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Status Updates posted by TwentyOneAlpha

  1. Change of Command Today! Less Responsability = More gaming

  2. So busy So busy, I miss checking the boards every 5min

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Huntyre
    3. discofire


      Fear not, I'll check them for you, 21!

    4. TwentyOneAlpha


      Only one more week of command then its Sham-Tastic time!!! I'll have lots of time for the boards

  3. I think I spied a ghost today. Welcome back 21A!

  4. Do you still have all your fingers? I hope so.

  5. You need to quit piddling about in the field and come back to smack some Elyos about

    p.s. edited for I misspelled Elyos. That's why we call em pigeons

  6. Not as fuzzy as mine, flipper. =P

  7. Your new icon makes me feel fuzzy :D

  8. Lol I'm hoping that you mean internet access and a trial account to play with and not playing with the frogs???

  9. Haha clever avatar dude. Kinda creepy about the froggies tho, perhaps I will have something to play with tho while crashing with ya for a couple days:)

  10. No, I leave the light on all the time out front, which both attracts the frogs but is also a security/safety thing.

  11. Do you accidentally step on them sometimes? =/

  12. It's ok, we all have our challenges, mine is hundreds of little green frogs that live on my door.

  13. I'm pretty spindly and thin IRL...

  14. Yes disco elves are to fragile for me :p

  15. :Onion26:Theres always room for you in my shuttle flip

  16. Elves are spindly and thin. I wouldn't advertise that.

  17. Come play with my wood elf? :O

  18. LOL, seriously, that would be awesome. Except the dwarf heads would be about as big as your body.

  19. True, those guys do look awesome, I wish we'd hold the staff in the other hand too they would look awesome with one of the those dwarf heads some people carry around.

  20. Yeah, the Shaman gear is pretty bad ass looking, IMO. I just wish they could have looked more like Night Goblins.

  21. My angler is doing well, the gobo hats for my shaman look a bit more like angler hats and that makes me happy

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