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Everything posted by qqemokitty

  1. Look how popular I am already! It's the healer vibes, they make me attractive to all organized group content runners.
  2. I like you guys already I can tell. =D I need to find a smilie that expresses extreme happiness but doesn't look like something out of a horror movie. xD Lalas ARE exactly like precious moments, and I collected them as a kid so nostalgia n stuff. I have no idea how this became a FF recruitment ambush, but I think I can play both since I am scaling down my WoW committment. The hardest part about playing FF: navigating the Square Enix system & doing that bloody cinematic intro over.. and over... and over...
  3. OH MY STARS!!!!!!! i will work on getting us back on FF soon then. =)
  4. My strongest ren and stimpy memory is the episode about door to door rubber nipple salesmen. That and the log song. :3 -- Re: FF - I actually do have a FF account and I did perk up to you see y'all are there as well. It's the one MMO my gf has deemed pretty enough to play, so we may be installing it again soon. =) We are chronic rerollers though, for some reason incapable of deciding between catpeople and lalas. xD So yes you can probably expect me there as well, assuming I am not booed out of the raid this Sunday in WoW. You'll have to let me know what server for FF!
  5. oOOO awesome! thank you. now i can has avatar! ok that smilie is a little terrifying
  6. When I was horde before (BC-Cata) my druid was a tauren! I am not a big fan of the new femtaur at all, they have dog noses. Which are adorable on dogs, but not so adorable on cowfolk. I don't really like playing male characters -- though male trolls are sexy so maybe that. xD I love tanks, tanks are my BFFs. I really want to do challenge modes again in WoD. So hopefully someone here is interested in that. I was very successful at running them in MoP and leading pugs for beginners and subpar comps on open raid. I really want to try tanking myself but it scares me so I never do it. :3 I love forums I just want to post all day!
  7. Yay I am excited. I have initiated the faction change on my druid. She will be troll!
  8. Hi, I am friends with Estarriol, we met in the guild our mains are currently in. As she is a tank by trade, and I am by trade a healer, we get on very well. Also, kittens. I am very good at filling out applications but there is no form here so I am going to be rambling and stuff... weeee! I am 31, female. I own many cats. I live with my girlfriend, we just celebrated 3 years together. I love to cook, read, and watch Netflix. I'm currently growing out a pixie cut, which is rough, don't recommend it. I have 2 jobs, also not recommended. xD I've been playing and raiding in WoW since Vanilla, my only significant break being in Cata which I did not care for. I love love love healing. I like to think I'm pretty good at it. I think of myself as a helpful sort. I am silly and I like to laugh a lot. Very shy on voice initially and pretty introverted, so I prefer chatting to talking on vent or mumble etc, especially at first. This feels a bit like a dating app, so that's weird. Esta and I coined this word together just now: Embarareferencing. xD I am interested in pursuing WoW from a different means than I used to, as I've gotten older (will be fitted for dentures any day now) and my life has changed a lot, I have much less patience for Certain Things that are prevalent in WoW, particularly in competitive raiding guilds. I would like to slow down a little, but still kill bosses. Esta tells me you would be most interested in acquiring my druid, this is she: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/lightbringer/Bunny/simple And for reference, this is my WoD main: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/korgath/Cupcake/simple And my other alt: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/korgath/Cakeballs/simple All my names are taken on Stormreaver which is very distressing! Hence name tbd. *awkwardly trails off and wanders away*
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