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Posts posted by Kysis

  1. Anyone here interested in doing some ranked duo queue in order to hit gold before season 2 closes? I would love to get the Janna skin from reaching gold but I'm stuck around 1100~1200 elo range. I'd love to find a good duo buddy (or even a ranked team) for finishing season 2 and even through season 3!

  2. Thank you for the response, and also for your honesty. I do know patience is required and others lead busy lives, as do I. I do, however, know I have a limited time to.. Prove my worth, I suppose? I believe I missed that info on how to contact you all in Huntyre's previous post, which I now see I was meant to /w one of you all when I get on. My apologies for misreading that part and waiting on a forum post for more info. Thanks for the reminder Atrael!

  3. I don't want to sound impatient, but I've yet to hear from anyone about an interview or whatever it may be to let me possibly slide through the age requirement. Also! If I may turn this thread into a sort of AMA so I may let all of you know a bit more about myself, and maybe I can learn a little about all of you! Thanks in advance

  4. I feel like once you get low enough. You're actually good enough to carry yourself out. Once you hit 1200 however, it's all the luck of the draw.

    That's all it is, who's lucky enough to not have the afk/rager/feeder that throws the game. And I'll tell you, my luck is far from good with this game.

  5. Sorry for not using quote, but stuck using my phone and there's no quote button.. Anyway!

    @Atrael: xD the dog isn't mine (sadly..), but I just love corgis, always wanted one. If you're a corgi lover too, he's got a whole blog dedicated to him if you're interested!


    @Zombryo: Sorry for not remembering the name! I meant to add you afterwards in case I needed help, but I got busy in real life and completely forgot :<. Anyway, I'm glad to see a familiar face, every other recruit seems to already know half the guild. Hopefully I can be that guy soon too xP

  6. As Huntyre has said here we do indeed make occasional exceptions. I was actually one of those exceptions.

    Thanks for answering my question and providing some background.

    Well I'd be happy to be one of those exceptions! And I'd gladly answer any other questions, I'd rather let the guild know more about me so we may all get along better than keep concealed as most of my guilds in the past have.

  7. Hi Kysis.. I'd be happy to help you with Mumble and we have a very active LoL crew as well.

    Before we get too far, we are an 18+ guild, so I want to make sure you're aware of that.

    Well that's not good news.. Are there any exceptions? I mean, I'm 17 and my birthday is in March, so I'm nearly 18. But I know sometimes "nearly" isn't enough. Thanks again!

  8. Hello Huntyre! I'm from the east coast, and I'll typically play any time between 3~12 EST, depending on when I've got free time. Another dependent factor is my internet, my current ISP is really unreliable sometimes so i'll only play when the connection is pretty stable. I've been hooked on League of Legends and GW2 lately, but I'm also familiar with shooters, although I really don't play them anymore. The occasional horror game is also nice! When I'm not gaming I tend to be with family or friends, or playing some game on the side with my girlfriend (she's had a craze for Dragon's Age 2 and DFO lately). I'm currently a senior in high school and searching for a job, which may prevent me from playing a little on the week, but not much because I like to stay up late anyway! And i'd love if you could help me with the Mumble problem, maybe you can get the screech to stop. It's odd because it doesn't occur with any other voice programs. Thanks again for the responses!

  9. Oh I've seen the CoC and read it, I just didn't know where to sign. But I feel dumb now, took a second look at the thread and I just sign it by responding to the topic, so thanks! And as to why I'm swapping guilds instead of changing servers: VIP was a nice guild, don't get me wrong, but I barely ran anything with them and they were really disorganized. For example, about 3/4 of the guild hasn't transferred yet and they've made no official announcement. I was trying to help a guild mate and that's the only way I found out they transferred, because I couldn't help him due to him having changed servers and I had not. Not to mention I have many friends who are in NSP, and I'd rather not ditch them for a guild who would occasionally do WvW with me. I'd prefer one that is better organized who I can do WvW and sPvP with and who doesn't plan on switching servers. Thanks for the feedback!

  10. Hello everybody! I have seen SoH around in WvW a lot, and although I was previously in another large WvW guild, [VIP], they have switched servers which I am choosing not to do. I'm looking to leave them and remembered being a huge mob of SoH in WvW more times than I was in VIP and was lucky enough to encounter a very friendly SoH member while running a dungeon (sorry for forgetting your name!). I was directed here and would be honored if I could join this guild, as it seems much more organized, friendly, and mature. I'm an avid GW2 player and I also play LoL on the side, if anyone here is interested in that.

    I remember reading the CoC for the guild but I'm not sure where to sign (/feeling stupid). If someone could point me in the right direction, i'd greatly appreciate it! Also, as far as mumble goes: I prefer TS3 or Skype, as I have had trouble with mumble (my mic likes to screech on mumble, nothing else) but if someone could also help me with that I would gladly use mumble.

    Thank you for your time and I hope to hear a response from you all soon!

    IGN GW2: Lexari (lv.80 Necromancer)

    - I have others but she's my main for the most part.

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