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Posts posted by daed

  1. 1. I couldn't possibly pick 1 out of my deep collection of VHS's in my basement.... so top 3 in no particular order:

    a. Lion King (first one)

    b. Aladdin (first one)

    c. Pinocchio

    2. I play currently play League, SC2 and NHL13 on PS3 outside of WoW. I'll still pick up Counterstrike 1.6 every once a while when I feel like headshotting some noobs.

    3. If I'm drinking liquor, I'm drinking rum and cokes. If it's beer, I'll drink anything so long as its in the fridge, although I typically buy Rocking Rock or Blue moon depending on what I feel like.

    4. Only if it's uncooked, and laid over a bit of rice with some wasabi in between, and soya sauce at the ready.

    5. I would use my copy of Excel to slice the bananas evenly in half, giving the menacingly looking Bengal tiger to the north his half(so it will stop looking at me enticingly licking its chops), the irritating constantly chirping squirrel to the south his half (cuz his chirping gave me a headache about an hour and a half ago), my best bud to east his half (cuz you gotta share with your best bud?), and Lebron to the west his half (cuz, cmon, that guy can play ball and also he is 6'8, 250lbs and I imagine, very scary if he came driving at you), half for myself (cuz you gotta eat!), and the last half for that weird crazy looking guy hanging from the ceiling fan over there (although you bet your ass he's gonna have to come down and get it himself, cuz there's no way I'm going up there). And all was well in the world.

  2. /woo


    I have been in Ascensio on Malfurion since early 5.1. When MOP came out, a long time WoW friend of mine said his guild was looking for raiders, and at the time I hadn't yet found a new guild to raid with on my old server so I transferred over to Malfurion from Frostwolf and have raided with Ascensio up until present. Before Ascensio I raided with Despair on Frostwolf through all of Cataclysm. At the end of Cataclysm, the guild fizzled out as people lost interest in the game.

    Recently the guild had been having attendance issues and the officers ultimately decided to go to 10man and while I was invited to join the 10man group, I much prefer the 25 man raid environment.

    I agree with the importance of ensuring an important ability does not miss or get dodged, especially in progression when you're performing an important role, although in the case of kick, it cannot miss or be dodged (couldn't tell if this was a test? xD)

    I have had a chance to take a look at your logs (something I do prior to applying to guilds :)) and I believe I will be able to be competitive, even though I lag behind slightly from a gear standpoint.

    Weekend works fine for me for the interview. My girlfriend really isn't the jealous type :p Most likely in the evening would work best although I can do afternoon too.

    I am available as soon as needed. Yes I go into every fight with an understanding of the mechanics, through both researching and watching videos to get an idea of the mechanics in action. Having raided since back in BC I am used to difficult fights sometimes taking quite a while before finally killing it. Some bosses that come to mind are: H Ragnaros, H Lich King, Sarth 3D, Illidan. Wiping is something that just comes with being in a progression guild, when fights are tuned to be a challenge. Instead of getting frustrated, I look at the positives that come from making the small tweaks that contribute towards getting that little bit closer to a kill.

    I have previously performed several roles that utilized the utility a rogue has to offer. I was one of two who did interrupts for Heroic Spirit Kings on Zian the Endless Shadow. On Heroic Elegon, I would use Cloak of Shadows to soak Total Annihilation. On Heroic Will I would use Cloak of Shadows and Elusiveness/Feint to soak Sparks from the Courages. I also used crippling poison and shiv (improved crippling) to slow Courages from reaching our tanks.

    On Horridon I can provide both interrupts for adds that cast, also stuns and dismantle to help reduce add damage. Prey on the weak also increases damage to adds that are stunned.

    On Tortos I can apply AoE slow on the bats, and provide a misdirect through Tricks to help the tank pick up initial threat. I use smokebomb on the bat tank when they say they do not have a personal cooldown available.

    Ji-Kun I use Feint and Cloak of Shadows to soak puddles and evasion to reduce damage taken during Quills and feint during quills when evasion is down.

    Smokebomb is useful during many fights where raidwide AoE damage is prevalent where the entire raid or melee group can stack including on fights like: Maeg, Ji Kun, Primordius, Iron Qon and Lei Shen

  3. Ashin,

    I would be pleased to tell you more about myself. I'm half Japanese guy living just west of Toronto. I got my BSc in environmental science and minor in biology but ended up with a career with a bank. I work in financial institutions, which is basically responsible for managing my banks relationships with other banks internationally, and negotiating the types of business that we do with each bank ei trade finance, wire payments, foreign exchange.

    Outside of wow I am a huge hockey fan, having the misfortune of being a maple leafs fan (especially after last night D: ). I enjoy running, movies and sports.

    On the weekend you'd find me down south of the border in buffalo with my girlfriend of three years. We originally met through wow ironically and she moved out to buffalo from NYC two years ago to make seeing each other easier. Fridays you would find me relaxing taking back some beers while doing anything from wow, league of legends, nhl2013 or anything else my girlfriend wants to drag me to lol

  4. Hi there Raer,

    Re: leeching poison

    I tend to switch between the two depending on the fight. In fights where there's slow constant damage then I would pick leeching poison, whereas in fight with large predictable damage I would take elusiveness. I also use leeching it for farming/dailies etc and farming my glaives :)

    Re: expertise

    Expertise while similar to hit is slightly less important to cap. With the changes that refund energy should you be dodged and with envenom buff still being applied when dodged its not AS critical to be capped as hit but i agree still important. Up until very recently I have been both well over expertise cap and still am over hit cap as you mentioned. That said I think a simple change of reforge to my ring would put me back up to cap, which i would have no problem with doing.

    Re: rune

    In terms of rune, I agree that it certainly is not the best rogue trinket currently available. Unfortunately my guild had terrible luck with agi trinkets only getting two talismans and Zero juju's to drop over the course of 5.2. Up until recently I was way over expertise cap also making renatakis not the best choice at the time either.

    In terms of its theory, the trinket is kind of a double edged sword for us. Since it converts our two lower of mastery/haste/crit to the strongest of the three and multiplying the two stats by 200%, to optimize the trinket you inherently would want relatively balanced stats. But doing so will reduce your overall dps throughout a fight when the proc is down because you won't be reforging heavily into your strongest stat like typically done.

    Re:opening sequence

    I have changed my opener after discussion with another rogue in my guild. As soon as he mentioned opening with mut I actually realized the benefit and couldn't believe I had overlooked that.

    In terms of my opening sequence i do the following:

    Mut from stealth > rupture > mut > snd > begin my 5pt envenom cycle, refreshing rupture when needed

    Apologies if this is a formatting nightmare, posting from my phone.

  5. Hi Ashin,

    I believe that attempt Jin Rokh was pulled over to the pool area too early prior to the other tank landing following the last 'dance' transition and I just barely got clipped within its 8 yard radius.

    I do love my rogue. This rogue was actually my first character I made way back in the days of BC, so I do have quite a bit of attachment to it. I have raided on my rogue nearly every tier of every expansion. Only tier where I played another class as my main was first tier of WoTLK due to the poor place rogues were in at the time(shiv spec ._.) and I played my elemental shaman during that tier (lava burst was SO OP that tier :D)

    I think I come back to my rogue primarily due the way the class is build around stealth. I tend to BG and arena regularly and rogues make those fun and enjoyable. Rogues tend to put out a lot of DPS and provide a ton of utility (although a lot of it is simply self-utility) which makes me really enjoy the class. I've also had my rogue since the beginning, so at times its feels like I have put so much into the character that I couldn't think of putting my rogue to a backburner. That said, I have played many different alts in many different roles. In WoTLK I tanked with a DK, in BC I healed with my shaman for parts of BT and SWP (lolchain heals) and later again in ICC, but when it comes down to it my rogue has always been my true main.

    I think rogues bring a lot of utility to the raid, including the new buff to smokebomb, a spammable AOE slow, reliable short cooldown interrupt (although these days nearly every class has one), tricks of the trade provides a nice dps boost to a friendly target, Cloak of shadows provides an immunity every minute that can often be utilized to absorb certain mechanics, same goes for feint (which has no CD). Not related to current content but in Cata, subtlety rogues specialized in killing adds on V and T in BoT, which I did. Stuns, Blind, dismantle, Evasion are all tools a rogue can use in certain situations in raids that may help out the raid.

  6. Hi there! My name is Peter and I am a 26 year old living just outside of Toronto.

    I play an assassination rogue named Daed on Malfurion(http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/malfurion/Daed/advanced), where I have raided in a guild named Ascensio since early 5.1. I came to Malfurion to raid with a long time WoW friend that have known back to the BC days. My guild had been having attendance issues as of late, and the officers decided to change to 10man, and while they invited me to be a part of the 10man team, I much prefer the 25man raiding environment.

    I have played a rogue for 5+ years and raided competitively in some form since the early days of BC. I am a reliable raider and feel will be able to provide competitive DPS while maintaining high raid awareness. I am also willing to do any role within a raid that will help the guild progress. Here is an overview of my progression while the content was relevant:


    1/13H ToT

    9/16H MSV/HoF/ToES


    8/8H DS

    6/7H FL

    8/13H BwD,BoT/TotFW


    11/12H ICC

    5/6H ToC

    14/14 Ulduar (FL, XT, Iron Council, Hodir, Thorm Mimi, Vezax hardmodes)

    17/17 Naxx / OS / EoE (Sarth 3D killed)


    3/6 SWP Pre-nerf

    9/9 BT - Realm First (US-Misha) Illidan kill, 6/6 MH

    4/4 TK, 6/6 SSC

    I am a reliable raider who will be able to make 100% of raids, barring any unforeseen things that may come up, at which point I would provide the guild with plenty of notice ahead of time. I am capable of providing my own food, flasks and pots for raiding.

    Here are a few links of recent WOL reports:



    Here is a screenshot of my UI:


    I use Elitist Jerks as a source to stay current on rogue theorycrafting and use Shadowcraft to continuously sim my rogue's current stat priorities. I research fights ahead of time to ensure I understand the mechanics.

    I run with an ASUS GT70 Laptop. It has an Intel Core I7-3610QM @ 2.30GHz, 12GB DDR RAM, and an NVIDIA GTX670M. I have a working microphone and have used both Ventrilo and Mumble in the past, depending on what your guild uses. Here is a link to internet connection to Chicago (Stormreaver datacentre):


    I am available as soon as required.

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