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Found 3 results

  1. Hello! My name is Taylor, I am a 24 year old Civil Engineer. I've been playing wow since vanilla. I am a computer enthusiast who loves to just relax and play games. I always wish I had more money to build a better computer, but I do what I can. Now that I've just graduated college, hopefully I can afford more luxuries. I started my big-boy job so I know my schedule and it will not be changing any time soon. I like late night raids because there are no real life interruptions and it is easy to fit into my schedule. I have a dedication to the raid just like I would any other team. I never miss raids unless it is a dire emergency. Usually I give out some way to contact me outside the game, whether that be email or cell. By not showing up for raid, it is unfair to those who are on time and ready. Current progression will be 3/13(H) 10m tonight. Ji'Kun/Jin'Rokh/Horridon. We go to the 4th door after 3-4 attempts, so I have no doubt he'll die tonight. I want to switch to a 25man heroic guild due to the importance of a tank. I want to be in a position where I feel useful. 10 mans have been exceedingly boring. I love to raid and I love to debate strategy. I like to theory craft and to stay active on guild forums. I try to keep an updated post on the current progression and where I plan to use each of my cooldowns. I use the expensive food (tian spring rolls) and I pre-pot every fight to help out the dps. It's been useful on those last 1% kills. As a tank I know when I am going to use my cooldowns going into each fight. It is fairly static with little deviation, this amplifies my ability to theory-craft cooldowns. After reading some of the other applicants, it seems that you are nervous about taking 10m raid tanks into 25m. I know my tank is ready for the difference, the damage I am currently taking in 10m is very trivial, in some instances I have had to soak 5 talon rakes from heroic Ji'Kun. I like coming up with unique ideas and I am always open to constructive criticism. Much like those professors in college who like it when you correct them, I am the same way about tanking. I like when people see faults in my tanking because it gives me something to improve. I have raided since vanilla, I played a rogue up until Cata, but I played a warrior tank through early progression raiding in vanilla. On my rogue I was the guild's top dps warglaive rogue and I got my Gladiator title. Once Cata hit I began tanking with my dk. When mists came out I started with a monk tank, but fell back on my dk as it was much more fun. I completely agree that people in a top 100 raiding guild need to have a few things. 1. Short learning curve 2. Good positioning (as a tank I like to communicate with the dps to tweak the position of bosses) 3. Good judgement (also quick reactive judgement, the ability to change strategies at a moments notice based on the current need) My current guild uses mumble so I am familiar with it. I do not like push to talk as it limit the mobility of my hand, but I bind buttons to mute my mic in case I have to sneeze or something. I am all for goofing around, BUT when it's time to get serious, it's time to get serious. Computer specs: 512gb OCZ Vertex SSD Intel i7-2600k GeForce GTX 570 (I get my GTX 780 Friday) 16 GB I keep my specs good enough to stream on twitch and fraps when I want to. FPS:Varies (gtx 570 has voltage issues, thus the new card on Friday) Reviews say about ~100 fps. Ping: ~50-100ms on EST UI Screenshot: Will add when I get home, I usually stick with standard Bliz UI and DBM with a few tanking addons, but none that change the UI. I do this because some competitive raid tournaments do not allow addons which I want to be prepared for. Armory: http://us.battle.net.../Thaiyen/simple Ilvl 528/530 (I have the heroic trinket from Ji'Kun but it's terri-bad) I also have 2k valor to spend on upgrades, but as I am not having any trouble staying alive, I am saving the valor for heroic upgrades if I get any drops. If not i'll spend it on my TF gear before I get capped. Currently I am gemmed for mastery instead of parry/dodge. Each have their benefits, but I chose mastery. I usually have a discussion with the healers to determine their wants/needs. I swap out some pieces depending on the fights. For heroic Ji'Kun I put on dodge gear to try to prevent infected talons. Currently I raid 9-12 Monday, Wed, Thurs. If you would like to watch me tank, I can set up my stream for Monday night so you can see my gameplay on your offnight. Unfortunately Monday probably going to be filled with non-heroic fights. Reason for leaving current guild- Progression is slow and most of the raid doesn't have a drive to complete heroic tot before the next tier. I'm looking for a higher end guild whose members do not require large learning curves. If you have any questions or concerns let me know and I will get back with you as soon as I can. I can post WoL if you wish, but as a tank it is hard to judge anything from that, especially with bosses we have on farm. PS I saw your post on the wow recruitment forums and thought I would post. My questions: Why are you guys in need of a tank I have 100% raid attendance. I do not want to be recruited for bench, therefore I am looking for a core spot.
  2. Character: Avarose Armory: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/lightbringer/Avarose/simple My raid specs are normally disc/ holy, but I have a shadow spec for dailies at the moment. I prefer disc as my main spec, but I am willing to play holy when and if fights call for it. A little about me: I am 27 years old and have been playing wow for about 3 years now. I have a degree in Early Childhood, but after being a preschool teacher for the last 7 years I have decided to go back to school for web development. No kids, but I do have a 4 month beagle who acts like one. Current Experience: I currently have 10/16 heroics on farm, as well as extensive work on Amber Shaper and a few pulls on Lei Shi. We had the potential to be much further, but due to losing some people, our progression has dwindled down to almost nothing over the last month. My past experience: 8/8 heroic DS- not super impressive, who isn’t? 6/7 heroic Firelands- we cleared the first 6 prenerf, but we had several burned out people and we decided to take a break instead of push for progression on heroic Rag. 11/13 heroic Tier 11- I was in a really solid guild at the beginning of the tier but then finished it out in a friend’s less progressed guild to help them out. I did kill heroic Nef and heroic Cho’gall but I didn’t make it to Sinestra or Ascendant Council. 12/12- Heroic ICC Guild History: I always heard it’s not a good idea to talk about past relationships when you’re in a new one, but I guess we can have this talk once. But only because I really like you! I began playing in ICC, yes I am admitting to a deep and dark secret, I am a Wrath Baby. However, despite that being my first tier in the game, I was able to go from a super casual family guild, to actually killing heroic LK (on 25) before Cata. Can most Wrath Babies say that? Eternal Legacy, the guild I finished ICC with, was my favorite guild ever. In fact you guys kind of remind me of them, and that is a huge reason I am applying here. We started out tier 11 very strong; we had quite a few top 100 US kills. However, the monster that ate so many guilds that tier managed to eat us as well. We were dropping members left and right and just weren’t able to continue, so we decided to close up shop and end while we were still friends. At this point, I got accepted to a top 20 US guild, and 2 top 50’s. However, I was fairly heartbroken from my last guild still, and I decided to go play with several friends in a less progressed guild called Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish. I had some fun there, but our GM disappeared at the start of DS and I was out on the streets again. A group of friends was forming a new 10 man, and so I joined them, and that is who I have been with since. We played under the name Kill Chit Don’t Die on Korgath and then later as Duct Tape on Nathrezim. We started out this tier very strong, but then lost a couple of people about halfway in. We were unable to recruit the players that we needed on our dead server and were unable to convince others to transfer to it. So, we transferred to Lightbringer alliance (puke face). However, the night we left, one of our dps decided not to come with us, and then another got sniped this week by a top guild. So here we are, our progression entirely crippled from where we started, and everyone is applying to new guilds. Anyway, I’ve gone on and on and you’re probably thinking “ok this chick can talk, but can she play?” So here are the logs: http://www.worldoflogs.com/reports/tawyld53wpu32gxg/sum/healingDone/?s=1782&e=2272 http://www.worldoflogs.com/reports/tawyld53wpu32gxg/sum/healingDone/?s=6036&e=6422 http://www.worldoflogs.com/reports/7g4k3fcdjv33idoc/sum/healingDone/?s=8804&e=9242 solo healed most of Elegon, that was fun! I love Wow and games in general. I don’t guild hop, and in fact I prefer to raid with people I truly enjoy in a less progressed guild, than people I can’t stand in a top guild. I have met and hung out with my current guildies several times in RL. We have attended Blizzcon as well as gotten together a few other random times. I play Diablo3 and I have a Starcraft account, however I am still sending out bribes to find someone who will teach me how to play. I also spend a lot of time on a PVP Minecraft server, play an occasional LOL game, and I can’t resist any Elder Scrolls or Fallout game. I love guilds with active forums and active members, it is one of the things that I have missed since I have been playing in a ten man for several tiers now. Basically, I work and go to school and don't have a gazillion hours to devote to the game. I love this game, I love my wow friends, but I don't want to have to sell my soul or engage in ritual suicides of my social life. You guys seem like a really cool group and I hope I have a chance to be part of you! Good luck with your progression, Ava
  3. Well, maybe not like the upper level Gods, but more like the mid-level Gods. Like the Gods of the Lawn. Or the God of Coke Classic for example... Greetings HoS, My name is Nerdrage (Angus) and I'd like to introduce myself to your guild. SoH seems like it could potentially be a good fit for me, and I would be happy to answer any questions that you may have. A bit about me: I was the MWarrT for TemerityofWindrunner back in T11. We were around US150 at that time. Killed ToGC, Naxx, Ulduar, ICC. with many Metas. Stepped away due to graduation from University, kid, and intro career, all happening within 90 days. Sufficed to say, it fucked my world up pretty bad! As such I stepped away from game until HDS. Came back (to a different guild as my prior spot had been filled) about 10% nerf. Killed Spine and HDW at 15% nerf. Currently, I am 10/16H. Although my kill #'s are as low as they could be. I was the MWarrT for the inaugural HWill, HGaralon, and HWind Lord, while progressing on HVizier. However, I stepped away due to the fact that the 3 night a week guild I applied for, had been a 5 night a week guild ever since I joined. The last 2 guilds I have been in were great. Good people, solid players, and a decent enough environment overall...However, when I came to the realization, that with my current guild, I have been raiding 20+ hours a week. I thought holy shit, this is ridiculous and shut down my account. I am mid 30's, married with a kid. I am a Sales Executive for a NanoPhotonics software firm in Vancouver BC. I work with some heavy hitting nerds, and make it rain $$ on them. Here's the thing...I really like this game. I have been tanking at a reasonably high level for quite some time. However, I do not have the time to currently raid 3+ nights a week. I am of course online most evenings, capping Valor, Heroics, Dalies, etc, etc. I have been a serial guild hopper as of late, and frankly, I do not want to be 'that guy' anymore. I am looking for a solid, well played guild, where during the raid I can contribute at a very high level, and off nights I will be contributing to forum discussions and pre-raid prep to kill bosses and spread the purps around. Ok...Well you seem neat, but how do you keep your beard so shiny? Primarily, I creep WoL and do direct comparisons between my rotation, spec and CD usage to those who have downed the boss prior to me. Of course I also follow a few Prot Warr blogs, and Theck Prot Pally blog is a great resource for tanks in general. What's your general understanding of how you are so awesome at Prot Warr'n? (in my own mind of course) Pull: Pre-pot STR or Armr or Greater Rage Battle Shout Zerk Rage Shattering Throw (if not needed during BLust, or if BLust phase is greater than 5 minutes away) Heroic Throw Charge SSlam/Dev/TC pretty much in that order. Revenge when it lights up. Maintain 100% uptime with TC/Weakened Blows/ Battle Shout. Demo Shout / Demo Banner / SW / LS / Enraged Regen / Rally Cry : As necessary. (I have an aversion to Hstones, and really need to get better about using them, and not being a dumbass...) Sub 20%: (If I have the presence of mind at that point!) Double Pot: Greater Rage / Str SW (if available) Avatar Reck Dump rage into Execute. Skull Banner? EVERY CHANCE I GET!!!! (but in all seriousness, generally on the pull or better yet during HeroLust) Yes, but we will need some type of moderately descriptive record where we can judge you silently, and assume that your ePeen is very tiny. http://www.worldoflo...s=14230&e=14574 (Protectors Normal Mode/Hard. Nothing special, just an general performance.) Hmmmm...well. You must be well dressed and have nice teeth. Let's see your Mog. http://us.battle.net...rdrage/advanced Tell us your most negative self-speak about why we would not want you in the guild, and let us take it from there... Well, I'm old. Probably older than most of your other guildies. Given this, I am unable to put forth as much time in the nerd matrix as I could. I mean don't get me wrong. If I could, I would hit the nerd matrix 24/7, all the while Kate Moss feeds me chesseburgers, rubs my back with a slightly scented peppermint oil, and we laugh and laugh about how rad I am. Here's the deal, I have been in WAY too many guilds as of late. 2 in the last 3 months. I want a place where I can call home over the longer term. Currently my account is inactive and has been for a few weeks. However, modding Skyrim so that Khajits have boobs, just does not hold that same pull for me that killing a new boss in WoW has, and as such I am trying one last kick at the can... However, I have sworn to myself that I will not be spending half as much time raiding in a week as I spend at work. If SoH started at 7pm PST until 10pm PST, I would literally transfer over today and just sit around until a spot was available for me. Currently 6pm PST, is a bit of an early start, but I *normally* get home from work about 5ish, so an hour to eat and chill out, and then be ready for 6pm is doable as far as I am concerned. Given that you guys wrap things up close to 9pm, I'd like to think that I could make this work over the longer term. Essentially, I wanted to reach out today, introduce myself and take things from there. In closing, although my app may make me seem like a bit of a dumbass, I would like to reassure you that as a tank, I take my role very seriously. I am quite well researched prior to the first pull, and any issues that come up on my behalf, I am sure to remedy prior to the next raiding day, if not immediately. If I am ever late or absent, I would definitely post on the website, or text someone within the guild an ETA. I will certainly be checking this post regularly, but also feel free to email me directly at: thunderfunk@hotmail.com. What...Hotmail? Who even uses that any more? Like, from 1997? How are we supposed to communicate properly if we cannot do so by using some forum where we can use self shot, shirtless pictures? Or cyber bully? Ahhhh...progress. Anyway, as I stated earlier. I'm old as hell. Cheers, and thanks for your time SoH, Nerdrage (Angus)
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