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Posts posted by Svin

  1. Hi Svin,

    First thing's first - did I make the mistake of assuming you were a guy this whole time? (This has no bearing on your app but I'm a bit embarrassed.)

    Second thank you for the app. You really got us out of a jam last night.

    We've already raided with you on a few occassions, so there is really no need for me to belabor the process. Recruit accepted!

    You need to review our code of conduct (guild policy forum) and post to indicate your agreement. You should also review the chapter policy and raiding forums under wow. In particular, check out the post explaining our points system and please download the addon prior to tonight's raid.

    Look forward to seeing you. :)

    (and yes we will require you to get a working mic during your trial - please no desktop mic!)

    You are correct. I am indeed a guy. People just always assume I am a girl because of how my name is spelled, but I am a guy.

    Thanks again for taking me last night, it was good to get back into raiding as well as raiding with you guys!

    I have read everything, downloaded the addon for the DKP system, and got a mic for raiding.

    Nice pup, we've got a few Malamutes ourselves, but I won't post any pictures and try to steal your thunder! Welcome to the team.

    I only have one thing to say about what you wrote for your app as far as a critique goes, and that is that SW:P does not do more damage than VT. It did do more damage after the 25% buff, but after they nerfed it by 25% again, the gap is even bigger than before I feel like, since it appears (at least to me) that rather than just reverting the 25% buff, they actually nerfed it to lower than it was before!

    Note: I don't actually have any proof to back up that claim about them nerfing it lower than it was before, it is just a feeling, so don't hold me to that. But I do know that VT is once again stronger than SW:P.

    My brother actually told me that I should get a Malamute/Husky mix before I got him. I have always wanted a Husky because I love the blue eyes and the distinct facial markings! You will definitely have to show me some pictures of your dogs.

    I didn't even know that SW:P was nerfed. I will definitely try and find out if it is still better to just apply SW:P on AoE groups or to apply VT instead. I know from before, I lost a lot of AoE damage from using VT over SW:P before the nerf, but i'll look around to see what I can find on how to priest.

  2. Hurray, glad you're apping! Welcome to the forums!


    I can not accept you into this guild until I see a picture of that puppy!

    Boombox, here is a picture of him last night before we went to bed.


    Thanks for the detailed app. It's exciting to see someone interested in all aspects of the game, PvE and PvP. Just one thing though, if you are race changing to troll, I hope you don't like wearing shoes!

    The good thing about going troll is that I don't have to farm for boots when I decide that I want a new transmog!

  3. Priest was just the first class I have ever played when I started the game. When I started playing a priest, I wanted to be a healer, but then I tried out shadow and loved it. I have been playing shadow ever since the end of Wrath and haven't gone back to healing in PvE since then. I have tried other dot classes, such as a Warlock and Boomkins. I felt that Warlocks had way too many dots for me to keep up and I felt that Boomkin had too little dots. I feel that Priest was perfectly fine in the middle. I also like that Priests have the utility for some good offheals on the side. I am currently glyphed to use Renew and Prayer of Mending in Shadow Form and I see myself using those abilities a lot to help out healers in the raid. I like how a Priest can heal while doing damage with Vampiric Embrace and giving healers mana as well as increasing their mana pool for a period of time.

  4. Character Name: Svin

    Battle Tag: Svinski#1661

    Class and Spec: Priest Shadow/Disc specs. I currently play Shadow for both PvE and PvP, but Disc when I get Heroic healer bags.

    World of Warcraft Armory: http://us.battle.net...r/Svin/advanced

    World of Logs -

    Heroic 25m Lei Shi - http://worldoflogs.c.../?s=4123&e=4525

    Heroic 25m Wind Lord - http://worldoflogs.c.../?s=4879&e=5258

    Heroic 25m Stone Guard - http://worldoflogs.c...ne/?s=153&e=425

    About Me -

    Hello, my name is Jessie. I am 20 years old (21 in August!) and living in Colorado Springs, Colorado. I am currently studying Accounting (I know, how boring) and in my Junior year. On top of being a college student, I am also raising a new puppy I got a little over a month ago. His name is Acero and he is 12 weeks old right now. He is a purebred Siberian Husky and probably the cutest little puppy you will ever see. If anyone wants to see pictures of him, I would love to show you guys!

    I have been playing World of Warcraft on and off since it has been released back in November of 2004. I raided on my priest back in Vanilla with a guild called Ministry on the server Kel'Thuzad. I raided with this guild for Blackwing Lair and a little bit of AQ40 before I took a break. I came back for BC and raided with the same guild for Karazhan and the beginning of Serpentshrine Cavern. After SSC, I took a break until WoTLK, in which I transferred my priest over to Malorne to play with my father and some of his friends. I raided with my father's guild on my Death Knight for the beginning of WoTLK until I once again took a break. I came back to play Cataclysm on my priest and raided with my father's guild on Malorne and went 1/13H in T11. After T11, I started to raid on my Holy Paladin with a different guild during FL and ended up going 6/7H with them when FL was current content. After going 1/8H in T13, my guild broke up on Malorne. I put up a post on the guild recruitment forums and was asked to join The Panic Attacks. I transferred over to Stormreaver back in January of 2012 and raided with The Panic Attacks until the end of Dragon Soul. I stopped raiding in the beginning of MoP, but then picked back up raiding with The Panic Attacks in December of 2012. With The Panic Attacks, I went 10/16H in T14 content.

    I have raided a few times with South of Heaven back in Normal Heart of Fear and Terrace of Endless Spring. I was filling in one night because Yasung asked me too and ended up meeting Ashin as well as a few others in the raid team.

    I love to PvP whenever I have the chance to. I just love to melt peoples face and watch them die as a shadow priest. When you multi-dot everything in PvP, you just feel good including when everyone just all of the sudden drops over. I did not do much PvP back in Season 12, but I did a few arenas to try and get some gear. I went 1900+ in RBGs back in Season 11 and would like to pick PvP back up as well as doing PvE.

    Rotation and Class Specifics -

    When it comes to raiding, I get all of my specifics for my class from http://howtopriest.com/. I believe it is the best site for shadow priests to get their information.

    As far as stats go, I am currently running with Hit>Haste(10,437 minimum)>Int>Crit>Mastery. I am currently using an addon called ReforgeLite that does all of my reforging for me. Since I cannot hit over 10,437 haste rating with just reforging, I am currently gemming mostly haste gems until my gear level gets high enough to reach the haste breakpoints that I need.

    As far as my spec goes, I am currently running with Psyfiend, Body and Soul, Solace and Insanity, Angelic Bulwark, Power Infusion (or Twist of Fate - depending on the fight, usually for fights with a lot more adds or a longer burn phase) and then a mixture of all three talents, Halo/Cascade/Divine Star. Halo is better for fights in which I can stay in a spot 25 yds. away from the boss to maximize the damage from this ability. Cascade is better for fights in which there are a lot of adds that a spread out around a large room. Divine Star is ideal for fights in which I have to stack near a boss as well as giving good healing to the raid to help out the healers.

    As far as my rotation goes, I am currently starting off boss fights with ideally 2 Shadow orbs so I can open up with Mind Blast/Halo and then apply Shadow Word:Pain followed by Vampiric Touch/Shadow Fiend. By this time, I will have 3 Shadow Orbs and use Devouring Plague and use Mind Flay: Insanity for the duration of the Devouring Plague. I will use Mind Blast and Halo off of cooldown. I reapply my dots ideally around 2-3 seconds before they fall off, but sometimes I am a few milliseconds off and let them fall off before I reapply them. This is something that I am working on improving and I feel that once I improve on this skill, my DPS can be more maxed out for boss fights. I use Mind Flay as a filler until I get 3 Shadow Orbs again to reapply Devouring Plague to use Mind Flay: Insanity again. I am currently popping Power Infusion right before I use Devouring Plague for my Mind Flay: Insanity burn. I will then use Shadow Word: Death when the boss is below 20%.

    With addons, I am using an addon called Shadow Priest Dot Timer that shows the time left on my dots, as well as the CD on Mind Blast and Power Infusion. I also use Gnosis cast bars to show the ticks of my Mind Flay.

    When it comes to fights with AoE, I will usually Mind Sear if there are 5+ mobs up in a confined area. If the mobs are all spread out, I will multi-dot up as many mobs as I can. I will at least try to SW:P all of the mobs because it is more damage than Vampiric Touch.

    I am currently thinking about race changing yet again back to troll due to the racial being number one for Shadow Priest. With being a troll, I will be able to alternate between Power Infusion and Berserking to get even more damage from Mind Flay: Insanity, since undead is currently not giving me a DPS boost. I am just trying to decide if I want to roll female or male troll, but who knows. I might eventually play both because I race change this character all the time!

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