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Everything posted by Terse

  1. housing is pretty rad, as well as minipets, if they do that. i'm interested most in PvE, but warplots intrigue me.
  2. your* no. i love DT, i hate the Rose character. drove me NUTS. i think so far Donna and the Ponds have been my fav companions. sounds like a band name. the first video game i remember playing was i think a dice game in Basic. right around the same time as Oregon Trail/Lemonade Stand. i've never contracted dysentery, thankfully!
  3. i think i'm going to start as a Stalker, if i can find a race that i'd like to pair with it. i had/have a Mordesh Stalker that i love, but since y'all are Dominion i'll have to make some changes. Draken, likely. or i'll do a Chua Engineer. probably DPS, either way.
  4. i think it was a good show, and there are aspects of it that i enjoyed (any show that has Christina Hendricks as a guest star is good by me). i just don't see it as the be-all, end-all that everyone seems to think it is. i'm also not the biggest fan of the Western genre, even if it is mixed with space. i think it deserves a re-watch, but mostly i just didn't much like the River storyline. (odd, because i don't like River Song in Doctor Who either. what do i have against rivers??) also, it's a rare show that doesn't eventually decline without active changes (like regeneration).
  5. ohhhhh haaaaaaaai. my name is elly rainbow (f'rl) and i'm 40 and live in Cross Plains, WI with my bf and our four cats. i'm an administrative assistant to the R&D Rigging department at Electronic Theatre Controls. (that sounds so fancy.) i generally eschew caps. UNLESS I AM A SPAZ. gaming experience: i started online gaming in ummmm 1995? with the DragonLance MUD on arctic.org. i skipped EverQuest because i was afraid of what it would do to my grades - i still believe this to be a very smart decision. at any rate, i hopped on the WoW wagon shortly after launch and have been in many MMOs since then. in WoW i've run the gamut - done a lot of progression raiding (including running the DKP), collected ALL the minipets (okay, not all, but i do have the Crazy Cat Lady title in game as well as irl) and done pickup groups galore. i've played a lot of SW:TOR, GW2 and flirted briefly with a number of others (LOTRO, DDO, AoC, Tera). also, i started playing D&D when i was ten. so i subscribe to the "Nerd w/Social Skills" package. Sherlock, Hannibal, GoT, Doctor Who, Star Wars, etc. i am not sad that Firefly was canceled and i think JJ Abrams will do a good job. oh, and David Tennant is the best doctor.
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