 6 ...."an ally has been slain"...."an enemy is Godlike". me: sigh...

    For me Annie is like shaco or Katarina or Leblanc if they are on my team they are bad if i'm playing against one they are amazing.

  5. I love LoL. My question is when everyone finds the time to play? Are the weekends still pretty bad as far as afkers, feeders, and trolls? I seemed to have had most my luck playing during the week but going into work at 6am every morning with the WoW raid schedule playing during the week is largely out with the exception of some mondays and drunken fridays.

  6. Wow congratz I don't think I've ever been able to pull over 6 in a row lol and never 6 in a row ranked nice! And as support thats impressive. It seems for me playing support I get maybe 2 out 5 AD carries that know what they are doing if im lucky lol.

  7. Hello everyone. My name is Matt and I am an alcoholic. Oh? Wrong thread? Well in that case in WoW I'm known as Kayvern and I've been playing WoW since druids had shrubbery for shoulder pads (if anyone remembers tier one) and people were going afk in the Baron Geddon stack group and killing ~ 35 raiders. Good times Good times. I've raided All Vanilla content, BC content, Wrath content, and nothing whatsoever in cataclysm unless you count me accidentally converting a two man group into a raid while trying to unsuccesfully do two things at once. I leveled to 85 then decided to take a break and finish college (8 years of college and not doctor) . In WoW I've tanked, I've healed, I've dpsed, I've succeded and of course I've failed but I've always had fun. Excpet for that one time...*stares off into space* what was I talking about? Oh yes; I've been playing WoW for a little while. I've met a lot of really cool and interesting people and still talk to some of them today.

    That being said Iv'e raided with a few of the guilds "newer people" on different servers at different times and they are( in no particuar order) :

    Inedit( I was there for no bear ZA, however I did receive one not rubbing it in!)

    Jjones, Calandei, Deadalive (Rebentomar i think it is on this server, still call him DA!), Cuttlemuffin, Chubaaka, and flyinshoe/fatty.

    I have read in some of the other posts that you are pretty heavy on melee. I currently only have a 85 DK (frost dps) that I am playing on this server but plan on leveling up another class probably a druid, hunter, or warlock. Or maybe all three.... I am not really applying for a raiding spot. More like a social member who will fill in if needed and always comes prepared if that is an option. I am just looking for a mature guild to have fun with. I live in east Texas and work in a local bank. Anything else you would like to know feel free to ask. I look forward to hearing from you and would like to thank you for your time and consideration.

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