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Posts posted by bnutz

  1. I came back to it about a year after release and capped out a toon right before that first expansion (which was way too hard to solo through) and I really enjoyed the content. Also, gorgeous looking game. Funcom just needs to STFU and put out a sequel to Anarchy Online.

  2. Hello!

    I'm another one of Sabbatical's cohorts from our WoW days and I'm interested in playing Guild Wars 2 with him and the rest of y'all, as well (I'm also Mark Dwyer's house mate). I've played almost every MMO release to come after the first EverQuest and have been pretty interested in this one since it was first announced. I'm more or less a casual player with minor bouts of obsession here and there and I'm hoping this game is going to have the staying power all the hype indicates it's going to have. So far, it's doing it's damnedest to live up to it and that is a good thing.

    I've had a chance to level a Mesmer to level 11. His name is Jerrom. Unfortunately, the Mesmer isn't quite what I hoped it was going to be (think Bureaucrat from Anarchy Online or the Illusionist from EQ2 and you'll get what I was pining for) and last night I rolled a Warrior and got him to level 7 and so far I'm a lot more impressed with his play style. Name's Wyl Riker and there's a good chance I'm going to pump much of my focus into him (eww... dirty).

    I look forward to the opportunity to play with y'all real soon. Let me know if you have any questions or need any help in game.


    PS I heart Slayer. <3

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