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Posts posted by Mordigrim

  1. Hey Matthew! I'm a big fan of the shortened "Matty", are you a "Matty" or would that drive you nuts?

    I'm a "Bradly" but it kind of drives me nuts so I just go by Brad. Sometimes Bardly is acceptable as well. Mordi and Mordigrim are also always welcome. 


    On 7/2/2020 at 8:19 PM, Zale said:

    I am looking for very friendly and casual players who take raiding seriously while we are doing it but aren't malignant to their fellow guildies.

    In my opinion the culture of SoH is the defining trait of the guild and I personally take great pride in that. Friendship and community are two of the six core values of our Code of Conduct. I believe that SoH is exactly the type of guild that you're describing.

    You say you like to cook, what are your three favorite things to make? Anything you make have any special meaning to you? I love to cook, too. One of my favorite things to make is chicken Alfredo with my homemade Alfredo sauce because it's my wife's favorite dish. It's not my fanciest or most technical dish but she loves it and it makes me happy to bring her joy. 

    If you had to describe your interests using a list of ten or fewer movies, shows, books, games, or other media what are some things that would definitely make your list?

    What are your top three favorite scents for candle-making (I assume you scent your candles)? 

    Look forward to your answers, feel free to hit me back with your own questions. 

  2. Ok. Beetlejuice quote gets you my approval. We're friends now. 

    I'm Mordi, Mordigrim, Brad, or sometimes Bardly. You can take your pick.

    What realm/race/class do you main on Classic? The last character I was playing on Classic was a level 40 Dwarf Hunter on Grobbulus. Really interesting realm with some fun RP guilds and lots of organized WPVP. 

    What makes you want to come back to Retail? Why now? What are some of your in-game goals going forward? (P.S. There are no wrong answers here.)

    If you could pick any two fictional characters to spend a weekend with who would you pick, where would you go, and what would you do?

    Look forward to getting to know you!

  3. Hey there, Brent! I'm Mordigrim. Or Mordi. Or Brad. Whatever you prefer, I'm cool with it. 


    10 hours ago, Bagelmoose said:

    I don't expect to be carried or have a raid spot right away.

    If you can work the mechanics, you can join the raids. Of course elite DPS would be a plus but personally I'm much more interested in bringing players with the right attitude. We're not pushing Mythics yet so there's room for everyone (even the undergeared) in our raid group. We're just hitting the point now where Normal Ny'alotha doesn't have many upgrades for the group and we're working through the easy Heroics so you'll be fine at your gear level. Plus we don't have a Mage and I need that Arcane Intellect buff!

    Ok, on to the getting-to-know-you part!

    Pick three fictional characters from different universes. You get to look like one, have the personality of a different one, and live in the universe of the remaining one. What are your choices and why?

    Guy Fieri is going to take you on an all-expenses paid three-month tour of the best Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives in America that all serve whatever your favorite type of cuisine is. There's two catches though. First, you have to dress like Guy. Second, you have to order the same dish at every restaurant you go to. You get to eat it however each individual restaurant prepares it so it will vary a little but in general you basically get to eat one food item for three months. What dish do you order and why? Also, how amazing do you feel wearing flame-covered bowling shirts every day? 

    Our world is magically transformed and suddenly all of our existing animals follow the basic rules of Pokemon. What animal or animals do you hope to catch to be on your team? 

    Welcome to the forums, hope to see you in Discord and in game soon! Feel free to ask me anything!

  4. On 5/25/2020 at 5:55 PM, Anglammaroth said:

     I think the best part about having twins is that they've never really been alone.  When I ask who their best friend is, they always name their brother. 

    That's so great, I love that! My kiddo is an only child and always will be, sometimes I'm sad for him that he doesn't have a sibling. I have four sisters and an adopted brother, my wife has two sisters and a brother, so we both thought we'd have a big family ourselves but it just wasn't in the cards for us.


    On 5/25/2020 at 5:55 PM, Anglammaroth said:

    Delivery/Take-out:  An asian restaurant near me called Fulin.  They have a few thai, a couple chinese, and a decent amount of japanese options.  Side note: one of my boys likes curry.

    Oh how I wish I could get my son to eat real Asian food! The closest to Asian he'll even touch is HuHot, anywhere else we get Asian from the only thing he eats is steamed rice with gallons of soy sauce on it :lol: I'm obsessed with Asian food, I could rotate between Thai, Chinese, and Japanese indefinitely and probably never get sick of it. 


    On 5/25/2020 at 5:55 PM, Anglammaroth said:

    "Bearded and delightful." 

    You should wear that description like a title, introduce yourself as "Ace the Bearded and Delightful" from now on. 

  5. Hello there! I'm Mordi, Mordigrim, or Brad. Your pick!


    8 hours ago, Anglammaroth said:

    I've got 4 year-old twins that I talk about too much.

    I talk about my kiddo all the time too. I think that's par for the course. What's your favorite thing about having twins? Are they playing any games yet? I think at 4 my kiddo and I were playing a Pokemon campaign together (I'd read to him, he'd pick our attacks and name all of our "mons") and playing classic games (NES, Atari, etc. emulators). 

    What's your favorite music to listen to with your kids? What's your favorite music to listen to when your kids aren't around?

    What's your favorite take-out or delivery food? What's your favorite homemade meal (and who in your life makes it best)?

    If the person who knows you best had to describe you to someone who had never met you in one sentence, what would they say?

    Feel free to hit me back with any questions you have! Happy to have you here, welcome to the forums!

  6. On 5/16/2020 at 6:30 PM, Chia said:

    ALRIGHT lot of systems/games to get thru here 

    Any Gameboy just assume a Pokemon game to go with it

    N64 - Ocarina of Time (Classic have to)

    GameCube - Supersmash bros melee (tight between this and Zelda Windwaker)

    Switch - Zelda BotW (I think you're getting the pattern here)

    Xbox - Destroy all humans

    Xbox 360 - Halo 3

    PS2 - Tony Hawks Proskater 2

    PS3 - Assassin's Creed 2 Brotherhood

    PS4 - Horizon Zero Dawn


    The why on these I'd like to think are pretty self explanatory if not tho, these def make the cut for some of the games I've put the most time into in each of their respective consoles.

    I agree with a lot of your choices! I'd also likely take a Pokemon game for each Gameboy iteration. I might consider taking Mario Kart 64 since I'd definitely take BotW for the Switch for my Zelda fix. GameCube I'd probably take Metroid Prime over Smash Bros. And I'd take Mario Party 10 for the Wii U and Super Mario Galaxy for the Wii. NES would be Super Mario Bros and SNES would probably be Donkey Kong Country. 

    I don't have strong feelings about the Xbox or PS bloodlines, I guess. Maybe KotOR for Xbox, and I'd agree with Halo 3 for 360. THPS2 is a solid choice for PS2 and I never played the following gens of PS but I'd probably take Spider-Man for the PS4 and play it for the first time. 

  7. 19 hours ago, Drezzuk/Nivalys said:

    Probably, say, 500 years in the future then? Find out if we actually become pod people or not.

    Hopefully our future is much more Star Trek and much less Wall-E IMO. Interesting choice opting for the unknown of the future though, most people go past (or present) with a question like that. 


    19 hours ago, Drezzuk/Nivalys said:

    Fictional worlds still follow the same rule: would love to visit Azeroth, would hate to be stuck there as an npc.

    Pros: infinite respawns. Cons: infinite deaths. :lol:


    19 hours ago, Drezzuk/Nivalys said:

    Maybe the world of pokemon then? If so, definitely starting in Newbarktown.

    Pokeworld is such a great choice. I have no idea what city or region I'd choose though, there's just so many great ones to choose from! I'd definitely want to travel a lot if I lived in Pokeworld. Then again, I want to travel a lot in our world too. Seems like it takes a lot less to travel in Pokeworld though if preteens have the means to wander entire regions and here I am a working adult and can barely afford a trip/vacation cross-country :lol:

  8. Hey! I'm Mordi aka Brad! We can be Brad bros! I call dibs on B. Rad though. 

    I was also terrrrrrrible when I started in TBC! We have so much in common :lol:

    I've never done flat roofing (or any roofing for that matter) but a buddy of mine has been doing it for over a decade and from the way he talks about it I can't imagine how anyone sticks with it. I certainly don't have the strength or fortitude to do a job like that.

    So you're chosen to be a part of a long-term study where you have limited access to electronics. You can play console video games as much as you want and you can bring any game and any number of games you want. The study has every console ever made available for you to use. However the catch is you're only allowed one game per console and once you choose the game for each console you can't change it for the duration of the study. What games and for what consoles do you choose and why?

    What's your absolute must-have food and/or beverage on the hottest of hot days? How about on the coldest of cold days?

    Look forward to hearing back from you and getting to know you, welcome to the SoH forums! Feel free to ask me any questions you might have!

  9. Hey there! Mordi here. I believe you were the new friend helping us PVP noobs get some World PVP quests done last night, yeah?

    Frost DK is a favorite of mine from a lore/flavor perspective. Are you excited for the return of 2H Frost? I'm finally getting around to finishing my Shadowmourne farm on my DK, I'm probably a week or two away still. I've had Shadow's Edge since WotLK but just never bothered to finish it up, now that I can transmog it I actually feel the incentive to get it done :lol: Grats on Invincible btw, I got super lucky and got mine in a relatively short number of runs. Still one of my favorite mounts. 

    What are some of your interests outside of WoW? What's your favorite "IRL" thing to do? 

    If you could live in any place at any point in history, when and where would you go and why? What if you included fictional worlds/times, would your answer change? 

    If the person who knows you best had to describe you and your personality to someone who had never met or seen you, what do you think they would say?

    Happy to have you here, feel free to hit me back with your own questions if you want! 

  10. 10 minutes ago, Kai said:

    We prepared, did our first pull of the night and managed to down him on our first try. The excitement over voice chat was nuts. I was hooked on raiding ever since then.

    What a great story, I love it. That feeling really is the best. It's amazing how those things can stick with you for so long. WoW was the first game that ever really gave me that feeling and that's probably why I'm still playing it some 13 years or so after I started. 


    12 minutes ago, Kai said:

    I pretty much just love hanging around with my daughter and doing whatever it is she wants to do at the time or introducing her to new things. It amazes me the things she picks up and learns only being 3.

    Dude, right? I can remember when my son was that age. It sounds weird but that time period was when I really started to see him as his own unique human being and not just an extension of me that I had to coddle and protect. I can remember when he started showing interest in things on his own, not just because it was what I liked (the Jake and the Neverland Pirates phase went on for far too long imo lol). Taking him to the zoo around that age is one of my favorite memories, just watching him absorb all the sights and sounds and just really take everything in for the first time. It's an amazing thing to watch. 


    16 minutes ago, Kai said:

    It also amazes me how incredibly sweet she can be one second and how much a pain in the butt she can be moments later lol.

    In my experience, this only grows more pronounced with age. :lol:


    17 minutes ago, Kai said:

    She has her own little kids tablet that has these simple learning games on it that i will play with her. She really enjoys them so i'm very much looking forward to playing games with her in the future. 

    We had a LeapPad. He loved it. It was definitely his favorite thing for a solid couple years. I don't think he quit playing it on a near daily basis until we got a Switch and he graduated to Super Mario Odyssey. Right now his biggest obsession is Minecraft. He would play Minecraft every hour of every day if I'd let him. I never got into Minecraft so I can't even really help him with that one but at this point he's more likely to be teaching me things than vice versa. It happens so fast, one day you wake up and your kid is smarter than you in a lot of ways. I knew it would happen, I just didn't know it would happen at 7 years old :lol:

  11. 12 hours ago, Kai said:

    I would love to have an unlimited supply of pulled pork from a local bbq place here. I could eat it every day.

    My local BBQ spot makes a pulled pork grilled mac & cheese and it's so good that I sometimes have dreams about it. Buttered Texas toast, melted cheese, a scoop of their made-in-house mac & cheese, and a pile of pulled pork. Cole slaw and fried green tomatoes on the side and a cold pint of a hazy IPA and it's good enough that if it was my last meal I'd look down on my empty corporeal husk and think "yeah, that was a good choice".

    So anyway, I'm Mordigrim, Mordi for short. Brad is also acceptable. I'm not picky. 

    I started playing in TBC and I also raided through most of Cata. I left raiding partially through Dragon Soul to focus on real life things, although to be honest I was probably a bit burnt out as well. What's your favorite raid or raiding memory from those early expansions? My favorite raiding memory is still clearing Heroic Lich King. A group of friends and myself left a toxic guild that had hit a wall and couldn't get through the encounter and formed our own 10-man guild. It took a lot of work but downing it felt epic, it was such a great in-game story and encounter and the vindication we as players felt of doing it on our own without the toxic people we left behind was awesome. I still wear "Bane of the Fallen King" as my title more often than not. That group would mostly end up going our separate ways for various reasons and that's when I landed in SoH. SoH has been my home since mid-T11, even after I left raiding the community here kept me around. 

    Gaming with a kid in the house can be a challenge! I have a 7 year-old son and I can't even tell you how often I'll be mid-dungeon or at a pivotal point in a BG or something when he suddenly needs my attention :lol: Just last night I was in the middle of a Horrific Vision with Esta and Malovo and sure enough, the kiddo had gotten the orange juice out of the fridge and was crying because he couldn't get it open and he needed orange juice right away. The in-game follow feature has bailed me out several times now lol. He's starting gaming himself now which can be fun, he played WoW for the first time a little while ago and so far his favorite thing is being driven around in my Mechano-Hog. It's the little things, I guess. What are some of your favorite things to do with your kiddo? 

    You're setting out on a fantasy adventure to save the world from a big bad evil guy and their legion of minions. You can bring two people with you. One must be a real person but can be from any point in history, you have the capability to pluck them from any point in time to join your party. The other must be a fictional character but can be from any fictional work of your choice. Who are your two adventuring partners and why?

    Look forward to getting to know you, feel free to hit me back with any questions you might have!

  12. 1 hour ago, orokkevalo said:

    First of all, I would like to eat all of these right now, especially the lox bagel because that is the food of my people (literally but also figuratively :D). I'd love your fried chicken recipe if it's available, I could use some serious comfort food. Or the gumbo. I'm really hungry rn. But I do enjoy cooking and fried chicken I've only made once, and I definitely want to try it again. I also really love that one of these is actually for your wife, that's extremely sweet :love:.

    Ok so I don't really use recipes for anything outside of baking. I kind of have guidelines, I guess? Learning to cook was just hanging out in the kitchen with mom/grandma and just helping and watching what they did, there wasn't a written recipe for most meals. I can give you tips and tricks but I don't really have a recipe to share. 

    Tips for fried chicken: 
    Use peanut oil to fry in (assuming you don't have an allergy). It's the most neutral tasting frying oil imo so you taste the chicken and spices and not the oil. I use a big Dutch oven for frying and keep my oil temped at about 325, allowing it to rise back to 325 between pulling one batch and dropping the next.
    I like to "marinate" my chicken in a mix of buttermilk, dijon mustard, and cayenne or chipotle pepper (depending on my mood). Overnight is best but in a pinch you can let it sit for as little as 2 hours. 
    When it's time to fry, I have three bowls of stuff to make breading. First bowl is flour (unbleached, all-purpose), baking powder, kosher salt, ground black pepper, cayenne pepper, garlic powder, smoked paprika, dried oregano, and whatever other dried herbs/spices I'm feeling that day. Sometimes I sub chipotle powder for cayenne, sometimes I add rosemary and thyme, it really varies. Second bowl is a beat egg, buttermilk, and dijon mustard (sometimes I add a shot of Tabasco chipotle sauce here too). Third bowl is flour, salt, baking powder, and panko or plain bread crumbs. 
    Each piece goes from bowls 1-3 straight into the oil. Don't overcrowd, should be about a fingers width between each piece. Pull it when it's golden brown and then I use a cookie rack with paper towels under it to drain the excess oil. Probe for temp, if it's not 165 I just put it on a cookie sheet in the oven at 325 to finish cooking while I do the next batch.

    Tips for gumbo:
    Start here: https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/alton-brown/shrimp-gumbo-recipe-1946875
    Alton Brown's Good Eats episode on gumbo has some great tips (like baking the roux while you prep everything else, baking a brick roux is so easy and has changed my life for the better). If you can find the video, check it out.
    I use more vegetables than Alton Brown. My initial mix that goes into the roux is usually onion, celery, carrot, bell pepper, and jalapenos. I also don't add my garlic right away, I usually add it just a bit before adding the tomatoes and stuff to avoid it going bitter while the other veggies are being cooked down. 
    My wife doesn't do seafood so I usually skip the shrimp broth and make a chicken stock instead. I usually use the meat from a whole chicken and a couple links of andouille sausage as my protein in the gumbo and saute some shrimp for myself on the side to toss into my own bowl. 
    If I remember correctly, Alton advises against using both okra and file powder. I disagree. I add okra when I add my tomatoes and spices and then add file powder to taste to each bowl. 
    The best gumbo side in my opinion is cornbread. More specifically, cheesy jalapeno cornbread. I do cheat here and use Jiffy mix. Two boxes of Jiffy corn muffin mix, one can of cream corn, minced jalapenos, and thick shredded cheddar. Bake per the instructions on the mix, super easy and so good.


    2 hours ago, orokkevalo said:

    but also dryyyyyyyy and I am a human skin desert, so winter is an exercise in how fast I can tear through moisturizers.

    Saaaame. Whenever Bath & Body Works has a sale I stock up on shea body creams to survive the cold months :lol:

  13. 1 hour ago, orokkevalo said:

    Jean Ralphio (bonus points if you get the reference ;))

    I would like my bonus points now as I'm well aware of one of the funniest characters on P&R. April/Andy are my favorites but the Sapersteins are all absolutely hilarious as foils/antagonists for Tom.


    1 hour ago, orokkevalo said:

    can you imagine an aggressively needy raccoon who howls a lot?

    I think I am an aggressively needy raccoon who howls a lot some days. 


    1 hour ago, orokkevalo said:

    Do you have any pets, raccoon or otherwise?

    We have two dogs. Both mutts. One is German shepherd/pitbull mix named Ragnar who is super lovey and needs affection and pets at all times. The other is a black lab/blue heeler mix named Boyd who kinda has the personality of the average house-cat. He loves attention but only on his terms and when he's in the mood for it, he hates rain and walking on wet ground/snow, and absolutely positively must have a blanket or pillow available for lounging at all times. 


    2 hours ago, orokkevalo said:

    Okay, this is a gimme for me because there's no competition in my mind- Harry Potter all the way. I'm actually planning to get a small HP-themed tattoo once I can go out in the world again. Life's too short, amirite? As for a book series that everyone should read, that one is tougher. I could answer HP again, because I really love it and believe everyone should read it, but that seems like a cop-out. So I'd have to go with the Golden Compass series. It's just a really good kids' series that deals with complex ideas and doesn't patronize a child's mind. I read a LOT as a kid and I always loved a story that had depth to it, and so I read a lot of adult fiction in addition to stuff for my age.

    I love Harry Potter! I have all the books, grew up reading them (Sorcerer's Stone was given to me in 6th grade and Deathly Hallows came out when I was about 20 so I was just the right age for peak Potter fandom), and have been trying to get my 7yo started on them (without being overly pushy about it because I don't want him to be like "ugh Dad I'm not reading your dumb wizard books"). When my son was born he was in the NICU and we were encouraged to read short stories to him when we weren't able to hold him so he could hear our voices and feel our presence and the book I took with me to read to him was Tales of Beedle the Bard. I think I would definitely be a Hufflepuff (I'd like to think loyalty, kindness, and tolerance are traits I exemplify on my best days). 

    I've never read the Golden Compass series but I should! I liked the movie and have thoroughly enjoyed the HBO series so far (I have only watched the first three episodes). I think you've inspired me to add the books to bookshelf sometime soon.


    2 hours ago, orokkevalo said:

    What's your favorite non-electronic thing to do?

    Disc golf. Even when I'm not gaming I'm still doing what might be the nerdiest of outdoor activities. There's a collecting aspect to it as well and I dye discs too so there's also an art outlet for me in it. I also volunteer every summer at a camp for kids with type 1 diabetes (I have t1d and was a camper at the camp as a kid, my wife was a camper there too that's how we met) and that's super important to me. Oh and there's my Pathfinder (think Dungeons & Dragons if you're not familiar) hobby. My Pathfinder group also plays lots of board games and occasionally Magic the Gathering as well. I have a lot of interests, I guess. 


    2 hours ago, orokkevalo said:

    If you had to pick 5 foods to eat for the rest of your life, what would they be and why? Condiments don't count.

    Southern fried buttermilk chicken. It's my go-to comfort food, it reminds me of being a kid and visiting grandma's house for dinner, and it's probably one of the first things I learned to cook myself. 
    Gumbo. I. Love. Gumbo. Again, total comfort food. It also takes me several hours to prep and cook and it becomes an all-day activity for me and I find the process of making it very meditative/therapeutic. 
    Chicken Pad Thai (preferably from my local spot, Chim's Thai Kitchen). I can't not include at least one Asian dish of some sort and of all my Asian favorites Chim's Pad Thai is probably my most favorite. 
    Lox and everything bagel sandwich. I feel like I need to include a breakfast meal on this list and if I had to pick just one this would be it. 
    Chicken Alfredo. It's my wife's favorite food and I'd be heartbroken if I couldn't make it for her/us anymore. 

    Full disclosure, if I answered this question again tomorrow it might be an entirely different five answers :lol:


    2 hours ago, orokkevalo said:

    If a chaotic neutral wizard cast a spell over the world so that everyone immediately turned into an animal, what would you become?

    Bear. Bears are my favorite animal. I've always called them my spirit animal. I love bears so much. I love the way they look, I love the way they lumber around, and I love the idea of hibernating through the winter and just skipping to spring. Plus my wife says I'm basically Fozzie Bear already so there's that. 


    2 hours ago, orokkevalo said:

    Hit me if you've got more! This is fun :D

    I'm drawing a blank right now but I might come up with more for you later. Hopefully some other folks pop in over the next few days and say hello as well!

  14. Evil Dead 2 is easily my favorite of the genre too. It's the perfect balance of classic horror and dark humor. I love everything about it. 

    I'll definitely check the podcast out, I'll queue it up Monday when I'm back at work. 

    However, don't go praising my tastes too much just yet. Yes, I absolutely love all those things. But I also unironically love things like Katy Perry, rom-coms, the color pink, and I'm super into Bath & Body Works scents. I have a wide variety of interests :lol:

  15. Hey there, Jocelyn!

    I'm Mordigrim. Also Brad. Sometimes Mordi. Rarely Bradly. Occasionally Bardly. You can choose whatever one you like (or make up your own) and run with it, I'm not picky. 

    If you're looking for a guild full of cool people you might be disappointed. Speaking for myself, I certainly trend more toward being a nerd than being cool :lol:

    Tell me more about your half-bengal cats! How many do you have? What are their names? What are their personalities like? How long have you had them? Why half-bengals? 

    What are some of your favorite book series? What is the one book series everyone should absolutely read at least once?

    If you had to choose one famous (or infamous) person or fictional character as a role-model for the way you'd like to live your life, who would it be and why?

  16. 15 hours ago, Barius said:

    I think we may have, if you love 80's horror movies as well it may even be triple best friends (and I'd have a podcast recommendation too haha).

    Triple best friends, it is. Evil Dead 2, Friday the 13th Part 3, The Thing, The Shining, Hellraiser, A Nightmare on Elm Street, Pet Sematary, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Halloween (yes I know those last two were 70's lol) are all favorites of mine. I'm a sucker for nostalgia flicks in general but classic horror specifically is definitely a favorite of mine. 

    What's the podcast rec? I'm always looking for new podcasts to get me through the work day. 

  17. 1 hour ago, Barius said:

    FYI fire will be involved so please plan accordingly.

    Fel fire, I hope.


    1 hour ago, Barius said:

    how is 2E Pathfinder compared to D&D rules/complexity/ease of picking up? (I've heard 1E Pathfinder is quite a curve).

    I haven't played 5E, I'm only tangentially aware of the ruleset from listening to podcasts that play 5E. I think if 1E Pathfinder is a 10 out of 10 on the complexity scale, 5E is probably a 4 or 5 and 2E Pathfinder is probably a 6. Still more complex than 5E but significantly easier to pickup than 1E Pathfinder. But again, I haven't personally played 5E so I may be off on that scale. 


    1 hour ago, Barius said:

    my favorite by far is old school punk (Black Flag (Henry Rollins Era), Dead Kennedys, Melvins, Misfits).

    Did we just become double best friends? Here's my beloved battle vest (that's a Suicidal Tendencies patch hiding under a fold on the front lower right). Some patches I still need to add are Fugazi and Descendents, then probably some Rocksteady stuff if I can find it. I'd like to add a Toots & The Maytals patch if I find one that matches the aesthetic, otherwise I may just settle for a Trojan Records patch. Might also paint some checkers on somewhere. It's a neverending work in progress.

  18. Hello there, new friend!

    You can call me Mordigrim or Brad, I answer to either. Mordi also works. If you fancy your own variation, that probably works too. 

    I see that you are maining a Warlock. That means we are automatically best friends. You have no choice in the matter. 

    Ok so first let's talk D&D. Are you playing 5E? What's your current race/class? I'm a Pathfinder player. Currently still playing 1E Pathfinder in two ongoing campaigns, my main is a Lizardfolk Barbarian at the moment. I've started buying 2E Pathfinder books too, it's a bit more streamlined and not as crunchy as 1E so I'm hoping to teach it to my 7yo son. He's been vaguely interested in my Pathfinder hobby for a while but after seeing the movie Onward recently he has decided he's all in and wants to play a fantasy RPG. I'm definitely looking forward to it. 

    You mentioned music. What kind of music? Are you a multi-genre person or do you have a favorite genre? If you could see any three bands/artists (alive or dead and from any point in history) in one night at a show who would you pick and why?

    You're transformed into a tree. You can be any kind of tree. Your roots can be placed in any place in the world but as a tree you can't make the choice to move at any point. You're a magical tree that can see, hear, smell, and perceive the world around you but you can't speak, communicate, or otherwise interact with your surroundings (aside from natural tree things like growing limbs/roots, dropping seeds/leaves, etc). Tell me about your new home and life as a tree. 

  19. 10 hours ago, Sojusaur said:

    (if you can't tell I'm a lil' hoity toity about most canned stuff lololol, plus I think the process of learning to make new things is really fun)

    I'm 100% with you on that. I much prefer making things myself and any time I can make something from scratch instead of buying pre-made, I do. I love learning new techniques and recipes, experimenting is half the fun. I also find making things I know and am comfortable with to be almost meditative in a way. Making a dough by hand or chopping lots of vegetables or making a good roux are all things I can get lost in, sometimes I just put on some good music and zen out making food. 


    10 hours ago, Sojusaur said:

    For WoW, I'm really torn between like Jade Forest, Valley of the Four Winds, Vale (when it was pretty!~), or WoD Shadowmoon Valley, Grizzly Hills, Goldshire, or Eversong Woods.

    Can I get the Grizzly Hills soundtrack to play on my farm if I choose there? Because that might be enough to change my answer :lol:


    10 hours ago, Sojusaur said:

    I haven't heard Perfect Day before, it's amazing!

    I had to look up Hay Fever and found it pretty haunting because one of the last lyrics he sang was "October the 5th you took your last breath" and I noticed he died like October 16th when I was looking them up, so I was like oooo freaky. 

    I'm glad you liked Perfect Day! I love turning people on to Dem Atlas. His music is super catchy and fun to sing along to and he's super energetic and charismatic live. He was also incredibly friendly and humble the couple times I met him after a show. Great great artist all-around imo.

    The song "Hay Fever" was written about the day Micheal (Eyedea) had to have his dog put down, it is an interesting and macabre coincidence that he also died in October (the lines "winter takes the warm away, spring takes the cold away/summer takes the rain away and fall took away my friend" are certainly quite haunting with that knowledge). It hits me in the feels every time, I think if you listen to the lyrics again knowing it's about his dog it has a whole new emotional impact. There's a few lines that conclude with "but I don't need you out there somewhere if I have you in my thoughts" that are both super sad and also weirdly comforting to me. It also reminds me of another Eyedea song, "Here For You", and specifically these lyrics:

    I see the beauty of it all, and it feels like a dream
    And at that time I appreciate the rivers course
    Some call it God, reality, momentum, force
    I stare up at the naked moon, and she stares down at me
    Outside false boundaries I’m all I look outward to see
    The universe is not something separate from yourself
    I know you feel alone, but that's why I'm here to help
    I know you feel alone, but just look up at the stars
    And everything that is out there is what you really are

    Eyedea was such a beautiful writer. I miss him as much as one can miss someone they never personally knew, it's weird how you can feel so connected to someone through their art. 

  20. 7 hours ago, Sojusaur said:

    I would make chicken parmesan with the pasta+sauce made from scratch. I chose this dish because when my fiance was in military college, he would have to live on campus during the week and sneak out on the weekends, and every Sunday evening before he went back, I would cook chicken parmesan (with a shitton of mozzarella on top, mm mmm mmm). 

    I love this answer because it's kinda similar to what my answer would be. I would have to pick chicken Alfredo because it's my wife's favorite dish and it's something I make for her as a pick-me-up whenever she has a rough day at work or is just feeling down and it always brings us both some happiness. It's the ultimate comfort food for us. I love making my own sauce (people don't seem to realize how easy Alfredo is or how much better fresh homemade Alfredo is than canned!) but I have to admit I don't make my own noodles. My back-up plan if it was a baking-only competition or something would be cheesecake. Sometimes for family events I make a cheesecake with Oreo crust and sour cream topping and my family just goes crazy for it, it takes a while to make a proper cheesecake but the results are well worth it in my opinion.


    7 hours ago, Sojusaur said:

    1. Bearded Vultures

    2. Philippine Eagles 

    3. Kiwi

    I love how much thought you put into this! I had to Google Philippine Eagles to see what they looked like and their tuft of feathers on their head reminds me of the Muppets in the most adorable way, I love it.


    7 hours ago, Sojusaur said:

    My dream farm would be on the lush, green side of WA state or British Columbia, in a valley with the mountains in the background and close to water for fishing, because I love the mountains and it would be amazing to see them every day, plus it being lush and stuff I won't have to worry much about droughts happening very often. 


    I wouldn't mind being in the Pokemon world and being a pokefarmer, and assuming I won't get mcfucked in the fictional worlds, I wouldn't mind the Shire, Asgard, WoW, or My Hero Academia (having a quirk would be baller). I'll have to think real hard about which I would choose if I could choose any of these lol, I can't decide! T_T

    I've always told my wife if I could pack our family up and leave our lives behind for any place I'd take us to Scotland and live in the foggy Highlands raising Highland cattle (I just love their early 2000's Patrick Stump hairdos to be honest). I've never been to northwest US/southwest Canada but I can totally picture the aesthetic in my head. What would be your favorite fish to fish for on your dream farm? I do a lot of largemouth bass fishing where I live now, I imagine on my dream Scottish farm I'd probably be fishing for trout. 

    If I could pick a fictional world (and also not get mcfucked lol) I'd choose Pandaria. But the Shire and Pokeworld (not sure which region, I'd have to think about that) are excellent suggestions. 


    7 hours ago, Sojusaur said:

    Positive: When Two Are One - Atreyu

    Negative: Rush Over Me - Seven Lions/ILLENIUM/Said the Sky/HALIENE

    Neutral: Wicked Games - The Weeknd

    Atreyu and The Weeknd? You get a solid A+ on this answer. I didn't know the other song so I pulled it up on Spotify and it's great too. Excellent choices all around. I think my choices might change day-to-day but right now they'd be something like this:
    Positive: "Perfect Day" by Dem Atlas (very tough to decide between that and "Sunshine" by Atmosphere)
    Negative: "Hay Fever" by Eyedea and Abilities (also considered "The Hammer" by Kublai Khan TX but decided my negative moods are more often related to sadness than anger)
    Neutral: "Everlong" by the Foo Fighters (this choice could/would certainly change every day, maybe even several times a day)


    7 hours ago, Sojusaur said:

    What is your favorite type of cuisine?

    Today? Thai noodles/stir-fry sounds great. Yesterday? I probably would have said Southern comfort food. Tomorrow? I might decide I like Jamaican jerk chicken better than any other food in the world. My tastes are varied and my favorites change often. Some of the staples for me are American Chinese (we have a regional variation of cashew chicken around here that I could eat my weight in every day and never get sick of it and who doesn't love fried wontons, crab rangoon, and pot stickers?), Southern comfort food (fried chicken, fried okra, corn fritters, fried pickles, jalapeno corn bread, oh my I'm getting hungry), and BBQ (mostly KC and St. Louis influenced around here, sweet tomato-based sauces, burnt ends, ribs, pork steaks, etc). My wife's favorite is Italian so that's also on heavy rotation around here. My favorite thing that I cook myself is probably gumbo. I swear the only real answer to your question is "all of them."


    7 hours ago, Sojusaur said:

    If you could identify with one fictional character, who would it be?

    Macho Man Randy Savage. https://youtu.be/8C4lK41SX-Q

    He wore the best clothes, had the best catchphrases, and even when he wasn't making any sense at all he made people believe in him with his energy level alone. 

    Edit: my wife says the real answer to this question is Fozzie Bear, for his terrible jokes and general demeanor (she also suggested that when I'm cranky I'm more of an Earl Sinclair from the Dinosaurs). 


    7 hours ago, Sojusaur said:

    If you could reincarnate as any animal, what would you choose and why?

    Bear. Big ol' grizzly bear. I just love bears so much. I'd just lumber around, not really afraid of anything, munch on some salmon maybe, sleep for months at a time, and generally just be all fat and snuggly. Bird would be a close second, just to be able to fly. 


  21. Hello there, Soju! 

    I'm Mordigrim. I also answer to Mordi. Or Mord. Or also sometimes I'm called Brad. You're welcome to choose the one you prefer and I'll roll with it. You can probably even make your own variation and I'm still likely to answer to it. 

    Ok so you're going to have to answer some questions. They're super duper serious.

    You're asked to tryout for a cooking show and you have to cook or bake the dish from your repertoire that your friends or family enjoy the most. What do you make and why, who is it you're thinking of when you pick the dish?

    What are your top three favorite birds that aren't chickens, ducks, or geese and what makes them great? 

    If you could choose any location in the world for your dream farm and travelling to visit the people you care about wasn't an issue, where would you go and why? What if you could include fictional worlds or locations, would your answer change?

    If you could choose three songs to be played when you enter a room depending on your mood/tone (one positive, one negative, one neutral), what would you pick?

    Happy to have you here and getting to know SoH and I look forward to reading your responses! Feel free to hit me back with questions of your own! 

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