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Everything posted by facets

  1. Earth is the coolest planet cause the most interesting things happen here. Rings? what kind of rings do you mean?
  2. Yeah I hope so! EVE is a game I really love, and having it click and being able to play it consistently would be incredible. I'm really looking forward to being able to get to know y'all better. Favorite food is sushi! Favorite drink would have to be spiced rum mixed with espresso.
  3. Yeah if you go at a lock with a screwdriver and a bobby pin, you're not gonna get it open. I don't know much about the trade at all really, but I'm eager to learn. This place I looked at told me they take people on and train them regularly. Hummus? Haven't tried very many. Something with garlic definitely. Mood ring. hm? Red and Blue. Favorite ship in EVE? Well if we count ones I can't fly, Curse. If we're not, Purifier. Bombers are SO much fun! Cloaking devices are fun. So are bombs, and torpedoes. Sneaking around and causing explosions has been one of my favorite things to do in EVE since way back in the UFO days.
  4. Hey y'all. How's it going? I have a long and tumultuous history with EVE. Can't remember most of it Cause my memory is terrible. But here is what I do remember: First I played was in 2010. I ran missions (zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.) It was okay. I needed something more though, so I Eventually joined a rather large corporation called Universal Fleet Operations. It was part of an alliance that was renting from the Northern Coalition. I had no idea how to make ISK out there, and I didn't figure it out, so I ended up jump cloning back to hisec to mission for ISK. It sucked. So did the people. But goddamn it I loved flying around in fleet and shooting people. At some point I stopped playing. I forgot my login info. I moved someplace new. I changed my legal name. I changed banks, too. When I wanted to play again, I had none of the information I needed in order to recover the account. It was completely lost. But I came back. I always come back to EVE. I can't remember most of what I did on this character. I floated through a few hisec corps. I tried doing solo stuff. Nothing stuck. In my most recent playing, I joined SOUND. Great people, they are. I lived with them in Fountain for months. Was great fun. I flew on fleets, I mined and built in a pocket system. I shot at people roaming down the pipe. Took part in a few bombing runs. Eventually though, BRAVE fell apart. SOUND left Null and moved to wormhole space. Wormhole space is great. But it's kinda tough. People don't float through very often. The neighboring systems change every day. And you have to really work hard to find your content. This was a problem because I suffer from chronic lack of direction. I had no idea what to do. There was often nothing to do. Nothing I could do on my own anyway. Stopped logging in... eventually got kicked for inactivity. That was a few months ago. Last week, I found myself missing the game. I felt drawn back in. And I figured, hey, I've got $15 laying around, why not fly around and see what happens? So I resubbed. I flew around. Love the game. But what do I *do*? I have no idea what to do on my own in this game. So I decided I'd look for people to fly with. As much as I love SOUND, I didn't really feel like rejoining much. That's when I remembered Blades of Grass. I thought, hey, I know a few people in Blades of Grass. They're freaking great! Lemme look them up, and hey, they look like friendly, laid-back, fun loving people. SO I hopped into the Alliance's public channel. They pointed me towards South of Heaven. I figured, what's there to lose? This sounds fun anyway. I like meeting new people anyhow, and I value community. And that's how I found myself writing this here. That's quite a lot about EVE, isn't it? Well, I should move on to me. Name's Rebecca, am a trans woman. Will be 25 next week. Currently unemployed (curse you mental illness) but I'm applying to get a job at a locksmithing shop. Studying French. I love video games, been playing them my whole life. Other than EVE, I have played a LOT of Dota 2. (1500 games so far) I've also dabbled lately in World of Tanks and World of Warships. Also play a lot of RPGs and roguelikes. Oh and Dark Souls. Fun fun. Ask me anything. I have a question, too, by the way. The name, "South of Heaven", where did it come from? I really wanna hear that story.
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