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  1. That's the plan once I finish my BS. I've got all the non-math classes done, just need to finish up the math classes.
  2. Insurance, definitely. Possibly commercial, but insurance was always what I was interested in.
  3. Thank you! Currently, I work as a personal banker while I finish my degree in applied math, but I want to become either an actuary or a financial advisor by the time I'm done. Personal preference towards actuarial things. I will always be a tank at heart, so my current favorite class out of the two is Paladin. I've loved Paladins in FF games since FFIV (Cecil rocks all sorts in that game), and the way Paladin AF armor looks has always been one of my favorites. I would love to finish getting Warrior up to 50 as well, just so I have both options open to me, but the one class I would love to play is Summoner, because I've always been a HUGE fan of summoners in FF games as well. Even though Summoners play like Warlocks and not actual summoners.
  4. Good morrow and hello! I'm Mythril Tempest (this will likely change to Doktor Sulfonic if they ever add a Namingway's Card to this game), a level 50 Paladin and Monk currently on the Balmung server! My interest in this guild has me here, so hello (again)! I have been playing FFXIV since original release, as I was one of the poor saps who got suckered into buying the original Collector's Edition. I played for a bit during both beta and release, and played for a bit after that, but couldn't get past level 30 (womp womp.) Once the game went free-to-play, I played around a little more, but never got to end-game. Enter 2.0, I restarted the game with a bunch of friends as a gladiator, got to 50 within a week-and-a-half, and played until right after the 2.1 release. Three weeks ago, I started playing again, as I got the "MMO itch" again, and came back to all sorts of fun stuff, like SCoB, ECHO, Leviathan, etc. Needless to say, it's been quite an adventure getting back up to speed and getting caught up. A bit about me: I'm 25, currently working in the banking industry, and have been gaming for over twenty years. I've got fond memories of playing SNES games all through my childhood (Secret of Mana, Legend of Zelda). Throughout the MMO scene, I've played hardcore in FFXI, WoW, SW:TOR, and of course FFXIV, while playing a bunch of others pretty softcore (RIFT, Aion, TERA, a bit of non-current EQ, Warhammer Online), so I've been around the block a bit in the video game world. Otherwise, I am a huge RPG fan and nerd. That's all I can think of at this time...but I do look forward to getting to know all of you and (hopefully!) begin raiding with you all in the world of Eorzea!
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