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Booker Boltgrinder

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Posts posted by Booker Boltgrinder

  1. I agree with and ackowledge that my membership is based on adherence to the priniples outlined above. I agree to act with discretion and respect for others at all times


    Lemon Wedgie - aka Fremen_Aleph

    Way to make us all who just /signed look bad man :p

  2. Hiya Lemon Wedgie! Welcome to the forums and the guild!

    You came to the right place if you wanted to broaden your horizons for being more than a PVE Hero, These guys are the best :x
    Hope to see you around soon

    Nice 40k quote. ;)


    I just finished my last 80, so now I'm slowly working my way through map completions.. only 4 more chars to go. 

    Ugh dear lord, idk how you don't tear your eyes out from sheer boredom


  3. Hiya Vespara!
    I myself use programs like maya, 3dsmax, etc. We'll have to collab on something at some point :p I used rpg maker when i was much younger and made my own version of legend of zelda, but with scifi elements, its a pretty snazzy program.
    What made you wanna do design?

    Welcome to the forums!

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