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Posts posted by Drazo

  1. At this time I think i'm gonna take a break from MMO's all together. For me real life is just too busy at the moment between work and school, for me to devote any time to either Aion or WoW at this time. Hopefully that will change in the near future. Its definitely been fun, I may pop on from time to time.

    Take care.

  2. Dont feel bad Seb, I've kind of been feeling the same way about Aion lately myself. But real life has kind of gotten in the way lately between Work, School and spending time with my Girlfriend.

    It has been a bit of a chore for me to stay interested in Aion as of late, and have been toying with the idea of heading back to WoW myself.

    So if you head over to WoW I will probably be tagging along, as for staying with Aion I just dont know at this point. For me I'm more of a PVE person then Pvp, dont get me wrong I like pvp just not all the time.

  3. I agree this is no longer fun, almost to the point of being ridiculous. What were they thinking having Divine going vulnerable at 1am cycle. For me I go where SoH goes. But I will say transferring servers may be a little premature I think we should wait a little bit and see where the Asmos who actually PvP go, then make our decision.

  4. Hello everyone i have not been online the past couple of weeks due to RL being a bit crazy lately with work. Planned on coming back this week, but got an email today announcing that i was accepted into the Alpha Testing for FFXIV which starts on the 13th, so going to be managing my play time between the 2 for now, hope to see everyone in game later tonite.

  5. Just wanted to let everyone know what has been going on with me.

    I haven't been on much lately, due to a real busy week at work hopefully next week will be better. Unfortunately I work a job where I am oncall 24 hours a day during the week, and being understaffed this week has a put a big strain on my time being available to play Aion. Just so glad I have a 3 day weekend cause I really need it to unwind and relax. I will definitely be on some this weekend.

  6. yeah, thinking of making an expert sword, but gonna cost a fortune and if I dont get procs I may kill my computer...lol

    So if there is something that doesn't take as many procs that would be great.

  7. Hello. Most of you know my from my character Drazo.

    A few weeks ago I decided to change my main, from my Gladiator (Drazo) to my Templar (Kalidus). So I have been primarily focusing on leveling Kalidus over the past couple of weeks.

    So I have decided to come back after much begging from Seb saying he was sorry for booting me cause he said that we didnt need anymore Templars...:lol:

    But how can you say no to a leader that would lead his entire alliance on a kamikaze mission straight into a meteor in the abyss, and wipes 90% of the Alliance in one shot.

    Much love bro, but just wanted to stop by and let everyone know whats been going on over the past couple of weeks, currently my templar is at 32 so if anyone in the lower levels be it mains or alts needs to run some stuff just let me know.

    See everyone in game.

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