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Posts posted by Hotsync

  1. Welcome!  Was good talking with you last night.  I have a few questions to get you started:

    • How do you make isk to sustain yourself in game?
    • how familiar are you with jump clones?
    • Have you ever gone on a pvp "roam"?
    • in previous corps did you use voice coms? If so which ones?
    • What is your favourite movie of 2016?  How about least favourite?
    • What keeps your interest outside of eve as your passion?
    • What is your favourite ship to,fly and why?
  2. 1 hour ago, Grieve said:

    Welcome to the forums! Looking forward to flying with you!


    What's you favorite frigate to fly tackle in?


    What was your most clutch moment as tackle? (I'm sure they are all clutch, but there's gotta be one that stands out like "holy crap! I actually did that")




    I have 2 favorites for tackle - The Claw and the Taranis.  The first tackle I ever did in nullsec as the prime tackler was the most intense thing ever.  Looking back now, the guys telegraphed the whole thing to me up until it was pointed (we picked the guy  2 systems out and we had a guy pushing him right at me), but that first moment was crazy intense cause you didn't want to screw it up and you click that activate button and the time it takes to activate seems to be the longest millisecond ever.  The group I was with was very experienced so I honestly think they played it up a bit with all the yelling and screaming, but it was a grand moment watching that thing pop.  Another one that stuck out was a big gate battle we where involved in and I managed to tackle a carrier trying to peel off from the fringes of the battle after its fighters got splotted by a gang doing a bombing run.  That was a glorious moment as well.


    I actually found that kill:  https://zkillboard.com/kill/6925637/

  3. 1 hour ago, Oshri Paliako said:


    Why hello there fellow scotch drinker. Favorite bottle? Failing that,  your current dram? 


    I'm looking forward to some inebriated flying with you


    My favorite so far is a surprisingly affordable bottle - Auchentoshan Three Wood (retails for about $106.00 CAD).  For my palette its a fantastic taste and flavor profile.  Other than that I have the classics like Highland Park 10 yr and 12 yr, up in the cupboard, always good for sipping.


    I look forward to similar flying with you sir!

  4. 34 minutes ago, Scynner said:

    Greetings fellow Canadian.  So you're an army brat eh?  Same here.  I live in Moose Jaw, SK and currently fill the SOHCO hillbilly role.  Do you intend to usurp me?  Please say yes.


    What are some things you like to do outside of EVE?




    Hi Scynner!  I'm sure no usurping will happen haha.  Outside of this, well I'm an avid skiier, scotch drinker, and spend most summers at my buddies lake lot arguing about politics and slowly deforesting his lot for future projects.  Past that, its all about the wife and kids, my schedule after work usually involves a couple days a week of some sort of swimming lesson, ski lesson, gymnastics or whatever the wife dreams up.  Oh and almost forgot, stand up comedy.  I love good stand up, and am a big fan of Bill Burr and Louis CK.

  5. 9 minutes ago, Ashin said:

    Thank you sir.  I'm trying to get out of the office as early as possible today, but I'll check your API out as soon as I have a moment.  I did load it up and confirmed the format and everything is proper!


    One question that I should have asked earlier - in your post on CCP's forums, and in your initial mail to me (Solomon / Valence B here), I had the impression that you intended to keep your account in an alpha state.  But your post here indicates you're ready to go omega as soon as you get settled into a good situation.  Could you clarify?


    For the record, we've already had a robust conversation amongst ourselves about what our posture should be toward alphas.  I think we're landing in a place where we acknowledge we're probably not the best home for total newbies (not for lack of love, but we just don't really have training infrastructure), but that we would welcome alpha accounts based on whether the right kind of person is behind the other screen.  Of course, there's no denying that an omega can offer much more to a fleet, but a good pilot behind a simple ship who's also a good friend is just fine with us.


    Hi Ashin,


    Yes, I didn't want to pull any punches and was trying to be as transparent as possible.  Mainly, I didn't want to commit to paying for the account until I found a home.  Essentially, if I could find a group and settle in with the Alpha clone state, things work out well, I'll buy in an be a happy little dapper.  Hopefully this makes sense to you guys.

  6. 2 hours ago, Ashin said:

    We like eager beavers!  Thanks for typing up the intro - it enables us to get a head start on things. :D


    From the basic description (non-bitter vet, now with family and less time to play), you definitely fit into our little niche.  I take it from your employment history that you last played in 2011?  What caused you to stop playing back then, and what got you re-interested now?  Also - please confirm that you are a PL spai - I don't think we have any currently, and we're feeling unloved.


    If you'd like, please send a full account API to me via PM, so I can get your background check done today.  Please use this link:



    And check the option for 'No Expiry'.


    I will be around this evening.  Hopefully we can get a chance to speak in Mumble (please install if you don't already have it).  Until then, please feel free to ask any questions you may have here.


    Hi Ashin,


    I last played in 2011 and stopped because my daughter was born in April 2011 :)  I stopped right around that time because 2 kids + time sync = not happy wife.  My interest back into eve is because my kids are older now, way less stress with work, kids in school, and I truely miss having a group of people to play with on a consistent basis who are higher level thinkers than I've found in other games.  Frankly EVE is a complicated mess of people, math, and fun that requires you to try a bit harder and push yourself alittle further than other games I've played before.


    I'm afraid I'll have to disappoint you with the spy thing, I'm too frickin old and have no time or the patience for that side of the game.  Plainly, no I'm not spying for anything.  Besides, everyone in my contact list hasn't signed on in years.  


    I sent my API to you, let me know if you have issues.

  7. 8 hours ago, Mathias Pitsman said:

    Was great talking to you earlier.


    Eve related questions that I didn't really ask:

    How do you like to make your spaceship exploding money?

    I'm terrible at small gang or 1 on 1 combat.  What is the best tip you could give?


    Non-Eve related questions:

    What field do you currently do your IT work in?

    Are you originally from Alberta or did you move here?


    FYI guys I found out chatting with him on SOHCO Public that he lives literally a 25min drive from me, small world man.  Also potentially creepy so lets make sure he's cool ;)



    Same, was funny to find out you live on the other side of the city lol


    I make money primarily from 2 things:  missions and mining.  I only the do the later if its a quiet night and I'm more into keep things low risk and watching netflix.  When I get my mojo going again, I try to play the market sometimes with Plex or different goods by buying and recycling ammo and weapons (recycling as in buy everything, then repost it back on the market for inflated prices) in conflict areas where people are at war (nice profits).


    Small Gang Advice:

    • It's all about knowing your roll.  In small teams you generally don't have the luxury of having multiple tacklers, or dps, etc.  Each person has a roll and they need to own it, else it won't work.
    • Cloak.  This is your "F&!# this I'm out" button.  Small gangs present as fun targets to larger roaming groups, so you need to be able to control the engagement and cloaks do this for you.
    • Warping bookmarks.  You will need dead space points to align to and warp to if needed.
    • If you aren't tackling, you should be aligned to your out point while doing your volleys.
    • Everyone attacks the same target or its a big game of who can recharge or repair faster.
    • He who points first has the upper hand, he who scrambles and can keep it up wins.
    • Whoever is the long range DPS (e.g. sniper) is always the one watching scanners, maps, and killboards to see if there is local activity coming in and can make the call as to whether or not to bail.
    • Tackler is always the one sacrificed in escalated situations.
    • People panic, especially when they are faced with something unexpected like a drag bubble, use this to your advantage and attack from multiple angles and quickly.
    • Speed is your ally, typically pick faster hard hitting ships like assault cruisers (e.g. Vagabond (DPS and Point backup) is popular or Ishtar (DPS add) or Zealot (sniper))


    I could go on and on about fleet make up and fits, but that was a few highlights from my experience to date.



    I started my career in network and server infrastructure support, transitioned into IT service management design, and now work in Management.

    I'm a military brat so I've lived in a few countries and in almost every province in Canada that has a base.  I graduated High School in PEI and moved to Alberta a couple years later.

  8. Hello Everyone,


    I’m an eager beaver and figured I’d get the application process started.  I had a quick back and forth with Solomon and spoke with Mathias Pitsman in the public channel to get to this point.  My main character is Hotsync, I mainly played from 2009 to 2011 pretty solid throughout.  The previous corp I flew with was a very old team of guys that I got brought into and was schooled into small gang combat.  Best kill that I remember was a one on one with me in a rifter and my opponent in a dram, killed him with 2% hull remaining.  (https://zkillboard.com/kill/11077981/)


    Who am I?

    Gamer, Dad and Husband, 2 kids, live in Alberta Canada.  Professionally I’ve been working in IT for nearly 20 years now and work for the local county.


    EvE History and Experience

    My coworker convinced me to play this “cool game” called Eve online, and then 2 years of my life disappeared.  I originally joined into a corp called Mad Bombers which was a mercenary outfit specializing in being guns for hire to skirmish and harass targets regardless of the sector.  We started with Ushura Kahn and then to Pandemic Legion.  My corp mates often went into the Alliance competitions representing PL and Hydra Reloaded.  After lots of coaching from them I fell into 2 primary roles:  tackle/point and ECM boat.  Our favorite tactic was drag bubbles and a mine field of objects to decloak transports and other ships.  With these guys I was able to gain a lot of skills around small gang tactics, but I realize the game has changed a bit so I’ll have to see how many of these tactics still apply.


    Alpha Omega

    Currently I’m using an alpha clone just to get back into this.  Right now I’m trying to find a solid corp, or I know this won’t be fun, and from there I’ll upgrade to an omega clone straight away.  I currently carry roughly 2 billion in assets (ships and equipment) with about a dozen pre fit ships I can’t fly because of my clone state haha but even more I can, just going through and collecting them right now.

    I have 26Mil SP (http://eveboard.com/pilot/Hotsync) and can fly Caldari currently, with omega I can fly Caldari, Minmitar, and Gallante all T2 from cruiser down, in addition to BC’s and BS’s.



    Old guy, played awhile ago, looking for a good group of people to fly with and enjoy the game.

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