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Posts posted by Araenith

  1. I liked your most recent response, so I thought I would ask some questions. Then I realized I already asked my standard questions and that I never gave a follow up response.

    I really enjoyed H Nefarion in cata and that was my favorite fight that expansion. My favorite all time fight is probably Lich King or H Lei Shen. I am a big fan of the last boss having multiple phases and many different mechanics. I wish I had been able to kill Illidan when it was current content.

    I personally am a huge fan of this raid tier. I feel that it is incredibly epic and enjoyable. I think if it was a little less linear it would have beaten Ulduar in epicness.

    As far as next tier goes, I am really excited for it and I expect Blizzard to deliver a really awesome adventure.

    More questions: what is your favorite non-alcoholic drink? Do you play any sports? What is your favorite food?

  2. Hello, so questions:

    How old are you?

    What do you do for a living? If you're unemployed or hate your current job, what is your dream job?

    What is your favorite raid boss that you killed while it was current content?

    Least favorite?

    Thoughts about this tier and next tier.

    Where are you from and where do you want to be in the future?

  3. Hello,

    Do you use RIDGID tools for your job? If not = auto deny! Just kidding, I interned at Ridge Tool and worked in their pressing group.

    You used the word "grit" to describe yourself, can you go more in depth?

    What is your favorite WoW boss that you killed while it was current?

    Least favorite?

    What do you think about the current tier?

    What about the next tier?


  4. Ohayo gonzaimasu! I started Japanese classes today so you and I can practice it together. Mondai nai! I work at Toyota as an engineer and they offer us classes for free, so I figured why not!

  5. Hey, I'm Araenith. I play a holy paladin. I have a few questions, some others would like to know and some personal.


    Does your tanking experience draw from 10 or 25 man raids?

    Can you please provide us with some logs that show your best performance?


    Why such a beastly computer? Your computer resembles my machine at work that is used for engine noise and vibration simulations. Do you use that beast for something more tasking than gaming?

    I remember Did it for Whitney when I was looking for a new guild a few months ago. I read that they took a break and are now on Thrall instead of Mal'ganis. What brought you to Stormreaver?

    I never understood why this question is asked "What would you change about your current gear to itemize better?" because shouldn't you be show casing your best in an app?

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