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Posts posted by mattplex

  1. I can't play anymore if it's not Ability Draft.

    It's not as fun after playing it haha


    Mind you, its a stomp going either one way or another!

  2. Hi, fellow Matt, and welcome!

    What kind of music do you like to listen to?

    Whole lot of music.

    Euro dance haha

    Thrash (Metallica, anthrax, testament, death angel)

    Old rock (ccr, Boston, blue oyster cult, skynyrd)

    Rap (nothing recent. Just old stuff)

    Power metal

    That's mainly my favourite stuff

  3. Please say the card sets were the Marvel Masterpieces done by the Hildebrandt (sp?) brothers. God I loved the art on those cards.


    Also Ina Garten is the devil. She denied the request of a Make A Wish kid...no lie.








    DAMN RIGHTS!! haha Best masterpiece set EVER.

    So amazing.




    The other is the Marvel Metal set. (So lame, but I love it)

    And I picked up regular sets 1-4, since the ones I collected when I was a kid, weren't in perfect condition. As well as the holograms. Except the Series 4 Spiderman vs Venom holo, which I will get eventually.

  4. She's like 5'7" I thought?!  That's crazy tall in female world.


    5'5" is listed on Wiki, which is pretty average.

    Lana is 5"7" and you can see it!


    Also decided to make my photo a combination of wrestling and hockey.


    Behold! Murder-suicide king, Chris Benoit!

    (Not his fault, his brain was hamburger)

  5. You my friend should try Dragoon! At level cap, our rotation is something like this...

    Heavy Thrust(HT)->Impulse Drive(ID)->Disembowel(DIS)->Chaos Thrust(CT)->Phlebotomize(PH)->True Thrust(TT)->Vorpal Thrust(VT)->Full Thrust(FT)->HT->TT->VT->FT->PH->ID->DIS->CT->HT->TT->VT->FT->PH->TT->VT-FT

    Then repeat... Oh, and don't forget your cooldowns(Internal Release, Blood for Blood, Bloodbath, Power Surge, & Life Surge) or your off GCDs (Spineshatter Dive, Dragonfire Dive, Jump, Leg Sweep & Mercy Stroke).


    And of course most boss fights won't let you get the entire chain off so you'll be modifying it for each fight.


    Oh well I'll be damned! That's not bad haha I miss the days of 15 rows of toolbars. Like EQ2... You had to basically Shift+Alt+Ctrl+CapsLock+4 to cast a spell on toolbar 13. But that game also had a lot of flavour spells. Something definitely missing from a lot of MMOs, especially FF14. That game just bored me way too much.


    If I want to transform into a bear with flaming fists, I should be able to.

  6. Welcome aboard!  Sad that FFXIV leveling left you bored -- the end game is very well-done and I have a definite man-crush on Yoshi-P, the lead developer.


    I'm excited for your profile picture selection on the horizon!


    I don't know what to pick... SO many choices... An 80s movie? A 90s PC game? Comics? Wrestling? Warhammer 40K?


    Can't!  Feel too guilty that I haven't gone since you were required to go prior to Confirmation.........


    What's up with the plex?  Is it like suplex?  Are you doing WWE Divas?  How do you feel about how OCD John Cena is regarding the use of his kitchen?!


    Ya this is my general internet handle, created from suplex. Lot of characters for online games I make have plex as a suffix. Megaplex, Superplex, Holyplex, Doomplex, depends on the character. But I stuck with Corruptor for Wildstar as I wanted something neato.


    And I try to catch Divas here and there, the crap is more fake then the actual events though, since they are trying to pass it off as reality. I didn't see the episode with John in the kitchen though haha I watched the last episode where Natty draws portraits like a 7 year old autistic kid.

  7. Thats the exact reason I stopped my WHM. I couldn't handle stone anymore


    haha Ya man, after a while it felt like a korean MMO that only gives you 5 skills for the entire game.


    Yes, please don't get fired or anything.  Some of us are still Catholic and have guilt issues and cannot accept the burden of your firing on our damned souls.


    It's ok. Just go to confession and you should feel brand spanking fresh.

  8. Welcome!  Guy Fieri has been responsible for most of my unhealthy burger nights, DDD is banned in my house.   :(  I'm more of an Ina Garten girl myself -- I desperately want to to be Jeffrey Garten so she can feed me...


    PS. If you're still into FFXIV, the guild has a chapter on Leviathan that you'd be welcome to join.  ^^


    I won't lie. I didn't even hit max level on FF14. The game grew so stale for me... I was a WHM, so using two spells for fighting really made me sick haha

    Aero -> Stone x 7 -> Aero -> Stone x 7 -> repeat forever


    Oooooooooooooh someone's scared of chat! :p


    hahaha I figured someone would catch that! I clicked it, then didn't want my boss walking by and seeing me talk. So I'll just stick to forums.

  9. You're ruining my Canadian stereotypes, FYI.  World view = shattered.  Can't level = even.


    GJ at keeping up, so far!  


    hahah Sorry mang! But rest assured, becase my city is pretty far north, It does usually snow until late May... Just not this year.

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