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Posts posted by Eslosh

  1. Just an idea:


    Would it be possible to have a permanent list which is one we can agree a set group (or specific person) is kill on sight and has been enough of a thorn in our side that they will always be killed and then a second kind of  weekly list, maybe something where people can air their grievances about a certain jerk or two and our 'PVP friday night' we could keep an eye out for these scoundrels and potentially if it becomes entertaining enough some guild bank money could be set aside as a bounty when you get a screenshot of the kill?


    I'm just thinking out loud, but much like everyone else I think its in our best interest not to create too many enemies but if we need to enact vengeance I like the idea of having a new weekly board of jerks to go after. 



  2. Someone had warned that rated battlegrounds will not stop you from being added to a game already in progress so if you ever select Rated and go in solo, its possible you might join a game where you're already losing 0-4.  Just wanted to hand off that tidbit of advice in case anyone is worried about their ranking.


    As for me, I am really excited for Warplots and battlegrounds!  Arena is something I'm willing to try but I was never very talented at.  Jestoner and I had a rag tag Arena team but it was mainly for the low end arena gear and nothing all that competitive.

  3. Hey Zac!  Brixz told me to give you hell but I am honestly really bad at that so let me rustle up a few acceptable questions:


    -Have you ever tried tanking or DPS?  Do you think you will here?

    -Where is the farthest from North Carolina that you've traveled to?  

    -Be honest: Is Brixz ever actually really annoying?

    -When not playing MMOs what do you enjoy doing most?

    -If you could bring back one 90's tv show what would you want a reboot of?


    See you in game shortly!

  4. Sliding in right before go live - welcome Kazyn!


    I will try my hand at bombardment.


    - What was your favorite raiding moment in WoW?

    - Is there a sport team that you always root against?  If so, who?

    - What is the hardest single player game you have beaten?

    - You have to pass a word of wisdom to the next generation about life.  What is the most important thing to remember in life thus far?


    Hope to see you around this weekend and if not hope to see you in game at some point - I'll be the obnoxious Chua.  Although there will be plenty of those.

  5. Hola Fellow Esper Enthusiast!


    I have been really pleasantly surprised with the quality of this guild and I haven't even started playing yet so hopefully you'll find it the same.  I don't really have any special access to grant you  so just think of me a bit as a Walmart Greeter who hasn't been working past a week.


    -Which Persona games have you played?  Have you tried the Devil Survivor series at all?  I eat up anything Atlus so I'll talk your ear off about those games any day.

    -Where was the most interesting place you've cycled at?

    -What stood out about Anarchy Online that made it your favorite?

    -Where did you decide on or get Chaltier from?

    ​-If you had to pick a book for me to read without knowing me at all, what book would you suggest?


    Hope to see you in game,



  6. Hey Kevin, 


    Welcome to SoH.  Its a good group of people we got here.


    -How long have you been rock climbing?  Whats your biggest accomplishment with it?  Do you think this will influence you to wanting to play an explorer in game?

    -Are you an independent contractor for web development or do you work for a company?  

    -Were you in previous guilds in WoW or did you enjoy a lone wolf approach?

    -What is the best breakfast you've ever had?

    -What do you think youll be playing in Wildstar? What made it stand out from the crowd for you?


    Hope to see ya in game!

  7. Gasp, lacking in questions.  Ill try to fill the gap.  Welcome!  Hope you find a home here and glad to have you around for the kickoff of Wildstar launch!


    - How many times, per week, do you have to ask if someone has tried turning it on and off again?

    - Do you have a lot of geeky kids things planned out to get your kid into gaming or are you able to hold off until he is older?

    - What is the one class/ ability or game mechanic you miss most from Everquest?

    - What is the most obscure / hipster / unique gaming thing you own (in real life or in game if you'd like)?

    - If you had to consist on one meal alone for the rest of your life, what would it be?


    See you this friday hopefully and if not, see you later in the upcoming weeks for sure.

  8. Afternoon Jabbers!


    Apologies if I ramble as I've apparently been drinking this afternoon for no good reason.  I'm really excited so many people have been finding interest in this guild and I think the Wildstar go live is going to be nothing short of legendary.


    As one can assume, here at SoH we pile up the questions and the points don't matter:


    Is banking/ finance what you were excited about/ anticipated going into or did it just work out for you?

    What is the biggest lesson having kids has taught you?

    What is the longest investment of time you've ever spent in a game and what were you doing it for?

    What was the last book you recall finishing?

    What is the one ice cream flavor you think is the most disgusting?


    Hope you like it here!  People are amazing and hope to game with you sometime opening weekend if you've preordered (if not, Ill be dropping settler buffs for you at some point).


    Cheers, friend.

  9. Heya Dexter!  Well met!


    Having lived in upper Michigan I always wondered if the weather got a lot worse if you went just a bit more northbound to Canada.  How bad are the winters up there, anyways?  If you haven't been tipped off by the other introductory posts this is where we bombard you with a relentless amount of questions and expect you to entertain us with answers :)


    - What is one videogame that you remember being the most hyped up for (not counting Wildstar)?

    - Have you run in any races for running?  Do you have a particular distance or speed in mind or do you just love running for the sake of running?

    - What is the cheesiest band you are willing to admit you listen to?

    - Have you ever traveled to the states and if so, where?

    - You get to request a single reboot of one season of a TV series or a sequel to a movie.  Which one would you pick?


    Someone else will probably be along to grant access and the like so hold tight.

  10. Ahoy!


    While quite new myself, I very much agreed this is the place to be hanging hats.  Hope the memorial day weekend is treating you well and you're getting some decent cookout weather.


    - Has your affection for beer brought you to be much of a beer snob or are you able to enjoy any beers fairly well?  Do you have a particular favorite or hard to obtain beer that you enjoy telling people about?

    - What is one of the first games you recall beating/completing?

    - Where is one place you still would like to travel?

    - Take any movie, book, TV Show or video game you can completely wipe from your memory and play fresh through for the first time.  What media is it?  Why?


    I imagine more questions will roll in once people awaken from their weekend food and drink coma's.

  11. I too am challenged with a girlfriend who doesn't really like videogames all that much. So far the games that have worked have been Plants Vs Zombies, Thomas Was Alone and Puzzle Craft.  Sadly she cannot handle the 3d nature of MMO's but she seemed interested in "playing the auction house" for wildstar so hey, who knows, maybe I'll luck out.  Best of luck on your end ;)


    Incoming questions abounds:


    -What is your favorite part of being a homeowner?

    -What was the biggest selling point of Wildstar to you?

    -Where is the coolest place you've ever traveled to?

    -If you had to challenge death at a game to win your life back, what game would you challenge him in?


    Welcome!  Hope to see you in game!

  12. Heya Bluur, Welcome!


    Whats your favorite part about Texas?  

    What would you consider the most challenging raid boss encounter in WoW?

    When you're not gaming whats your favorite pastime?

    If you died and only had the options of being hatefully remembered or forgotten entirely which would you pick?


    Hope to see you in game!

  13. Hi Ivo,


    I take it Butchers books mean to be the Dresden series which are, in my opinion, fantastic.  Do you feel his stories have gotten better through the years since hes moved away from the formulaic monster of the week vibe or do you miss the more 'stand alone' approach?   Have you ever read his fantasy novel series?


    What is your most memorable MMO moment? (Could be raiding or PVP or anything, really, I'm not picky)


    What is the one kids show from your childhood you wish they would bring back?


    Enjoy the long weekend, hope you get a relaxing one.



     I played Gemstone 3 and Dragonrealms MUDs to start...


    Ah! Me too, me too.  Remember the empaths in Dragonrealms?  You'd basically sit around in a giant house and take on the pains of other people.  I was so terrible at that game and understood so little but loved every minute of it.


    Do you believe that gifs are just that much more entertaining?  Or that if a picture tells a thousand words then a a gif tells like 20,000?  

    What was your most memorable MMO moment? 

    Do you enjoy reading and if so what was the last book you finished?

    Do you enjoy living in Colorado or would you move given the opportunity?

  15. I was able to switch away from soda and drinking water by using Mio (or any of the offbrands). While a little pricey it eventually let me make some healthier decisions simply because water was more enticing when it was flavored and then slowly cutting the usage down.

  16. Hey Tom!


    Whats a day in the life of a petroleum engineer?  Do you enjoy doing it or does it just pay the bills?  If you had to pick your favorite boss fight in a game which would you pick and why?


    Additionally are you one of the poor souls who will be attempting to brave the disconnects and rush headlong into the game on release day or will you be playing a week or so thereafter?


    Welcome aboard!

  17. VitaniOne and Jestoner are wonderful people who I've had the privilege of meeting years ago on WoW and actually flew out to visit because they are just that awesome.  I don't have any questions to add because I pestered them enough as is back in the day but I really think they'll be a great fit here.

  18. @Lindels -  Best of luck on that!  We tend to play a lot of the older games as she does not like anything 3D.  Right now its things like Professor Layton and Thomas was Alone because they keep things light.  I'll probably see if I can get her to roll a character in Wildstar but it'd be a hard sell.  As for my all time favorite games, I still loved Baldurs Gate 2 and the old Heroes of Might and Magic series.  WoW I played way too many years of and theres always a yearly favorite like Bioshock Infinite, etc.  How about yourself?  Have you tricked the BF into playing anything?  Does he get into MMOs as well?


    Writing I usually dabble on fictional writing prompts on reddit or short stories.  Oftentimes those get tossed because I still need a lot of work but its one of those things I really like but wish I could get better.  Neil Gaiman is my absolute favorite author of all time and I would love nothing more then to write in that sort of genre a modern day fantasy sort of vibe.


    Just wanted to say thanks to everyone for making me feel so welcome!  You guys are awesome and I really appreciate it.

  19. @Nyisha - Up near Andersonville area.  Its a bit north but quaint and close enough to go see what I'd like to see.  As for your constant banning I'm worried you're either giving your poor DM an aneurysm or you have a knack for pairing together some devilishly brilliant characters (or both).  Lets both agree that 4.0 can disappear into the nether. Whats your favorite system? 


    I have not played Call of Cthulhu but have played Arkharm Horror many a times - Fantasy Flight games have a knack for building something incredibly thematic and with sanity breaking rulesets.  @Midri - I'm pretty sure you're onto something although I heard 'A Study in Emerald' was ....kinda...sorta shorter of a board game. :)


    - Never been much of an anime individual.  Like the idea but back at college people were a little too excited and it was a tad uncomfortable.  I watched Cowboy Bebop and Death Note and I get really excited when a new Persona or Devil Survivor game comes out but that's pretty much the extent.  Is there any must watch anime by your standards?  I'd be willing to give it another go.


    - Fun fact, Towel Day is next Sunday!

  20. @Vanity - Girlfriend is not much of a videogamer, despite my avid attempts of trying.  Plants vs Zombies and iOS games are as far as I can coax her into.


    Despite her feelings on the matter, I brought her over and asked her opinion on the warring factions of Exile or Dominion.


    She told me she liked Exile.


    I said she should at least look at the picture and determine if she likes the looks of one team or another.


    She told me that would be superficial and that the Exiles were probably fighting for a good cause.  They're the underdogs.  Then she started singing 'You gotta fight for your right to party'.


    Its going to be a long night.

  21. @Pride - I think the tally came in this afternoon and found it to be Skigg's cats as the most adorable.  Although that might be cheating because that's not a secret at all.


    @Tilluk - That is awesome!  Sadly I only had time for the card game at the moment but I'd love to find time for some tabletop gaming.  Have you run games in the past?  Have you run any other systems besides pathfinder?


    So glad to hear I can get away with semi casual at least until Wildstar addiction kicks into full gear.  You guys are awesome :)

  22. Ah!  I cannot seem to wrap my head around Race for the Galaxy.  Definitely love the game but you will crush me - windfall, military, why did I select consume? I don't even have goods. Maybe someday I'll give it another go.


    Woot! Glad to hear we have a Chicago presence -  its a fantastic place to live and theres so much going on.  

  23. Hey South of Heaven folks,


    I saw your guild recruitment on Reddit and it looked like it would be a great place to call home.  My name is Aaron, I'm 31 and currently reside in Chicago.  WoW was my only previous foray into MMO's (unless you want to count Dragon's Gate which ...you probably won't) and I played from vanilla up until Lich King collecting some amazing time and friends throughout the course of those years.  I tend to favor healing classes and anything support related - its kind of sad how giddy I get with filling up health bars.  I'm leaning towards a medic in Wildstar but will be doing some further investigation before my final decision is in.


    Outside of gaming I'm one of those avid runners who disappears for two to three hours down a running trail. I'm running my first marathon in October which I apologize in advance for how much I'll probably talk about it.  My girlfriend and I are pretty obsessed with board games (at the moment: Castles of Burgundy, Amerigo, Seasons, Lords of Waterdeep, and when I can find the group - Pathfinder) and I like to dabble in writing from time to time.


    I tend to embrace anything nerd culture so if you get all aflutter over geeky things we'll probably get along quite well.  


    Work eats up a lot of my time, unfortunately, so I might be one of those people who is 'on deck' rather then in the raid schedule but I'm the type of player who will know the fights and be ready at a moments notice.  Hopefully this doesn't ruin my chances of joining an awesome guild but if so just let me know.


    Hoping to see you all in game!



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