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Posts posted by Isti

  1. u just gotta lift enough weights till u can carry 4 trolls

    ^ this. In all seriousness tho, you get halfway decent and don't act like an ass, maybe 60% of your games no matter what time will be fine. Then every few games you get a rager/troll, you just plug on through. I play at all times during the day every day of the week (LoL is my study break). There is no "good" time. If you're starting to rage cause of trolls then just go ARAM or take a break.

    P.S. I highly recommend drunk ARAM.

  2. Well I think that they are addressing a lot of issues that led me to quitting in the first place. I basically hit a wall in Act 2 Inferno where I would often ragequit out of the harder elite mobs because if I didn't die 5 billion times (pushing me into the red with the increased repair costs) then I would feel like I was finally getting somewhere with a pack (maybe 2-3 deaths) but then they either healed to full before I could get back or I got that enrage debuff. I was also at the point where Act 1 was no longer really challenging but Act 2 was near impossible.

    It's not specifically the class reworks we're discussing in this thread but a lot of quality of life issues that I think Blizz screwed up either from the start (certain elite combos such as invuln minions) or via patches (like the repair costs).

    The class reworks are definitely a nice touch though. There were def Barb skills that I enjoyed in the easier difficulties that were no longer viable in Inferno.

  3. Well since listing an item costs you $1 (no idea if you're refunded if it doesn't sell), I'm not sure the micro-transaction will really happen. I don't think it's worth posting it on the RMAH unless you stand to get significantly more back (i.e. perfect roll rares that will sell for a lot). I'm personally probably going to stay away from it. I feel like all the little $1 fees would add up too quickly without you necessarily realizing it.

  4. This is what I meant when I said people don't realize that they are actually undergeared.

    I think this is definitely the case. I had no idea I needed 70k min hp just to survive inferno and had no way (outside of scouring D3 forums) of knowing that. This was also one of my major issues with Skyrim and why I stopped playing it (hello frost troll on the way to the shout trainy people). Without an idea of my gear/lvl compared to the mobs, I have no way of knowing if it's working "as intended" and I'm incredibly undergeared. Obviously, that's the case - and a reason why I'm on break lately (internet issues aside :().

  5. I didn't get very far in Inferno Act I (looking for the crown) because I wanted to cry from frustration at 3 packs in a row of fire chains. I feel like those mobs exist to run around you in a circle, mocking you as your health vaporizes in an instant. :(

  6. I also find a lot of the time that by the time I get enough pages/books to upgrade him, I've found better gear than what he can make me. I can see how it would be useful for lvling alts, but again..AH. I still upgrade him cause I like to do it for completion. I just stopped salvaging stuff cause it was pointless (AH mats aside).

  7. As a barb i am afraid of what hell and inferno will do to me. If i get stuck in a wall,root or whatever i am pretty much dead if i dont have things to hit.

    I'm working slowly through hell right now as barb with enchantress companion. Just got to Act 2. It's not terrible yet, but I've had to get a lot more creative kiting-wise and use the life regen skills in my build (which is a slight damper on gameplay because I like explosions).

  8. Also should note that, if you're new to PayPal/rarely use it, there's a lot of controversy regarding their refund policy (e.g. buyer claiming they never receive the product and PayPal refunding them). It's best not to link it to your main bank account and instead use a different account that you transfer the money out of immediately after any transactions. PayPal will directly pull money from your account if there's enough (by their standards) evidence of a fraudulent purchase, even if the accuser is making false claims. I doubt there will be that sort of conflict since Blizzard would also be tracking everything, but it's something to keep in mind when using them.

  9. I haven't done too much research into the real money AH, so take this article with a grain of salt:


    I thought this bit was particularly important for you WoW peeps:

    Note: Do NOT run a balance on your Battle.net account or have $AH sales go there unless you know exactly what you are doing. You will regret it otherwise.

    A lot of people will assume =wrongly= you could use the $AH to add WoW time via your Battle.net account. You can’t and it will upset many, many people when they cash out into Battle.net and have nothing to spend it on. To buy WoW time you have to Paypal it out of D3 then Paypal it back into WoW. And if you are going to do that you might as well skip the steps and pay for it via your credit card or however you used too instead. (BTW Cashing out Paypal to a bank account is free.)

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