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Posts posted by Jestoner

  1. The rift it forward system is wonderful and even the Blue posters have stated they're really happy with it too.  I ended up learning the "rules" on reddit... don't try and join without understanding who has to open and if they tell you to open then open!  If you get announced to be blacklisted you'll have a time time getting in, everyone blocks you.

  2. I originally started a priest to be a healer since our RL friends did not want to heal haha.  As i got into the other guild i found healers were far more common so to get a spot i actually had to roll DPS.  At the time shadow priest healing and mana return was a very unique system where as the more damage you did the more mana and health they would return to the entire party (this was when in 5 mans you had to separate people out into various 5 mans for buffs, they weren't raid wide.)  I became a very useful mana battery and even healed a good bit of AOE damage so i really enjoyed that i could still help while DPSing.  In wrath i wanted to raid more so i ended up rolling a mage to play in another guild and i really enjoyed the straight DPS with only having to worry about decursing.  I still miss the old shadow priest style of play though, in 5 man dungeons i could almost heal a whole group without the need for another healer (so 4 dps and 1 tank)

  3. Thank you all so much for the warm welcome!


    Lionheart - My Favorite class type often jumps between healing and dps depending on what is needed.  I am not a huge fan of tanking and although i have pulled it off, it wasn't exactly enjoyable for me.  Maybe that'll change in a new game though!  I played a shadow/holy priest throughout much of wow since the gear was fairly interchangeable, i just swapped to whatever was needed at the time.  For Wildstar i am thinking either Esper or the Spellslinger.


    Nyisha - The battlestar game is a wonderfully thematic game.  If you have watched and enjoyed the show (the new reboot) then you'll have a blast with this.  You really feel like you are running for your life while having no clue who is out to get you.  The rules can be a bit cumbersome so having someone who has played or watching some youtube how to play videos can be very helpful.  Also boardgame geek has some wonderful cheat sheets for looking up roll charts.  Just understand that the good guys (aka humans) are at a distinct disadvantage.  If they win their first game it is very likely that you were missing a key rule. 


    Toobz - I saved you for last because well, i love talking about TV shows!  Hmm this is a tough question that could be answered in many different ways.  I think the best example is actually two shows that i think may have helped each other out.  That would be Breaking Bad and House of Cards.  Breaking bad is a show that barely got made in the first place.  The love that went in to that pilot though is simply amazing, check out Brian Cranston's Nerdist podcast if you're in to long form chats like that for tons of info on why everything was laid out the way it was.  Breaking bad was not the ratings powerhouse that it ended up being by the end (and the end while a satisfying or even perfect ending storyline wise was IMO a bit lacking when compared to the episodes leading up to it).  I'm convinced it was actually thanks to netflix that this and now many other shows can exist. It wasn't long ago that if you wanted to get caught up on a show you had to buy the $50 box sets of DVDs.  Netflix allows people to catch up for one low monthly price and then people will watch the live episodes increasing rating and bringing in better and bigger sponsors fighting over spots for commercial breaks.  In turn netflix has changed from a movie rental destination to more of a TV streaming service because let's be honest, the movie selection for netflix streaming is often quite lacking.  So now that netflix is bringing in more and more people thanks to their TV selection it only made sense for them to try and get in to the TV market with House of Cards.  There are of course other examples like Orange is the New Black (which is fantastic but VERY adult) but i think House of Cards has been the most successful critically.  With house of cards they went all out with budget for actors, director and quality of writing.  I don't know that this would be possible with out the help of shows like Breaking Bad.


    For storytelling however this past year Orphan Black has been the standout show for me.  By episode 3 of season 1 you're hooked and it becomes a nonstop action packed thrill ride.  They don't rely on a gimmick (like a characther with a secret and the show is based around that secret).  They don't stick to one main idea for a season.  Each episode almost entirely changes the entire show and where the story is headed.

  4. I do still play GW2 from time to time but i'm almost not sure what to do now that i hit max level and have no one to play with haha.  I have been filling my time lately with Diablo 3 (woot 100% legendary buff just got 4 drops in one rift!) and Hearthstone.  I wanted to dislike hearthstone because of how simple it was, now i love it because of how simple it is.

  5. I fear not these verbal assaults you speak of... No really my fiance (VitaniOne who has also just posted) hates that i can make conversation with anyone.  Sometimes i hate it too as i get myself in akward situations where people won't stop talking to me at the gas station.


    Thank you very much for this invite to New Exciting Land!

  6. Hellooooo all!


    A bit about me... I'm from central PA and I am a CAD designer for a civil engineering firm (sounds more impressive then it is!)  Been trying to get into woodworking... i love the idea of it just haven't brought myself to actually try and make anything "real" yet.  I dable in homebrewing and greatly enjoy myself some micro/craft brew.  I'm a tv-o-holic, i just love this new golden age of television netflix/amc seem to have brought about (anyone watching Fargo?  man i'm having a great time with that so far.) Current favorietes are oprhan black, game of thrones, and can't wait for new doctor who and sherlock! I try and host a board game night once a month or so and have ended up with a pretty decent collection.  Our core group right now has been very into the pathfinder card game and plan on moving into the RPG soon as well.  Bigger groups werewolf has been a big hit and we've loved battlestar galactica and Betrayal at house on the hill.  As you can tell we love the hidden roll backstabby games.


    So let's get down to business... After checking out the beta for wildstar i've really had that itch to play an MMO again.  My fiance and started off by playing a MUD called Cosrin (and Legends of terris by the same company) and soon moved into WoW.  We played a bit in vanilla but started too late, we were only level 50 or so when Burning crusade came out.  We ended up creating a guild with real life friends and co-workers which unfortunately did not work out due to schedule conflicts.  Soon we found a guild full of wonderful people many of whom we still meet up with from all over the country (and out of the country.)  We progressed into black temple by the end of burning crusade but pretty much got our faces handed to us by the first boss as the next xpac was coming out (damn those spikes and bubble popping mechanics combine with slow clickers!)  We raided pretty heavy into wrath but most of us fell out of it before ICC.  As Cataclysm came out we all started playing on more of a casual schedule and no real raiding took place.  It wasn't until Mists came out that we started trying to raid again.  Raid finder in my opinion had ruined the game for me though.  As time went on we got bored of logging in every week just to get our Raid finder runs done and slowly fell out of wow.  In between of all this we tried out several other games.  Loved Warhammer,  Rift, and most recently guildwars 2 (i love the mmo "golden rules" they broke!)  there just wasn't enough at the end to keep us happy.


    Now to bring it back to wildstar.  It was as if someone had created the perfect game.  I assumed there was no way it was going to live up to what it was promising but after reading reviews from reddit and playing the beta it seems they just might have done it.  We may not have the time that we used to in order to raid full time, but we would love the opportunity to sub in if you need to fill a few spots on an off night!  Mainly though we just want a guild of nice, friendly people that we can enjoy the game with.


    PS thank you to Eslosh for seeking out this guild and suggesting i check out your forums to see that you're pretty cool people


    TLDR:  Wud Lik to Join PLS!!!11!11!!one!!!

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