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Posts posted by Tothiel

  1. As far as the mace goes, I was given the first two fragments, then when the third dropped, the co-gm basically told me to shove it in places I care not mention and proceeded to take the rest. My response that night was to just respectfully bow out of the group for the remainder of that raid. I didn't want to do or say anything I would regret. However, the chatter in vent the rest of the night - officers and raiders included - seemed to be nothing but negative towards me. Instead of sticking around that kind of group, I went somewhere less...tense.

    My holy set is within 2-3 ilvl of my ret set. All I need is a decent helm and they'll be even. My plan is to have that by tonight. Whether I get that by grinding honor or breaking down and buying something off the ah, I'll be fully equipped.

    I'll be honest, I absolutely hate healing pug 5 mans. Especially early in an expansion. There's very little I can do to speed up a run. If I'm raiding, I'll gladly wipe night after night as holy. Some of my favorite moments of my WoW experience were Kael'thas and Sarth 3D, mostly because there were so many wipes leading up to it. It was more of a statement of as holy, even with instant queues, running 5 mans with pugs tends to wear me down pretty fast.

    I'm about to head out to grab some food, but I'll add you when I get back.

  2. First off I'd like to say that I really appreciate this style of "application". Too many guilds are far too focused on numbers and not enough on the people they're actually bringing in.

    My name is Kraig. I'm currently in school for audio engineering and post production. I'm hoping to get into sound for games once I'm out of school. I promise it's not just so I can write video game purchases off on my taxes ;)

    Current armory: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/alterac-mountains/Tothiel/simple

    As far as in game experience goes, a couple friends got me into the game just after BT came out. I tanked my first Karazhan ever without knowing there was such thing as defense cap. After a couple months of pretty casual raiding, I started to look into my class, went holy, found a guild on a different server, and was staring Illidan in the face within 5 weeks. This included taking down Kael'thas and Vashj while still in some blues. That guild fell apart due to leadership issues and I headed back to my original server and made it up to M'uru before the nerfs came around. I stuck with that guild until a couple weeks into Ulduar. There was legendary mace drama and I didn't want anything to do with it, so I took a little break.

    I came back a couple months later and joined up with a friend. We quickly took out the rest of Ulduar, ToGC (including Grand Crusader) and made it up to Heroic LK before Cata dropped. Once again there was leadership drama that caused the guild to collapse. I ended up just casually raiding up to Ragnaros with some friends then moving away from WoW for awhile.

    I've spent the past 6 months or so of my gaming career playing a lot of DotA2 and silly indie steam games with friends, but now that Mists is out, I'm ready to get back into raiding.

    As much as I love holy, I've been gearing in dungeons as ret just to be sure I don't get burnt out. I'm taking my time to farm up so that when I find the right guild, I can immediately gem and enchant up properly. As much as I understand the value of theory crafting websites and whatnot, I really like to experience my class myself first. After that, I'm all about reading what the rest of the world thinks about what hpallys should be doing. When in a raiding guild, I tend to spend a lot of time on log sites looking at what other top paladins are doing on a per fight basis. If there's one thing I've learned from all of the guild collapses I've seen, it's that ego gets you gear...at first. Then it gets you guildless.

    I'm pretty competitive in raids, but definitely not overly so. Healthy competition between healers breeds better performance as the weeks go on.

    As confident as I am in my abilities, I do make mistakes. I am going to be called on them. I am going to accept that and do everything in my power not to make the same mistake again. No matter how frustrated I may get during a raid, it stays out of chat. Bringing people down helps nobody. After all, we're all here to slay dragons, right? May as well be in a good mood while doing it.

    I think that about does it for my intro. If SoH ends up being a good fit for me, awesome. I look forward to raiding with you all. If not, good luck in Mists. It's looking to be a pretty good ride.

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