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Posts posted by skiggs

  1. Welcome !!  Awesome cat pics, they are adorable. 


    Chua is a good choice, more science is good science !! I prefer Mechari for their robust physique and of course cool robot noise when they run.


    Does you wife game also or is just understanding of your need for nerd space? 


    Wife does not game.  She isn't a big fan of games, but knows I need my nerd time.  This was established very early on in the relationship :)

  2. Thanks everyone for the warm welcome!


    [monotonous] Hii Skiggs

    First off, your cats are adorable (is Drogo a GoT reference?)
    Second, Go Chua! \o/

    What is your top title for FPS and RPG right now respectively? 
    Welcome to the guild! can't wait to play with ya :]


    Yes, he prefers to be called Khal Drogo, warlord of the Dothrakittys.  Hmm.. for FPS, I haven't been playing any FPS recently, last I played was Battlefield 4 but there were so many bugs.  I do enjoy the Battlefield genre, as well as Team Fortress 2.  On console I like Halo (can't wait for the new Bungie game Destiny later this year).  For RPGs.. Diablo 3!


    Down with Chua!


    Is Draco's pic doctored up or does he actually look that cute?  How much does Drogo eat each day?  And would he claw your hand to death if you tried to rub his belly?


    Draco does actually look that cute.  He's an exotic shorthair and his face is as flat as a wall.  Drogo eats about quarterpound of raw beef everyday, along with some dry kibble food.  As long as you bring an offering of snack, you may rub his belly.


    CATS!!  Welcome!


    Best raiding experience in a game?

    I lived in DC for several years, did you grow up around there (based on your sporting affiliations)?  



    Best raiding experience was old school WoW, either C'thun from AQ40 or the original four horsemen in Naxxramas.  Both of those fights were awesome, hard, but fulfilling when beat!  Yes, I lived most of my life in southern Maryland.  Chua cause angry hamsters > you.


    Welcome to the forums, and thank you for the introduction.


    I see you played Warhammer. What was your main? Do you enjoy PvP?


    Additionally, please pick your preferred spelling out of these two: Grey - Gray


    I did play Warhammer.  I was a dwarf Ironbreaker.  I enjoyed punting people into the lava with one of their skills on the battleground that had lava.   :D  Yes, I love to PvP.  Hope to pvp a bunch in WildStar!  And... GREY!


    Welcome skiggs!




    I am also curious as to your taste in FPSs and single player RPGs. And where did you get your name skiggs?


    Battlefield and Diablo!  When I said RPGs I meant all types, including hack-n-slash, mmo's etc.  Skiggs... long story that I will have to save for a "where did you get your name from?" thread.


    Welcome!!  Omg I love your kitties!  They're so cute!  I have two cats too!  How old are they?  


    Drogo is 10 months.  Draco is 4 months.  They are awesome!  We treat them like they are our children lol.


    Cats names based on the book or movie versions of the characters?!


    How dare you Chua!  What other bad life decisions have you made that we can know about?!




    Drogo - HBO version.  Draco - because my wife HAD to have a Harry Potter name.  :mad:

  3. Hi everybody!



    My name is Gregg, I’m 29 years old, married and live in Florida.  As far as experience, I've played many MMOs, some a lot more than others.  The longest tenured MMO was of course WoW in which I did everything (who hasn't).  I haven’t played that in a few years.  That's where most of my raid experience lies.  I've also played SWTOR, Warhammer Online, Age of Conan, and Rift.  Lately I've been having fun playing the Diablo 3 expansion.  I like all flavors of games but tend to bounce back and forth from FPS to RPGs.  I have Playstation 4 but all it does right now is play Blu-rays.
    Outside of gaming, I enjoy spending time with the wife, playing recreational softball, CrossFit, cycling, watching most sports (go Redskins, Capitals, Wizards, and Orioles!) and playing with our two cats.
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    As far WildStar goes, I've had my eye on it for a very long time.  I've only gotten to play it in open beta. I still haven’t decided what class to play, but I will probably be a Chua…  I'll also be interested in a rotating raider spot if one is available!  I was looking for a mature guild to play WildStar with.  When I read what South of Heaven was all about I had contact Vanity!  I hope to be a good fit for you guys.

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