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Posts posted by Evgeny

  1. Thanks for the app, and Welcome to the forums Puggles! I'm always excited by the prospect of more Ele friends :)

    To be honest, I don't really have any specific questions for you. You've said enough for me to believe you have a good grasp on playing as Ele. I just have a few comments that might bring the other members up to speed with some of the current Ele nuances you've highlighted:

    I change my talents and glyphs for each boss fight. Currently I am getting 20% haste (BL cap) then reforging for all mastery. Different elle theorycrafters have different opinions about whether haste or mastery is better this content patch. Personally I have found from my own tests that I do more dps with only 20% haste.

    It's nice to see that you've done some research on this!

    It's not so much that there are differing opinions re: Haste v. Mastery, but that our relative stat priorities are heavily influenced by T4/T6 Talents, T15 4pc, and the Sinister Meta. I think the reason for all of the recent confusion in the community is that many Ele Shaman (myself included) don't have T15 4pc yet. This problem is compounded by the fact that 5.2 brought AS+PE in line with EotE+EB as a viable option. Each talent combo has different relative stat priorities. Interestingly, the value of haste appears to drop universally at 6077 (20.1%) when running EotE+EB (note: there are also equivalent breakpoints at ~7600 and ~10700). Bink/Endus recently updated their Ele Guide with relative stat priorities for the various talent combos 5.2:

    Without T15 4pc or Sinister Meta

    EB: Haste > Mastery > Crit

    PE: Haste = Crit > Mastery

    With T15 4pc and Sinister Meta

    EB: Mastery > Haste = Crit

    PE: Mastery > Haste > Crit

    Again, these are relative. However, given your T15 4pc (and the fact that the Troll Racial somewhat mimics the Sinister Meta), I think you're right to have capped Haste at 20%. I don't know how much you've researched/simmed this, but I would suggest forgoing the cap and reforging straight Mastery. I've seen a lot of Ele Shaman in top guilds going this route after 4pc. As an Orc with *cough* 3pc... I'm not quite there yet! ;)

    Coordinating Skull banner so that they line up, and then using ascendance is key to elemental dps. I do this coordination, and storm lash coordination with Ace2 delayed macros http://i.imgur.com/RwvpgNs.jpg . I imagine this guild has already coordinated their skull banners and storm lashes though.

    Having raided at the US100 level in both 10man and 25man this expansion, I've found this to be a much more daunting task in the latter. The logistics of coordinating SB/SLT get a lot more complicated when you're in a raid with three warriors and four shaman. Currently, we have an unspoken order (I lead with SLT on pull, and I believe it's Esta's Skull first...). We're currently discussing the pros/cons of requiring WA for the entire raid. If we go in that direction, I'll most likely write up something for all of us to use. Having another Ele Shaman would definitely make this a higher priority. Until then, I just use WA to tell me when SB is up and go from there! :p (Since I don't have T15 4pc, my Ascendance generally lines up with the SBs as they share a 3min CD).

    Again, thanks for the app and good luck!

    - Ev

  2. Ya definitely, sorry about that. You don't mind if i take a couple days to get it all, I've never run a log progrAm personally so ill have to get one, that won't be a problem, I can have it to you by the weekend.

    The WoL upload client is a java app. Just need to make an account on the site, download the client, and use "/combatlog" at the start of the LFR. Afterwards, exit wow and run the Client. It'll take care of the rest.

  3. Just for fun: you can also take advantage of the spell queue and server lag to buff 2 spells with a "next ability" buff. For example: my Unleash Elements as Ele gives me a % dmg buff to my next fire spell. If I chain an instant FS to the end of a LvB cast, they are BOTH buffed (since they register on the same global).

  4. I noticed at least 2x where what you are describing occurred. Also see a number of times it worked fine. I think it is debatable whether the simplicity of one key press for 2 actions compensates for the minor damage loss (on non crits, looks like the different is about 20-30k damage). From a true max min standpoint, better to separate. From the realities of my reactions times as a human, I am not so sure I would actually do better. I do appreciate knowing about the trade-off, though. Thank you for pointing that out!

    You could strike a balance and go with a castsequence macro:


    /castsequence Bestial Wrath, Kill Command

    It would require you to 'double tap' the bind, but it would change how it is received by the server; 1 button, no unbuffed KC's =)

  5. BW/KC (macroed)

    I would never claim to be an expert on Hunters (wouldn't even say I'm proficient). But I do remember a discussion with a Hunter friend of mine recently about not putting KC in a macro with BW, as server-side lag and spell queue can cause the KC to go off before you pet is buffed by BW. May e check your logs and find out if that's the case here?

  6. Some of the things Ev brought up to me were very good, yet I try my own methods of madness.

    I'd suggest incorporating some class/spec research into your methods. Here are a few places you can start:

    Totemspot: Bink's Shaman Blog. He's a well respected Theorycrafter; active in the Shaman community for years. His MoP Ele Guide (co-written with Endus from MMO-Champ) is mirrored at Elitist Jerks, MMO-Champion, as well as the Blizzard Forums)

    MMO-Champion: Generally useful community discussion; Moderated by Endus. (as with all WoW forums... not all threads are great reads, but you can find some good stuff there, like this!)

    Life in Group 5: Vixen's Resto Shaman Blog (not particularly useful from a purely Ele standpoint, but an amazing resource if you need to sub as heals)

    Simulationcraft: Ignore the DPS rankings. Ignore the generalized stat weights. Just download the latest release and sim your character. The stat weights from your sims are irrelevant; the important parts are the Reforge Plots (I'll post an example & explain it later, they take a few hours to run)

    RaidBots: Great comparison tool to evaluate your CD usage, buff/debuff uptimes, etc.

    Basic/General Info:



    Both of the above offer pretty superficial information (but even they would have told you not to use UE)

    I do some trial and error with talent points to see if one will work better for a certain fight vs. another, not saying that the talent I had used will always be there, just something I wanted to try. I think it is a very good way to evaluate a yourself. That's how I know I am trying to perform the best I can, not only for myself but for the raid.

    While trial and error is certainly a beneficial practice, information gathered from a dozen attempts on a boss is hardly statistically significant. That's why things like Simcraft were created, which can simulate 50,000 attempts on a boss. Are the sims perfect? No, they're just models. But for comparing dmg output of a particular rotation, or talent choice, they can offer statistically sound results. RaidBots can compare your WoL parses against those of the entire Ele community (well, at least the ones also using WoL).

    Massive amounts of data are very good ways to evaluate yourself.

  7. Evg, I had just looked into everything you have posted to me and everything has just clicked! I truly appreciate your time and effort to try and better myself.

    Happy to help =) (was hoping I hadn't come across too preachy, I've been told I have a tendency to do that)

    yeah for enh UE was a huge dps increase , just thought it would for ele too

    I figured that was the source of confusion. I've only dabbled with Enh, but am aware of how high UE sits in its rotational priority. It's great for Resto as well! Sadly, that just isn't the case for Ele.

    Edit: Bad iPhone autocorrect, no cookie!

  8. Just a few comments reguarding your spell usage. I assume you just haven't looked into the Ele Rotation much, and are going off your experience playing Enh?

    Dps rotation basically consist of UE+ combo with EB

    Given your previous experience with Enh, I understand why you'd think UE would be a dps gain. However, casting UE is always a dps loss for Ele (unless you talent for UF, which you shouldn't do). Even though UE+EB results in larger EB hits, the actual dps you gain is less than you would have from spending that global on another LB.

    I took the time to run two 50k iteration sims on your armory to demonstrate. Using UE+EB results in a 1300dps loss.

    UE+EB 108154dps


    No UE 109450dps


    Note: I noticed you pair UE with LvB on fights where you don't take EB. The net result of this is equivalent to pairing with EB.

    always keeping flame shock active on multi targets(if possible)to benefit fully from lava surge.

    Here I'll just save time and differ you to Bink's notes on the Ele Rotation (scroll down to the Multitarget section)

    I do some talent switching for what ever will perform best for whatever fight we are currently on

    I noticed you're currently using Nature's Guardian. I'm curious if you normally run with NG while raiding? AS/SBT offer better options for survivability in a raid environment (AS for short duration/high dmg; SBT for long duration/medium dmg). I'd suggest pairing CotE when talenting SBT. AS can be used in conjunction with SR for even higher dmg reduction.

  9. Hi Darksector. Thanks for the app!

    I went ahead and found these for you (us):


    MSV: 6/6H

    HOF: 4/6H, Amber-Shaper 10H, Empress 10H (25, 17)

    ToES: 4/4N, Lei Shi 10H (15)


    Week 1

    Jin'rokh 10N (1)

    Horridon 10N (10, 1)

    Council 10N (10, 7)

    Tortos 10N (6)

    Magaera 10N (2, 17)

    Week 2

    ToT: 5/12 10N

    Ji-Kun 10N (One Shot!?)

    Durumu 10N (13, 10, 7)

    I'm sorry I don't have the time to go through them all atm. Hopefully I'll be able to post some feedback tomorrow after work/before raid.

    - Evg

  10. Haste actually being the best stat to stack even past the 8085 break-point once you reach a certain iLvl (~507), I was simply testing to see if you were up-to-date ;).

    Just for my own curiosity: Is that contingent on still having 4pc T14? It seems to me that increased DoT time could be what is overweighting Haste. No math or research to back that up, just a thought.

  11. I think Valor might be taking a break most the time I find him it's through Real ID, he might have transferred off because he was looking for a new guild too. I'm glad they still think good things about me, really wish everyone had stayed around and Exordium was still alive. Being with a group so long makes you miss them when they are gone.

    Yes, valor had been looking for a new guild. But last night Lufan said he had found one (can't remember the name atm). And Re: Exo/Soveregin; Jab destroyed both of them with his big head and lack of leadership... Imo (and a lot of others as well).

    Btw, Stabbz says hi

  12. Most Previous was Exordium which turned into a 10man guild named Sovereign that shortly fell apart. I raided with them through Firelands and Dragon Souls. A reference from that guild would be Valorknight on Eredar. He was a Holy Paladin I healed alongside with the whole time.

    Haven't been able to get a hold of Valor yet (I've had a busy work week and keep missing him online), but I did speak with a few of my other ex-Sovereign buddies, and they had only good things to say regarding you =)

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