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Everything posted by Synnical

  1. Very good rl friend and very skilled also adapts very quickly. I can vouch for his skill as a raider and gonna try my best to gear him up asap
  2. Well, the way I see it is that if we are looking to build a solid roster of 26-30 players or so I don't see a reason why to pass on a great app due to some issues that "might happen". Worse comes to worse and things don't work out we are in the same boat as we are now looking for good solid players, however if it turns the other way that's great for us. Just my 2 cents
  3. actually I wouldn't classify that as "hardcore", "hardcore" or "hardstyle" are more like these;
  4. I'd say its more diablo 3 like. Azmodan, one of the lesser evils, lord of sin (WAIT THATS ME AHAHAHAH)
  5. What are your thoughts on the last 2 episodes of the walking dead
  6. For more specific critique on your app, why do you like playing a spriest? Which utilities can you provide that other classes cannot?
  7. Tonight for ya went good in my eyes no mechanic mistakes and solid dps.
  8. How do you prep for raids? New content? New progression boss for the night? Also, cake or pie?
  9. done and done , thanks for this chance again. Hopefully it'll work out for the best :)
  10. Read, understood, approved and signed
  11. He quit wow at the end of cata, we haven't seen him since the start of MoP
  12. Thanks guys looking foward to tuesday with y'all
  13. Already been browsing , but I'll be sure to reread through everything and be ready to go before tuesday for sure Thanks again for this opportunity
  14. Because I'm weird like that lol, also I like to feel mysterious and odd sometimes . If I confused you then I win
  15. Hey Ashin, Thanks for the opportunity and positive feedback . My work schedule is very flexible, personally myself and the other manager write the schedule and we are such a tight and small group of employees it is very easy to cover different shifts and everyone knows whose not available when. For instance with my current guild it's about the same hours as yours so working in with your schedule would be very simple. I have it set so that I am unable to work night shifts tues-thursday, s for the last fews months I have only worked mornings on those days or had the days off. The only thing that MAY come up is a meeting once a month but those are usually on mondays or so, other then that unless it's a real emergency like anyone else I will post/let whoever needs to know, know in advance.
  16. Hello Jwj, Been looking through the patch notes and the only major change I'm seeing is the 5% nerf to GoSac, which I feel is an alright nerf (nerfs do suck but it's only 5% and lets pray thats the only damage modification they'll do to us lol). The absorption effect on soul leech now is better then the old effect imho, the shield will benefit more to negate dmg then heal up dmg the healers are already doing. As far as Affdots go, I'm not 100% familiar with how it works, however, I believe it tracks its dot power by your procs (sp haste mastery etc) and gives you a number that updates dynamically to let you know when your dots are at their strongest, whether it be reaching another dot tick or just pure power behind it. As far as other specs go I have not played with any others in a raid enviroment, however I do have experience playing Demo while running challenge modes so it's not a complete stranger for me. I feel I would be able to play whichever spec properly given a little time to get use to the priority list, spell procs, etc. And my holidays are going great so far , how about you guys
  17. Hi guys! Love your forums btw When looking for a guild I filter by raid times and progression mostly, yours met my search needs and investigated further and found out that this may be the right guild. Your comments about the guild atmosphere and all the in the description sounded very positive and I feel like I would have a lot of fun in this guild. Where I'm at right now most of the members aren't on except for raiding and during off nights I like to be social . Aside from the good progression and perfect raid times I am mostly looking foward to what seems like a very friendly place. And I transferred to stonemaul back at the end of WOTLK, and it was doing pretty well. Towards the end of cataclysm is when it started to really die, theres almost no pugs, old school raids or anything really going on at all anymore. Your server seems very populated and active which is another bonus about joining Sinnical#1716 EDIT: Added my b-tag if you guys have any other questions
  18. http://i221.photobucket.com/albums/dd297/Destroyed91/WoWScrnShot_121912_001624_zpseb8a8fd0.jpg oops sorry! forgot that, here it is. As for addons, I use bartender and SUF for looks and Affdots for dot-power tracking. It helps a lot knowing when its best time to update dots, etc. As for the rerolling part, I think I need a new class. The hunter was getting kinda old and I feel like a warlock is refreshing change of pace, it's very similar in terms of gameplay just slightly different. I'm loving the mobility warlocks have and very good dmg output. The only disheartening thing I can recall is the loss of all my reps gained on my hunter :( and vanity items
  19. Name: Kyle Age: 21 Occupation: Assistant Manager at a restaurant Information; Really laid back guy, loves raiding and having a good time. Interested in competitive raiding and always strive to do the best I can with the tools provided. That being said I love doing my best to min/max every aspect of my char whether it be reforging to a haste breakpoint to gain 60 dps or swapping gems to help boost it even by a little. Love playing other games, mostly Diablo 3, SC2, Amnesia and anything else that usually peaks my interest. My personality, I feel, I am very mature, know how to take constructive criticism rather then see those comments as an insult and know when it's time for jokes and when it's time to focus. http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/stonemaul/Synnical/advanced - Warlock http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/stonemaul/Sinnical/advanced - Hunter Few things to note, I know my current experience/gear may be lacking but no cloth gear ever drops for us , also My 2nd profession is not maxed yet, I have been working on it but due to being on a backend server our economy is very small. Been playing my warlock since 10/21, so I'm fairly new to the warlock class so I'm still learning all the small tricks, etc to maximize my playstyle. My hunter has been my main from end of vanilla til MoP and his armory is linked above as well. http://worldoflogs.com/reports/rt-nqkjtl1dnmh98fzf/ http://worldoflogs.com/reports/rt-0sz1neu28q3n3f9f/ Here are some recent WOL to go over and see performance Reason for leaving guild; Members are very inactive, It may be due to the holidays however overall raid performance is getting very sloppy. Progression is getting very very slow and I feel like I need to take off from this sinking ship before it gets worse. Past History; Started raiding in BC with the guild <1.21 Gigawatts> Hakkar - US, progression wise we cleared all of Kara, Gruuls, Mag, Hydross and Lurker in SSC and High Astromancer, Void Reaver in TK. After the guild fell apart, I joined up in a guild called <Cemetery Gates> Skywall - US. Progression; Cleared TK, SSC, BT, and was working on SWP when WOTLK came out. I stayed with this guild through most of WOTLK clearing; Naxx, EoE, OS3D and up to Yogg-saron in 25 man. I left due to lack of drive from the rest of the group to continue to progress quickly (way to casual for my taste). After that I joined <Alone> on Aerie Peak - US, continued with that guild and cleared Ulduar, TOC, TOGC, and ICC normal, at that point I decided to take a break from the game and focus more on school at the time. Returned when RS was out and after seeing my spot was replaced I left and joined <Pandemic> Stonemaul - US and progressed to clear RS normal and up to H LK on 25. When cataclysm came out I stayed with this guild up to end of firelands clearing, 12/13h in t11 content and up to 5/7h in firelands. Reason for leaving that guild is that half of the group wanted to progression hardcore and the other half did not. The half that left, myself included, started our own guild <Elysium> Stonemaul - US and cleared 7/7h prenerfs and 8/8h DS before taking a nice break before mop. Mop hits and I level my hunter first since it has been my main since the beginning, after capping to 90 they say double hunter doesn't work in 10 man, so being the nice person I decided to reroll to my warlock. Continued to 90 geared up and progressed to 2/6H MSV and 4/6 HoF normal before the guild breaking up. Since then I have joined <Resurgence> Stonemaul - US and continue to raid with them up til now, with my current progression at 4/6H MSV, 6/6 HoF normal (attempts on vizier and blade lords), and 4/4 normal ToES. tl;dr version Vanilla - Started playing wow no raid experience BC - Cleared Kara, Gruuls, Mag, TK, SSC, BT, Hyjal and attempts on Kalecgos in SWP WOTLK - Cleared OS3D, Naxx, EoE, Ulduar, ToC, ToGC (insanity 10m and skill on 25m), ICC (11/12H), RS Cata - Cleared 13/13h (Ascendant council down after firelands released), 7/7h Firelands (prenerf rag, geysers geysers geysers) and 8/8h DS with good rankings on early kills MoP - 4/6H MsV 6/6 HoF (guild has killed h bladelord) 4/4 ToES I know my current experience is lacking but I'm hopeful you guys can oversee that and give me a chance to prove my worth , very knowledgeable raider and can pick up on strats and tasks, etc, very very quickly. Thanks for the time reading through this and hope to hear back from you guys soon
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