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Posts posted by Siesa

  1. I am in the beta for PS2 also, although I haven't played it much so far. If there are a few SoH people playing I would probably have more incentive to log in. From the limited time I was in game it really felt a lot like PS from what I remembered with much better graphics.

    Oh and for anyone who had a PS account you have access to beta, you just need to log into your SOE account and you should be good to go!

  2. I can't believe it's F2P now. I don't even remember my account info. 112%20LOL.png

    You should be able to get it pretty easily I'm sure. That way you could log in and say hi! I even saw Opal log on earlier tonight :D

  3. I was thinking about popping in to see if I still knew anyone... can't remember which server I'm on though. Name in game is Feramoan. If you post your char name and server, I'll see if I have anything of value that I can mail.

    You should be on Israphel. There are still people around, and a lot ahve come back recently to see how things are too. My characters name is Sibeale btw :D

  4. Tough call. I know I still have stuff for whenever I was "going" to get bakarmas spear...like a paralyze gs and a bunch of 80-90 enchants. Have they added an extendable PA that is better than Bakarams yet?

    Well there is the Athana's fate PA but it's pretty much impossible to get without fort swaps, so really no there isn't. And there is also no new extendable weapons in 3.0. There are some PA's out now that have such high top end that a lot of glads just get those and don't worry too much about Bakarma.

  5. So now that Aion is FTP, is there anyone that is coming back?

    Oh and if you never plan on coming back can I have your stuff? :D

  6. It is one set per account, if you apply it to a priest class it will be chain but they can change it to leather/cloth if you petition. And also it will not include the weapon/title, you must still do the full quest series to acquire those.

  7. Blargh, not sure if I am jealous you are ording pizza tonight or just haning out with a lot of chicks. Well fact that they are teens actually makes it an easy decision. Anyway I just resubbed for a month, so to say hey to folks I missed and would hate to join folks just to walk awaya month from now. Though I want to get dumb with some pvp and anything ese you folks are game for before I decide where I am home for. Jee wizz I miss you folks On that note I do want to punch some Elyois in the face this month so lets do tha!

    Hey Xoric, not sure the last time you played but if you haven't checked out the new arenas I am sure you would enjoy those (plate is OP in Chaos), the 1v1 arena is fun too. Maybe I will see you in game, more then likely if I'm on it will be my sorc Sibeale, though I do still play the sin some here and there.

  8. Heads up folks.. the SW:TOR phishing emails are already going out.

    Got a couple this morning that said my account had been flagged in violation of the EULA and that I had to log into a website.

    LOL it was only a matter of time I guess, I get ones for WoW all the time and I don't even have a WoW acct.

  9. So, we have almost level 10 characters on Wound too.

    I have a question: What are the numbers next to our little pictures in the bottom corner when we answer a question? Sometimes there will be 2 little dashes and sometimes theres some random number....

    If it's what I think your referring to, it is your roll for each part of the conversation if you are grouped with someone. Not sure what the 2 little dashes are I will have to look the next time I am in game but it could be that you or the other person in group is waiting for the other to catch up.

  10. I am probably going to pre-order this in the next few days but I have no idea how much I will play at the first I am just too busy with Aion/RL atm. I have old SWG friends trying to get me to play with them also so I don't know where I will end up.

  11. I wasn't a part of the beta weekends, I was in the regular beta and they all got wiped just before each new build so I know my toons aren't there. I will probably DL it again and mess around a little tomorrow and Tuesday since this event in Aion is making me afk on each of my alts for 2 hrs at a time on each, need something to do while collecting enchantment stones. I will probably make a trooper this time, they were pretty op in the last few builds so thought I would be lame and roll one and try it out.

  12. I agree 100% on both. :thumbup:

    My Jedi is level 31 and I just can't stop playing. I'm totally addicted to the story. I'm honestly not sure I could go back to a non-story MMO at this point. Its funny, sad, heart-pumping, and at times, OMG did they really just do that?? I don't think I've ever played an MMO where they REALLY made me feel like the hero I'm supposed to be. The fights can be hard, and epic. Fighting along side your companion and taking out 5-6 mobs at a time you actually feel like, yeah, I'm the one saving these people.

    I know that everyone does not like this sort of thing, and others are just to impatient to listen to the story (I'll admit I sometimes spacebar through some mindless dribbling when it happens). I did worry a little in the first 15 levels wondering if grouping would be needed or necessary, but after 20, I can really say that it comes into it's own with rich, LARGE well developed planets with lots of content to explore with your friends.

    I mean I "Know" my toon is getting deleted in about 2 weeks, and the point of moving forward is moot, but I just cannot help it - its just too fun to stop.

    Note: Personal Mileage May Vary, and just like Spicy Food, Its not for Everyone - I just know its for me. :lol:

    I was like that the first two beta's I was in, I just couldn't take rerolling again so I haven't played the beta since.

  13. GW2/D3 shouldn't have anything to do with SW:TOR tbh, GW2 won't be out until next summer and still no word on a release for D3 yet. SW:TOR is a very casual game and plays a lot like ME, can play for small periods and not feel like you completely wasted it grinding mobs mindlessly. I will be playing but it won't be my main game.

  14. Basically from everything I have seen you can solo pretty much everything (except the group content obviously). I have done very little grouping at all and I got to lvl 29 (Merc BH) last build and I'm at 30 now on a IA sniper. I have really missed Mako, having a companion that heals was awesome, but Kaliyo does a good job of keeping aggro since I am alot more squishy as a sniper. My suggestion would be to pick any class you think you would enjoy, you will have several companions that can perform pretty much any role you need.

  15. You have about a minute being invulnerable, I was able to get about 9-10 in before having to log out. Makes it go a little quicker, I think it took me about 20 minutes to turn in 500k worth of items.

  16. So, overall impressions of the game? Yay/nay?

    I find myself wanting to play it when I can't so I guess that says something at least. A lot of the group content was buggy in the last build so I didn't even try it at all, but it looks like that is one of the main areas they targeted with this new build so I will be trying it out more this time around. Kind of hard to give a real overall impression seeing as I only saw half of the story line of one class, and did no group content and very little PvP, but like I said earlier it had me wanting to play it. The graphics aren't as bad as I feared they would be, they are actually pretty good. Voice acting and story line were pretty good, but I found myself hitting space bar every so often when the npc's would start to ramble on. I will be buying the game, but it may just be something I play on the side while waiting for 3.0 in Aion (rumor has it 3.0 goes live in Korea first part of November).

  17. Got my re-invite and just started the huge DL again. Going to suck having to start over at lvl 1, I may try a different class this time, I'm thinking smuggler/commando or maybe a sith assassin. I would rather start where I left off on the BH (lvl 30) but I doubt you can do that. Oh well I have been looking forward to the new build, lets hope they got a lot of the bugs taken care of.

  18. I'd like to do these, depending what "morning" means for u ofc. Note that i've done Eso only twice (and not on my glad) and I'm a complete noob (undergeared too i imagine) so not sure if i'd fit into a 3-4-man Eso. Either way if i'm on i'd like to go:)

    Your gear is perfectly fine for a 3-man Eso run. There's really not all that much to the instance either, burning the adds down on the tree boss is the toughest part of the instance imo and once you get the hang of it even that is fairly simple. As long as you run out for aoe's on the second and third your cleric should be able to keep you up just fine.

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