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Posts posted by gesari

  1. TUUUUUNAAAAAA! I hope you watch The Office or my bad Ed Helms impressions will be even more out of place than usual.


    I'm Jim, btw. I've gone by Gesari since like 2005 or something like that, though, so I'll answer to either or some variation thereof.


    I really respect sticking with Shadow for so long; Shaman and Monk have been my favorite classes for years but I never end up maining them as much as I'd like. I've spent a lot of time in underperforming guilds the past few years and I've always felt guilty playing what I want as opposed to a more on-meta pick. As an added complication, I've found I enjoy most specs I've tried, so it's made sticking to one even harder when given a choice. 


    Very interesting to see you list both D3 and PoE, though. Usually the choice is so polar between people that they'll only play one or the other. What do you prefer about each game?


    I'm assuming someone will ask for the pet tax, btw, which is basically just pics of the dogs. So we may as well get started on that, too =P

  2. Hey Griff, I'm Jim! I'll admit, it's been years since I've seen RvB and I literally just had to google Grifball...I had no idea they ever made it into a game mode lol. Probably for the best...I would have been awful at it. This is actually the reason I played RPGs as a child: I've always been terrible at fps, and I never cared about them enough to play and become passable.


    What healer are you thinking about maining going into Shadowlands? Do you swap around a lot, or do you have that *one class* that you just can't get enough of? 

    What instrument(s) was your scholarship for, and what type of music do you produce with it? I'm not musically gifted myself, but I'm fortunate enough that I've surrounded myself with people more gifted than I. Live music is delightful.

    What has been your favorite zone/dungeon in any of the MMOs you've played?


    I'm also fortunate enough that I'm able to play with all except one of my favorite people, so I look forward to getting to know both you and your friend!





  3. Hey Matt, I'm Jim! I've spent most of the past 15 years online going by Gesari, but to make it easier on everyone I've named my Shaman Djimm going into Shadowlands. =P I tend to lead our saturday night community groups; since we're all just chilling waiting for SL to drop at the moment we've been spending most of them just doing old raid meta achievements for mounts and really just as an excuse to hang out together. No one even asks us to drink any kool-aid.


    I've been playing Warcraft myself since right before BC launched, but before then I was raiding hardcore in EQ2 and only really made the swap because when I first showed up to college my campus ISP couldn't run EQ2 with any stability (some weird thing about port cycling, I think? I'm not very good with network admin stuff). My first real MMO was EQ1 when I was like 12/13 also (I'm 32 now)...it took me a bit longer to get into the raid game though haha. Like you, though, I've run with some really top end folks, and some folks who were definitely not. I always loved the teamwork, though, and I'm fortunate that I've several friends in guild whom I've known for years...a few of them over a decade. I'm hyped for you to meet everyone!


    Okay so, I'm not fully awake yet and while I'm usually pretty good about conversation I'm sort of drawing a blank right now. Probably should have had some caffeine before writing this. I'll skip to questions now before I get carried away talking about shit that's not even on topic.


    What did you study in college? Does that have any bearing on the non-fic topics you read on now, or do you look for something else when picking out a book?

    You've just been freed from the Matrix. What knowledge do you want to download into your head first?

    What's your favorite part about Landscaping/how'd you get into it? How's it been going with all the coronavirus changes?

    What song is stuck playing in your head at this very moment?

    You are given a flight on a private jet to anywhere you want in the world (pre/post- pandemic, for argument's sake). Where are you going?


    Shit I was sitting here trying to think of more and then I realized this is probably more than enough. I look forward to hearing from you!

  4. 1 hour ago, Devotional said:
    6 hours ago, Estarriol said:

    Aaaand please pay pet tax. 🙃

    Yes, please do it.


    They're asking for pictures, and I would like to add my own /bump


    Also, hi! I'm Jim. I won't ask any more questions for the moment since there's a bunch in here already, but I talk a lot so if you stick around I'm looking forward to getting to chat!

  5. Hi there! I'm Gesari, but generally everybody just calls me Jim. I will, however, answer to most things. Currently I've been playing my Pally on prot for the guild, but I've spent the majority of the last ~15 years of raiding primarily as a dps, so I'm looking to get back to that. In light of that, I've been gearing up a baby Balance druid and I'd be more than happy to do some mythic runs with you on any toon you're looking to gear!


    On 8/4/2020 at 9:46 PM, DogOfWar said:

    Ive not created a forum login and introduced myself using a a "fake" (see in-game) name since briefly joining Death & Taxes for original Naxx 40 back in 2006-8 whenever that was. Briefly because neither the friend i followed nor myself were particularly that consistently hardcore. If i recall correctly, my friend made 2 or so months longer than i did which i attribute to his Manitoba winters vs my Boston ones.


    Okay so this resonates with me for a few reasons, not the least of which my surprise at having to create a forum login for this app myself. The last time I used a forum regularly was in that same 06-08 timeframe when I was really deep into raiding on EQ2. Secondly, I am incidentally also in the Boston area (originally from Jersey), and I'm pretty sure the last time I decided to up and quit a major hardcore guild was during ICC progression, and I'm fairly certain I used the end of winter as my excuse to dip (that wasn't the reason...the raid leader was a real tool, but hey whatever works).


    On 8/4/2020 at 9:46 PM, DogOfWar said:

    I hopefully dont sound too conceired after the above. Your guild seems to have been around as lomg as i have, which is a plus, and you reference bullfinch's mythology and fleur de lis in your naming writeup, so i suspect i could get along with you.


    I appreciate the worry over conceit, but, for what it's worth, your text reads as really matter-of-fact. Bonus points for Bullfinch. 


    As for random-ass questions:


    What is your preferred RPG alignment (chaotic good, lawful neutral, etc.); why?


    If you could opt between a future in which we are all replaced by Artificial Intelligence, or one in which we all become uploaded into an artificial Singularity, which would you choose and why?


    You have stumbled into a movie theater that replays memories from important historic moments. What are you going to watch first, and what will you burn down the theater before watching?


    Sweet or savory?

  6. On 6/4/2020 at 7:27 PM, Anglammaroth said:

    My twins are named Perrin and Ender.  I bet you can identify both of the sources of these names ;).



    That's awesome! I am ashamed to admit I have not read Ender's Game; at this point I'm just afraid of hating the movie, hah.


    Sorry for the delayed reply: was moving and not checking the forums. Hope we'll see you in guild soon =D

  7. 53 minutes ago, Bagelmoose said:



    What logistical concerns do you imagine you'd encounter trying to extract a cephalopod from a pokeball to do battle on dry land? Or is this more about just flexing on unsuspecting scuba divers?


    58 minutes ago, Bagelmoose said:

    I like this question. Looks, Geralt of Rivia, preferably the netflix version because basically i just wish i was henry cavil lol. Personality, Tony Stark. Universe Harry potter because i've been waiting for a letter from hogwarts since i was 12. I'm 32 now but.... one day..


    idk if it's just cause I know you or what, but this is the comic that came to mind while reading this:


    Thanks i hate stripping witcher : TIHI

  8. 3 hours ago, Mordigrim said:


    Don't fight it though. Post pics.


    I don't have pics on my work computer. Will spam discord later when we get him in there and we can all share cat pics!


    Also please be ready for the Friday Night SMACKDOWN at 9pm EDT tonight, Ace, if you wanna hang out with some of us in voice chat! We're going to pretend like we know how to PvP to try and farm up some essences.

  9. 37 minutes ago, Anglammaroth said:

    Tsuba (half house, half bobcat...we think.  he was 26lbs and not fat when he passed... had a bob tail and the.... chops, that bobcats have


    Oh man, my brother has a 28lb Maine Coon who looks like a miniature white lion. It's uncanny. I'm fighting hard to not start posting pics of several cats in this thread right now.


    38 minutes ago, Anglammaroth said:

    see: bucket.  His real name is Swarley


    SWARLEY! How I Met Your Mother reference?


    39 minutes ago, Anglammaroth said:

    I like the names a lot of Asian food places use.  Number One Taste is certainly up there, heh.


    I'm often disappointed when I see an Asian place with an Americanized name.


    41 minutes ago, Anglammaroth said:
    • Hard to say.  Overcoming challenges obviously. Teamwork/community ranks high.
    • Favorite raid encounter.... hmm. How about 3 great ones.  Lich King heroic 25(main tank), Deathwing Spine(I was add tank as a protadin), Shade of Aran cus it was the first one I saw people failing on for no obvious reason.


    I have some really fond memories of ICC Heroic. Lich King in general was such a great fight. We got stuck on 25H Sindy, but I tanked as a Blood DK for our 10H group; what a great zone in general. I was dpsing as Frost for the haste buff for the raid in our 25 man group; felt pretty awful most of the time being at the bottom of the parse, but I'll never forget my Army of the Dead ghouls secured us the kill for normal mode from taunting them adds. I quit early on in Dragon Soul, but I rather enjoyed Firelands on my Warlock. Karazhan had a few bosses that were great for watching easy failures; for my guild it was always Netherspite and once I got over being annoyed about it, the whole thing was pretty hilarious.


    I think my favorite encounter I've done was in EQ2; the instanced Mayong encounter. It was a relatively straightforward encounter, but the guild I was with had no business being there at the time. Our gear was trash and it was our second night in there and we got the kill just by playing the whole thing super clean. I'd raided in a few casual guilds before, but that was the first time a raid group I'd played in ever felt like a cohesive unit. It's still my favorite part about progression.


    4 hours ago, Anglammaroth said:

    Best magic system is... probably either from the mistborn universe... Allomancy/Feruchemy/Hemallurgy... or maybe the power from the Wheel of Time series. (I would also say The Force in Star Wars is top tier.)


    So there was a definite right answer to this question, and it was The Force, so props. I am, however, a big fan of both Mistborn and Wheel of Time (I've got part of the inscription from Mat's spear tattooed on my right forearm =O). I think the magic system from the Malazan series was probably the most interesting to me, but I don't run into too many people who've read that one. 


    Any other favorite books/series in general?

  10. Hi there, Aspir/Aaron/Ace! I'm Jim, and I also play a Paladin. I'd say it's cause I'm really into the Glory of the Light, but really I just like the special effects.


    On 5/25/2020 at 9:36 AM, Anglammaroth said:

    I've got 4 year-old twins that I talk about too much.


    No children here, but I am in a similar issue with my cat. His name is Jean Ralphio, and he's a half-bengal, half-raccoon. His unrelated nickname is Mankle, and I chant this name at him often for any apparent reason I deem appropriate. I know you said you had a cat, too, so I'm hoping you understand where I'm coming from with this.


    On 5/25/2020 at 9:36 AM, Anglammaroth said:

    I'm a recovering trucker and newbie programmer. I'm not currently driving a truck, but that might be in the cards again, who knows.


    So I've never driven anything larger than a big U-haul, but I spent a decade working in car dealerships and such after high school. I've spent a lot of time driving around for random purposes, and I gotta say it's still something I miss. I love having time to myself to think and let my thoughts play out, and driving has always afforded that for me. Plus, I've seen some really pretty places and ate some awesome food I never would have otherwise. What was your favorite thing about the job?


    On 5/25/2020 at 6:55 PM, Anglammaroth said:

    I think the best part about having twins is that they've never really been alone.  When I ask who their best friend is, they always name their brother. 


    My brother and I are only a year and a half apart, so we had a very similar experience growing up. Especially when we were younger, everyone thought we were twins, and we always hung out with the other's friends. I now have a penchant for thinking of all of my favorite people as extensions of my family, and I sometimes wonder how much that relationship shaped that perception.


    On 5/25/2020 at 6:55 PM, Anglammaroth said:

    Delivery/Take-out:  An asian restaurant near me called Fulin.  They have a few thai, a couple chinese, and a decent amount of japanese options.  Side note: one of my boys likes curry.


    Asian food is by far my favorite theater (I had "type" in here originally, but it's really way too diverse for that) of food. The best chinese place around here is called Number One Taste, and it truly does live up to its name.


    On 5/25/2020 at 5:52 PM, Mordigrim said:

    I think at 4 my kiddo and I were playing a Pokemon campaign together (I'd read to him, he'd pick our attacks and name all of our "mons") and playing classic games (NES, Atari, etc. emulators). 


    Mordi this has no real bearing on what else is going on, but the first video games I played as a child were the original Super Mario Brothers and Legend of Zelda. My mother was so bored staying at home she bought them and would play them for hours cause it kept us all entertained hahaha.



    As an aside, Ace:

    What's your favorite part of collaborative gaming?

    Favorite raid encounter all time?

    What, in your opinion, is the coolest superpower/magic system/etc.? (there are probably no wrong answers)

  11. 9 minutes ago, Mordigrim said:

    The best gumbo side in my opinion is cornbread. More specifically, cheesy jalapeno cornbread. I do cheat here and use Jiffy mix. Two boxes of Jiffy corn muffin mix, one can of cream corn, minced jalapenos, and thick shredded cheddar. Bake per the instructions on the mix, super easy and so good.


    I just made my first attempt at sourdough cornbread yesterday. Gumbo provides the excuse for more. This is appreciated.

  12. 12 minutes ago, Avenge said:

    A fellow Malazan reader and a Karsa name drop in your first reply!? You're off to a strong start in my book (pun not intended).


    I wanted to pop-in and say hello.  If you're looking for some company as you get established on Stormreaver let me know.  I'm recently returning from a 3-year WoW hiatus and as slowly working my way through the BFA content.  


    With regards to questions (since we're on the topic), whose your favorite character from the Malazan series not named Karsa?


    Oh my, Malazan is my favorite! Trull Sengar, hands down. Anomander, Fiddler, and Tehol/Bugg are my other favorites. What about you?


    And please let me know if you need help with anything! I've done this content on so many toons on ally I'm mostly familiar with it. I'm going to be doing a fair bit of tanking/dps this weekend especially to get caught back up!

  13. 22 minutes ago, Merriwhizzle said:

    Enchiladas are a good choice on Cinco de Mayo. Although tacos would have been the better option. Because Tuesday.


    I'd ask some questions, but my brain has been fried from the giant fustercluck of parent, teacher, and working from home that my life has become.


    So instead, I'll just say hai!


    Greetings! I do not envy all of those things, but I salute your sacrifice nonetheless!

  14. 5 minutes ago, Mordigrim said:


    That sounds like a sad fact to me ☹


    I now feel a greater obligation to create the image for you. 


    Don't feel bad for me, sir! I am a very fortunate man, who is now full of enchiladas. How bad can life be?

  15. 28 minutes ago, Mordigrim said:

    I love everything about this visual. I want to draw this character, name him Jimbowski Gesari, and use him as an NPC in a tabletop RPG game. 


    If you do, please share the art with me. As a fun fact: I lack the ability to create pictures in my head.

  16. 14 minutes ago, Mordigrim said:

    But is time linear? Does driving my past self crazy affect my current self or does it create a new alternate timeline with a crazy me? 


    Maybe it's like Jet Li's movie, The One. If you go insane in one timeline and are destroyed, you just become stronger. 


    14 minutes ago, Mordigrim said:

    But for some reason I imagine you're actually a centaur and this is a trick question. 


    So I've just been discussing recently why I never see any centaurs wearing clothes in typical depictions. If I'm a centaur, then I'm a Centaur dressed like The Dude from the waist up.


    14 minutes ago, Mordigrim said:

    I deserve an F on this answer just because I'm being so indecisive. 


    You get a D just because I would have gone for force user as my default and it was your initial response.

  17. 28 minutes ago, Mordigrim said:

    4. D. Ok so there was no actual question 4 so I can't in good conscience give you a full-on F. But you didn't have any questions for me/us and I feel like that should at least be noted. So I'm giving you a D for now and should you have any fun questions for me that grade can be reevaluated based on the quality of the questions. 


    Okay so my delivery just got delayed, so I guess my carb coma has been as well.


    Imagine we've just seen each other for the first time in many years. This is a very emotional encounter. "MordiBrad!" I cry your name from across the beach. Are we riding horses?


    Are you a cat or dog person?


    If we were to undertake a timewalking adventure and encounter a version of your past self, do one or both of you go insane?


    If you could wield any power from any universe, what would you choose and why?

  18. 26 minutes ago, Mordigrim said:

    4. D. Ok so there was no actual question 4 so I can't in good conscience give you a full-on F. But you didn't have any questions for me/us and I feel like that should at least be noted. So I'm giving you a D for now and should you have any fun questions for me that grade can be reevaluated based on the quality of the questions. 


    26 minutes ago, Mordigrim said:
    4 hours ago, gesari said:

    Since when are these a thing? Do want.

    They're basically Girl Scout Thin Mints in M&M form. Aka the greatest candy invention in generations.



    I'm sorry but there was only one question that mattered and I got the answer I wanted. Thank you for your time and consideration in regards to this matter; I will return after my carb coma.

  19. 15 minutes ago, Mordigrim said:

    Greetings, Jimmy Jim Jimmy Jim Jim Jim Jim (https://youtu.be/F663h2R_FDk for anyone not familiar with Muppet Treasure Island).

    I'm Mordi, Mordigrim, Mord, or Brad, Bradly, or Bardly depending on who is addressing me. I'm most likely to answer to the Mordi variations or just plain Brad. If you're looking for a team-first atmosphere, SoH is a great option. I started playing WoW in TBC and bounced around from guild to guild as various groups rose and fell due to various circumstances until I stumbled upon a recruitment post for a T11 Heroic progression group looking for a Warlock. As they say, the rest is history, I've been with SoH in some capacity ever since then. 

    I do have some super important, very serious, not a joke at all, make-or-break questions for you. 

    You're entering a high-fantasy dungeon. You're you from real life. You can bring any four people or humanoid characters either fictional or non-fictional and from any point in time or any fictional universe to help you survive and hopefully complete the dungeon. Who do you bring and what are their roles? What is your role and how do you contribute?

    You're constructing the perfect plate of nachos. You're allowed five toppings; no more, no less. The chips themselves are not a topping and do not count against your topping limit. What five toppings do you choose? Bonus question: what beverage do you pick to accompany your plate of nachos? 

    You're making a Spotify playlist. You may only use whole albums and for each band you choose to add to the playlist you can only use one album from that band. You may add as many different bands/albums as you like. However, no two bands/albums can be from the same genre (subgenres can be tricky so as long as you can articulate why two things aren't the same genre you get a pass, basically it's an honor system). What are some of the bands/albums that definitely make your playlist? 

    Feel free to hit me back with any super important, very serious, not a joke at all, make-or-break questions you have for me. 


    Hello, MordiBrad. I shall answer your very serious queries in numerical order. On a rather whimsical side note, I also played a Warlock towards the end of T11.


    1. Okay, I'm going to try and choose from different places to make things interesting. First up is Karsa Orlong from the Malazan Book of the Fallen, since he's immune to magic and pretty much all around indestructible. Revan from Old Republic, since he's the real fuckin deal. Doc Cottle from Battlestar Galactica to keep us all alive with panache and the force of his cigarettes, and The Oracle from the Matrix just to riff off everyone else for bants. Honestly I doubt I'd even be needed with the first two, so I'm really just along for the ride as the groupie. I figure maybe I can learn the Force while I make cookies and bread for everyone with the Oracle to celebrate our inevitable victory.


    2. Cheddar Cheese, Jalapenos, pulled pork, grilled pineapple, guac. The beverage depends on whether or not there's something to smoke on hand.


    3. Oh. Oh my.

    Queensryche - Operation Mindcrime

    This was the first concept album I'd ever listened to and I loved the way it was done. Good memories attached to it, too, just from the ability to share the story with other people. Geoff Tate's voice haunts me.


    Escape - Journey (Hair Metal vs 80s Pop? idk)

    My parents used to blast this one all the time growing up on what was then a very high end stereo system. Don't Stop Believin' was the first song I ever learned the words to as a child, and I will not apologize for this.


    Tupac - All Eyez On Me

    I don't think I'll ever enjoy any other album in any genre of rap quite so much as this one, and it's definitely not for lack of competition.


    Incubus - Morning View

    I think I know every word to every song on this album, but no song soothes me like Aqueous Transmission.


    Madeon - Adventure

    What a fun album. Seriously, the 8-bit sound effects are just a nostalgia trip. I smile through most every song.


    There's honestly a bunch more I'm sure I'm not thinking of, but between genre overlap and general absentmindedness I figure these are a few that have pretty much infinite replay value for me for one reason or another, and thus a good selection.


    8 minutes ago, Mordigrim said:



    Since when are these a thing? Do want.

  20. I mean, if you close your eyes you'll find the entire rainbow tastes like chocolate. So...whichever color is in my mouth at the moment.


    Unless there's peanuts in one of them, in which case this is a trick question. Always opt for peanuts, regardless of color.

  21. I'm a friend of Esta's from Stormrage ally. I've operated largely under the toon name Gesari since 2006 on EQ2, but at this point I just give out my real name; I'm Jim! During business hours I operate under a very mundane maserquerade in customer service trying to make unhappy people like me for money. I swear this is a profession. Sometimes they do actually enjoy my company, and say nice things to my face. Outside of that, I exercise most days (quarantine has really made a bad habit worse)--typically yoga--in order to fuel my bread addiction. It's been a problem ever since I was a child, and now that I make it myself things have truly spiraled. I'd say pray for me, but seriously I'd much prefer it if you could tell me where I could find more bread flour right now.




    I've been playing MMOs since I got EQ1 in like 7th grade, and I've been raiding regularly in one form or another since 2005 or so in EQ2, and I've been playing WoW on and off since the end of vanilla as well. Sometimes I partake in really solid progression, and some of my guilds have been works in progress, but the successful ones I always enjoyed had a really great team atmosphere. Which, to the point, is what I really play any of these games for anymore: I love the collaboration of coming together with a group of people and achieving cohesion as a unit, and I find it really rewarding. 


    At this point I've got a Paladin, Xuesen, on Stormreaver I plan to maintain as a tank/dps, but I've raided as every class in the game at one point or another now...so I'm pretty flexible. I guess that means two things.


    Mostly I'm just looking to find a good group of people to slay internet bad guys with for a while. I've made a lot of really great friendships throughout my time online--I still keep in contact with people I've known since EQ2--and it's been a privilege to collaborate and share my experiences with all of them. Hopefully we can keep that train rolling here!




    As a side note, if you'd like to reach me directly, I'm available most of the time via discord: Gesari#3350. I just have notifications on my phone muted so if I'm late to reply it's nothing personal!

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