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Posts posted by Clisis

  1. Well so far I've found your logs to be a bit frustrating. I could be overlooking something, but you're not in most of the recent raids, is that right?

    What days from your logs do you feel are the best representations of your tanking ability?

    I looked at the Elegon fight from 10/28 and it looks ok, albeit the longest attempt was only 3 minutes.

    1. You've got ok uptime on shield barrier, which is useful for all the magic damage but I see zero uses of shield block, which would be more useful when tanking the protector.
    2. You only used Demoralizing shout once over all three fights whereas you could have had cast it at least 4-7 times
    3. I don't see you using TC/weakened blows at all. Who in your raid was responsible for keeping up the debuff? Does your add-on track debuffs cast by others?
    4. 1 heroic strike over all the fights while you got the Ultimatum buff 4 times so you should have at least 3 more completely free HS
    5. I don't see any Avatar/Recklessness buffs

    Overall there isn't much data to go on. If you can separate out a log for me that'd be great.

    As far as glyphs go the Bull Rush glyph isn't all that useful for Raid Tanking most encounters. As once the fight starts you don't often get a chance to charge more than once. Basically you're giving up a Priime Glyph slot for something you can benefit from only once. Other potential choices to consider would be

    1. Unending Rage to pool more rage for more uptime on Shield Barrier/Block
    2. Incite to boost your use of HS/Cleave and increase your DPS
    3. Recklessness glyph would match well with Avatar, giving you the %crit buff for all but 2 seconds of your Avatar uptime
    4. Heavy Reprercussions for Snap/burst threat and DPS when you're using more Shield Blocks

    Again these are all situational but potentially all better than Bull Rush.

    Gearing wise/reforge/gemming your rational is sound. I haven't played with the numbers but I'd be curious to see the differences in either going all the way to the 7.5% hit/epertise caps vs. ignoring them completely in lieu of full Mastery > dodge/parry set-up. As it stands your kind of caught in the middle, which may be a good place to be but seems, at a glance, as half-committed.

    What is the name of the CD tracking add-on you're using in your UI?


    If you have time, I would like to chat in mumble or ventrilo on these questions. I am free all this weekend so I can explain better. I honestly HATE typing lol plus I feel talking is a better way of communicating on these matters. Also its ElvUI (has built in CD counter.)

  2. Yo Clisis,

    Welcome to the boards and thanks for the app.

    Few questions for you.

    As a prot War, what you do feel are the advantages you have over other tanks?

    What the some of the strongest tools you have in your arsenal?

    How do you track the uptime and cooldown of your offensive and defensive CDs?

    Why did you choose the Avatar and Impending Victory talents? Why the Bull Rush glyph?

    Curious on your gearing strategy. What are do you consider your stat priority for gemming/reforging and why?

    I'll probably have a few more questions for you once i go through your logs, but this should get us started.

    thanks and catch you later.

    Thanks an I'm glad to be here. I will try my best to answer all these questions (I'm little better talking about it) but none the less I will give it my best shot.

    1. I feel that Warrior tanks have alot more movement over other tanks due to heroic leap, intervien, plus now able to have a glyph were you can charge not once but twice :D, Plus Warrior tanks are overal stronger when it comes to single tanking on some fights.

    2.Banners <3 Love them alot, Shield Wall, Shield Barrier, Demo Shout, Thunderclap (debuff from it), Last Stand, Rallying Cry. Most of the major ones that I always use in fights

    3.There is a CD tracker built into my UI when a fight enters combat it pop's up. If there is a better one please let me know and I will check it out.

    4. The reason why I chose Avatar was for the extra damage and rage build up so when I would open a starter (aka Stone Guard) I would pop Avatar and Reklessness and heroic leap in to grab aggro for both of the dogs and then start my opener with Heroic Throw>Shield Slam>Devisate. I use Impending Victory because it not only can give me 10% of my hp back every 30 sec but if I manage to kill and add say during the 3rd boss in MSV I can return an extra 10% so of a total of 20% hp. Overal it's better for situation and I can use it alot more then Second Wind or Enraged Generation. (Truth be told I been thinking of going Second Wind). Last for the Bull Rush glyph, reason I use that glyph is simple because just for little extra rage for my opener. If you feel that there would be a better glyph, please let me know :)

    5.My gearing stra is More of control then advoice, I go by Mastery>Hit/Exp (7.5)>Parry/Dodge (Parry being 2x over Dodge). When it comes to this I feel that its good to have little bit of hit and exp but not alot so you still have room for little bit parry and mastery and dodge :D I also use Reforagelite Addon, and Askmrrobot (This is because Askmrrobot has some interesting stuff aka the stat weights being correct for the moment, also telling myself what gems would be best for my slots). Then again there is always the way of going to Icy-Veins or Noxxic or even EJ for the gems for Red, Blue, Yellow :)

    6.Please do look at my logs, I love actally talking about tanking and what im doing. Just theorycrafting overall is fun for me.

    Same, talk to you later :)

    P.S. Thank you! I have had this X-mog sence reforage came out. It is uniqe and I love it

  3. Hello everyone,

    My name is Christian Dale or other people know me as Clisis. I have played sence beta but didnt get into heroic raiding sence Wrath and every sence then I have been pushing myself and other for heroic progression. I remember for hours on end that I would and the group I was with; bang our heads against walls untill we down the boss. I rarely do PvP because I do not care for it. I am a pure PvE player with interest of pushing myself to be the best I can be.

    I have been in some of the top progression guilds back in wrath and cata on blackrock and The venture co. I am currently on Mal'Ganis and looking for a new home. The reason why I left my pior guild was because I wanted to look for progression. I was contacted by ashin so I hope for the best. My experience with this expansion is 6/16 Normal Mode with a mix of 10 man and 25 man raiding. I am very experence with Prot spec because I have not only played my spec for 3 years now but I also keep up todate with the lastest information concerning my class and how it would affect my tanking. I do also look up my OS and find out what I would be able to do with it and how I can push myself to get the highest numbers. My current Ilvl is 477 Prot and 466 Fury 1H.

    The reason why I am interested is because, one I was contacted by ashin but also I love 25 man raiding. In my option 25 man raiding is more harder then 10 man so it gives me more of a challenge. If I do not look for a guild that can push myself to be better then I am not spending my 15$ a month wisely for this game.

    A little bit about myself.

    • I am currently 18
    • I am a senior in Highschool
    • I have plans to move to Colorado after highschool and do online courses in computer tech
    • I love music and World of Warcraft
    • Friendly
    • Love to get along with people

    Reason's why I want to join

    • Can make all the times for raiding
    • 25 man Guild
    • Horde Side
    • Stable and has a full roster
    • Progression
    • Can push me to be my best

    I would love to join South of Heaven and I won't waste your guys time if you don't waste mine :) my 1 and only rule.

    SS of my UI


    Logs: http://www.worldoflo...m/guilds/44295/

    Armory link:http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/malganis/Clisis/simple

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