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Posts posted by oXJerXo

  1. Thanks Ashin. Sometimes i go by Jer. depending on who is doing the talking. So the oX Jer Xo is from my xbox gamer tag. Would you believe I wasn't able to use the name Jer on xbox live? Anyhow I also used it in BFBC and BC2 among other places. I don't use it in MMOs though because usually they only let me make the first letter of my name in caps. Oxjerxo looks kinda funny imo. If I can use caps however I want to then my guys name is oXJerXo. In this game I wasn't able to so i went with Jerix or Jerixo. Anyhow thats my complicated answer for a non complicated issue >_<

    @wicked - I'm still a firm believer that if guild chat was meant to be typo free f7 would fix up my chat messages for me.

  2. Thank you Atrael and Makiko!

    Parthes - Kay beats my typos hands down from an entertainment perspective but I am consistent with them if nothing else ;)

    Hi Wicked and Elend. Good to see you both again =D

    See you all in game soon.

  3. Hello Frea, Hunt, and Buttonz!


    I'm on a Tom Clancy and Robert Ludlum thing book wise at the moment, I don't really read them in order. Right now it's Sum of All Fears and I just finished The Bear and the Dragon. There is a World War 2 book sitting in the bath room that I'm almost done reading (I can only handle non fiction in small doses). My cousin game me a book by Brent Weeks I'll be reading next. I also like the fantasy and sci fi type books and Brandon Sanderson might be my favorite for now but that is subject to change in a couple of minutes.

    Not sure on the movie, I have almost every James Bond movie in a couple of boxed sets so I'd have to go with that series.

    I'm a leo, I think... didn't that change recently. I haven't looked to see if I'm still a leo lol.


    Every time I get stressed I just go outside or look out the window and not only do i not see any snow, I see sunshine and 70+ degrees. It's amazing.

    @ Buttonz

    Right back at you sir! Talk to you soon =)

  4. Hi everyone,

    So I just logged into GW2 for the first time today and am enjoying it. In the past I have played EQ2, WAR, Battlefield, SWTOR (I understand with a few folks from here) among other games that must have been great since they aren't coming to mind right now >_<. I have probably been playing MMOs and other online games for close to ten years. It's one of my favorite hobbies along with biking, hitting the beach, and reading way to many books.

    I know Hunt IRL and am from Minnesota as well although I just recently moved to the Tampa area. I have also had the pleasure of gaming with Elend, Trax, Kay, Buttons and Booski in SWTOR. I look forward to meeting the rest of you all.

    That's enough typing for now. I prefer to make my typos in /guild chat =D



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