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Everything posted by Atrael

  1. Yeah I used google docs in school some, I wish it was a bit more user-friendly/accessible.
  2. For the drenite ore alone, assuming a 7 second gather speed, and gathering for four hours a day, it would take just over 30 days to gather all of the drentie. Granted, the blue/green drenite you gather you can break into smaller pieces. That's a nice gesture right!
  3. So I thought I would dive into how much it would take to craft an entire set of the Master Carved Drenium set (including the helm) for a plate wearer such as myself. I assumed a 20% proc rate, and that 5 of each item would be crafted going for the proc. Ideally, you would get lucky and have it proc sooner reducing the overall need to harvest materials. Please note, this does NOT include the acids and charcoal needed to convert this stuff into the "intermediate" products. This is your BoM: 17 Master Carved RED Fragments 17 Master Carved BLUE Fragments 17 Master Carved WHITE Fragments 17 Master Carved GREEN Fragments 65 Master Special Armor Flux 20 Master Special Accesory Flux 110 Brilliant Magical Aether 60 Brilliant Drenite Ore 62040 Drenite Ore Wow.... get started!
  4. Atrael


    So excited to do some of this stuff, is Draup a long CD? Does SoH still run it? I'm probably worrying about this way to soon but it's very cool to think about.
  5. Atrael


    Oh wow, so each run is about 45 minutes right? Not as bad as I was envisioning, but I suppose that depends on groups too. I'm comparing it to FT which basically always had a group up, is Adma a legion-run instance?
  6. Atrael


    Wow! So I have to ask, how many Adma runs for your lannok spear and how do you like it? P.S. Give it to me.
  7. I've looked at the plat coin plate, the stats aren't very exciting, one of the bonus stats is actually mp.... As for crafting I can definitely do that, AS is my profession and I'm at 241 right now, just a matter of taking the time and kinah to grind it up. (Just bought some oaths for the mirka ruby set).
  8. Can't wait to see it, do you guys get S rank often?
  9. That's encouraging, did you see a lot of anuhart pieces drop?
  10. Hey SoH, A key concern for any class, but especially a melee class, is keeping up to date with gear. I've been keeping myself up to date with good blues (Daeva, now a mix of MM boots, elite rank 5 and expert ada gloves), but I'm wondering where I should plan on building my end-game PvE gear. The armor set I've un-officially planned on striving for is Fenris, it's expensive and time-consuming, but it doesn't require that I have gear to get. What I mean is, I really want to get the Anuhart Gladiator gear, I've done the stats comparison and I really like it over fenris, but my understanding is that in order to run DP for Anuhart, you have to be geared really well. What are some of your recommendations on my best course for gearing up PvE? Also, I've specified PvE twice because I think having a great PvE set will enable me to get a PvP set much faster, and I've decided to go for 50e over the 40e when I do go for it. Thanks SoH!
  11. Epic, I mean really, who can top this with thought out, mythical etc. Maybe if someone was named Slushee and modeled him after Apu :-P
  12. Had a great conversation in Teamspeak with Huntyre, just confirmed what I expected! Cool people and a cool legion, looking forward to staying involved. BTW, talking to him was good luck, because I was randomly walking around Beluslan and after the convo had the pleasure of finding a incoming rift with elyos coming through, 2500 AP. yes please
  13. Whew that was before me, I only read about decks like that. My favorite deck was actually not a very strong/synergetic deck and it was U/G Champions/Ravnica arc. Vinelasher kudzu, sakura and counters. Turn 2 was always a bit awkward deciding between mana accel or disruption, but I won a lot of Friday Night Magic's with that deck. Ghaziglare was pure genius to me, love that. Greatergifts was a fun variant of a gifts deck, though a little to johnny to be a good tourney deck. Lots of memories!
  14. I happen to have an unlimited black lotus in NM condition, I'm very attached to it. I also once believed I was purchasing a copy of the ultra-rare Splendid Genesis (the second rarest magic card behind metal fork) for $1200 dollars only to be scammed. Thank god for Amex! (Going price for one then was 4K++, so I should have been more concerned, but as with most people, I rationalized away the red flag as someone who wanted to sell quickly or that the market was too small for a true "list price" buyer)
  15. Something I love about MMO's is the names people come up with, and I thought it would be cool to see where the members of SoH come up with their titles/monikers and alter-egos. Some of the ones I have spent more time on: Acieslumen (Elyos Sin) Hybrid of Lumen meaning "light" and Acies meaning "Edge", both from latin. Hopefully meaning Light's Edge or Edge of Light. (Pronounced Ah-keys-lu-men, though many called me A-seas) Atrael (Asmo Glad) Atra is latin for "dark", ael is a modifier meaning "one", so Atrael means "Dark One" (roughly). It is pronounced At-try-el. My Sorc was named Umezawa, from the Magic the Gathering card Umezawa's Jitte. Yes I played, not anymore though. Was a "regional" tournament player.
  16. Love the tone of the OP, very well articulated.
  17. Great feedback! I look forward to browsing the forums and seeing what everyone is up to and the different personalities that make up SoH. I'll update at key points in my progression, and maybe when I reach 48 there will be someone that can talk me through dredgion runs (I believe the minimum level is 46, but I suspect unless my kinah/gear situation improves I would be hurting the groups chances, feel free to correct me though ). Thanks for inviting me as a friend of the forums!
  18. Hello SoH! I first want to say that I have only spoken to one member of SoH and my experience with your legion is limited to what I have gathered through the forums, but I have been very impressed with the level of professionalism and detail in the posts about who SoH is and what you're looking for. To begin, I am currently outside the realm of what SoH wants, as I am a level 38 gladiator and further, I haven't grouped with anyone from SoH or made it to end game. Even still, I thought it would be helpful to get to know a group of players as coordinated as SoH appears to be, and see where it goes. So enough about how I got here and why, let me tell you about me. From an Aion perspective, I first played in the pre-release as an Elyos assassin. I joined a legion called Dawn of Eternity and became an officer after two weeks. We had a functioning and active website, and were in the "power level" phase of legion growth. I'm not sure when the switch flipped but I was level 42 ( and we had several 44-47 players), and almost overnight we all became fed up with Aion. We were doing Steel Rake, and we were all among the highest level players on Ariel (very active, very concentrated leveling). Personally, I think I realized how much time I had spent trying to power level and was essentially, from an xp standpoint, only halfway to 50. Real life took over, but after awhile I started to miss Aion again, and I heard about all the updates and changes and finally got back into the game (this time my fiance started playing as well). I decided to roll asmo, and play as a sorc. When I hit 30, I realized I didn't go for daeva armor last time, but with 2.0 out I could level 4 toons to 30 faster than ever before. I made a chanter, SM, gladiator and another assassin as my alts. Rotating Haramel and NTC, I quickly (obo a month) brought my other characters to speed. It was an incredibly valuable exercise seeing the different classes, learning the roles, and understanding the mechanics. While there were things I liked about each class, I realized how much fun I was having as my gladiator, and flip flopped over which class to take to 55, gladiator or sorcerer. I posted on the forums, talked to friends etc. but ultimately had to resort to a psychological parlor trick. I told myself heads I would be sorc, and tails I would be gladiator. I flipped and got heads, I was disappointed, and I knew I should be a glad. I moved my daeva armor over, filled up with crit 13, enchanted to +5 and was on my way to FT for my kro spear, which only took 21 runs to get. In the process, I joined a casual, laid back legion called the Black Wing Coalition. My girlfriend joined shortly thereafter, and it's been an interesting community to chat with as we all do our separate things. I've made friends, but I fully intend to leave the legion shortly, after I feel like I've made as much contribution to the team as I can. Ultimately the fit isn't right for me. My priorities are to reach 55, possibly go for fenris, Master AS, and pvp like there is no tomorrow. Black Wing doesn't share those priorities, which is perfectly fine for them. I expect my girlfriend will remain in Black Wing as she enjoys a much more leisurely approach than I do. That's about it for Aion, now my personal bio! I am 22 years old, and freshly graduated from Wake Forest University's Calloway School of Business (now renamed to the Schools of Business), with a BS in Finance. I live in Boston, MA, but I'm from Knoxville, TN. I work in a regional Real Estate firm that has a sister company trading in CMBS. My job functions range between securities analysis, spreadsheet applications, making presentations with potential clients/investors and other functions. It's a great job and I have the opportunity to come in early and leave by 5, giving my time to come home and enjoy playing Aion, watching movies or w/e. SoH: I want to be a part of your community, it sounds fun, dynamic and challenging. I fully expect to be told to wait until I am level 50 (or at least closer to 50) and that a couple of runs of X instance would be warranted before any decision can be made. I can tell you that while I feel like I'm a pro at all content under 40, I have never seen anything above level 42, and would require some coaching. I do research instances online so that I don't walk into hard areas blind, and I learn quickly from experienced players I group with. If I have the opportunity to join SoH, I would want to contribute to Fort Seiges, Rifting (when it is fixed, which after the survey I expect it will be), Balaurea and End game instances. I'm not sure what your policies are on gearing (I noticed in the status for SoH that that is the focus right now) but if you pool bloods for HHoM I would be perfectly willing to contribute and take my place at the back of the line for when it's my turn to get help on the quest. Thanks for reading and I look forward to hearing back from the community!
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