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Posts posted by Corbendallas

  1. Bike accidents can be pretty bad and we are all lucky you are still alive. I hope your recovery is as painless as possible and you are on your feet again in a reasonable time. Until then good luck and best wishes!

  2. Today I am happy to welcome Dallas to the guid. He will be transferring to our server to fill Team 2's opening for a Ret Paladin. 101%20Smilie.png

    Thanks a lot... Sex change now under way on the paladin then after that all he'll have to do is relocate... Alliance was just never for me.. Will be good to see red again

  3. Hey folks, would like to introduce myself to the forums with my first post/application/information about myself.

    I saw Jynks' reply to my post on the Guild Recruitment forums and after reading it through, Sough of Heaven sounds like a great guild I'd love to hopefully group/raid with.

    A little WoW background on my characters...

    Vanilla: Rogue/Mage, HWL Rogue, Mage alt. Raided MC, BWL, AQ20 and my guild dissolved around the start of AQ40. Occasionally I would go to Naxx to farm trash for drops.

    Burning Crusade: This is where I made my holy paladin. I loved being holy, especially with all the talents holy paladins had back then, and I thought it was great fun to progress through new content again. Full clear of BT many times, same goes for Hyjal, Kara, and SSC. The guild I was in again dissolved midway through Sunwell. I still loved almost every encounter and loved healing.

    Lich king was a new start for my paladin, this time as ret. Ret was very fun and made raiding a blast, I full cleared Naxx with my guild and even got the Betrayer of Humanity, which was a nice reward at the end. After quite a while of full clearing it, (Roughly April 2009) I took a long break from WoW while I took care of many RL things, and came back about 3 weeks before Cata launched.

    Now that Cataclysm is out I again decided to play a paladin and sort of accidentally took up the role of tanking when I saw how quickly it made the queue times. Well, many many many dungeons later, I love tanking, and I find it a fun and unique role that I have not played before. My brief raid experience only allowed me to beat Magmaw and Wyrmbreaker, but I had a great time doing it and learning it with the guild that brought me with them(Was mostly a pickup raid)

    A few weeks ago, I had gotten every piece of gear that I needed out of every Heroic as well from JP for my tank set, and switched to a mix of Holy/Ret so I could help my friends in arena and heal for them while they tried tanking. Right now both my Holy and Ret gear are a mix and match of PVE+PVP gear, with holy perhaps ranking higher on the PVE ilvl, though I have more fun as ret(Who wouldn't?)

    Going forward, I would like nothing more than to start raiding again, either as Retribution or Protection. I have no strong preference between the two, but I would say Retribution comes out slightly ahead for me, as I have quite a bit of fun smacking things and seeing big numbers... I also love the addon CLCRet which has helped quite a bit with my overall raid DPS, and I find that to be nice since it helps everybody out while I can still be 'greedy' and try to do as much DPS as I can.

    My forum post can be found at http://us.battle.net...281440?page=1#1 for anyone who is interested in finding out a little more about my paladin that I may have overlooked.


    My name in real life is Jeff and I'm 23 years old. Currently I am in the USAF and returned from Afghanistan in the middle of November, after which I got right back into WoW. My availability is almost exactly 24/7, but out of convenience to my wife I generally prefer to be done raiding around 3AM EST at the latest. Flexible there though.

    Look forward to your replies and hope you the best.

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