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Everything posted by Lambs

  1. Good read. Signed and approved.
  2. I'm sorry I forgot the armory link, it's now edited in the first post. As to why I'm more interested in 10 man raids, there are a few reasons. A smaller group generally means you can get to know people a bit better so it doesn't feel like you're playing with a bunch of strangers. It also puts even more emphasis on individual performance so you can't really get carried by the other 20+ people in the group. Certain 10 man encounters also feel a lot less tedious (not necessarily easier) since you don't have to worry about positioning as much which makes focusing on your actual rotation or important boss mechanics less stressful. Of course the opposite is also true, some 10 man fights are simply harder in some cases. Spreading out interrupts on adds can be a pain depending on the group setup and heavy raid damage is more taxing since you can't rely on a AoE heals as much. I think it's a more enjoyable experience overall.
  3. Hello, my name is Patrick and I'm 27. I've recently started looking to join a raiding guild again after taking a break for most of WotLK. I was an active raider for most of vanilla and Burning Crusade but due to schedule conflicts I just had to put the game aside for the last 18 months. With the release of Cataclysm and a lot more free evening time on my hands I came back for some end game action. After narrowing it down to a few guilds it seems that SoH is a good fit. I love raiding and it's the aspect of the game that keeps me coming back every day. I also very much enjoy some casual PvP but it has never been my focus. I'm a reliable player, I'll be on time with consumables ready and I do enough research to gear up properly. Rogue has been my class of choice for the better part of my WoW career so far. I consider myself a very active player and I like running old content for rep, mounts and achievements whenever I'm not busy elsewhere. So far I've been part of a Cho'gall kill and some Nefarian attempts as a member of a previous 25 man guild, but I ultimately decided to find a 10 man raid environment for this expansion. Armory link: http://us.battle.net.../lambs/advanced I'll be happy to answer any question you may have. Looking forward to talk to you in game. (edit: added armory profile link)
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